Chereads / Overwatch: Rise of Rose / Chapter 86 - The Comeback

Chapter 86 - The Comeback

I was doing constant checks to make sure that we were indeed safe against the omnics here. Somehow, there were no patrols coming this way, even though I was sure they knew we were here. Logically, this was the way they saw us head so that was cause for investigation.

Nevertheless, I didn't question it out loud as I didn't want to jinx us. However, I was sure that a certain noise was bound to blow our cover. Entering a room, I watch in mild amusement as Torbjorn argues with the remaining engineers as they struggle to fix the bugs remotely on the heron.

I move out of the way as Chase enters the room too, heading straight for Torbjorn.

"I take it that your work isn't going so well?" She asks him.

"I'm getting there." He says. Immediately as those words leave his mouth we can see a red exclamation point appear on his screen with a brief buzzing noise. He sighs in frustration while muttering, "Eventually."

"What part is the problem?" I ask actually curious.

"My part, the turrets, aren't compatible with her part, the heron siege portion. They malfunction every time we turn it on." He says, eager to point out her mistakes.

"Do you think you might want to consider getting further assistance?" Chase suggests.

He averts his gaze to his pad, "No. These fine young minds and I are all that's needed for this."

It's clear to everyone that he's avoiding the topic that Chase was referring to but no one tries to call him out on it, but her.

"You do realize that if that heron siege isn't up, our chances of escape get exponentially lower. Now you have the option now of condemning all of us along with the fine, young minds over whatever principles you have. Or you could suck up your pride and ask her for help. I'm really not the one to be saying this, but our survival rests on your shoulders. Do what you have to do." After speaking, Chase walks away, confident that he'll make the right decision. 

Torbjorn sighs as his attention never leaves the pad. Grumbling to himself as the check fails once again, he brings out his communication device. He pauses for a second before turning to us.

"Out, out." He says shooing us out the door. Still able to sense him from beyond the door, I can see him still hesitate before making the call. Satisfied that events are playing out how they are supposed to, I decide to get some sleep before the final defense. Finding a comfortable spot within the mansion, it doesn't take long for me to douse off.


A sudden deep chilling wind sends a shiver through my body, as I wake up slightly dazed. Pulling out my phone, I see its 0458 hours, just before Torbjorn fixes the heron siege. Stretching, I make my way to the door, to see some soldiers already have heard the news and gathered. After a minute, Jack and Chase arrive so we begin to head out back to Spadina Park. 

On the way there, the nervousness on the soldiers' faces weren't missed, as they were unsure of the mission's success, much less their survival. Within minutes, we arrive back at the wreckage of the building we were in. Surprisingly, the engineers announced that the heron siege was fine, with just some dents in certain areas. 

Torbjorn assured us that it would only take 15 minutes for the heron siege to activate. As they proceeded to turn on the heron siege, uneasiness was present on everyone's faces as they scanned the surroundings for traces of the Titan. As the heron siege began to clank and churn on, a distant thudding in the distance alerted all of us.

Two blocks over, we could see the Titan making its way towards us. Down the street, Bastions came from the surrounding buildings as they slowly shuffled at us. Ignoring the Bastions, everyone focused their firepower on the Titan once again. Of course, it was all for naught as nothing we had could even dent the machine. It continued towards us, uncaring for the bullets and rockets that harmlessly exploded on it's body. As the soldiers began to panic, I got a sense of deja vu from yesterday. 

Just how did they manage to hold for 15 minutes against a machine they couldn't touch when we're about to fail the mission in the first two minutes. Taking a deep breath, I decide to intervene. If that stratoscopter doesn't pick us up, it would be a long, cold walk for me back to the base. 

Nodding at S3bastian, who nods back, I jump from behind the cover I was using and start sprinting down the street. S3bastian ran along beside me on the left. Bullets whiz past us as S3bastian brings up the assault rifle and returns fire. Bodies of Bastions fall as he heads towards our target. The Titan. 

"We just need to distract it for 12 minutes." I call out to him. 

"Roger, roger." He says before splitting off to go on its left side. 

The Titan recognizes us as threats, it turns towards me, as if thinking I was the easier of the two to deal with. The turrets on its waist begin whirling as bullets fly from them at insane speeds. For the next couple of seconds, the shrill ping of metal striking metal echoes throughout the street as I rapidly deflect bullets that come at me. 

The soldiers watch the display in amazement from down the street. Chase understands what I'm doing as hope reignites in her. This was their chance, all they needed was for the heron siege to activate. 

"Let him focus on the Titan, we'll clear the rest for him." She calls. The soldiers prioritize the Bastions that attempt to come up behind me. While I'm deflecting, I can feel the hope rising from each soldier as the desperation for this mission to succeed is present. 

As the Titan continues firing on me, a blue explosion on its chest causes it to stop firing and turn to the left. S3bastian waves at it, then begins to hop to the next building. The seconds of it being distracted provide me with enough time to clear the distance between us. Jumping from one of its legs to the other, I jump up, swinging my katana as it slices cleanly through one of the barrels on its mini gun turret on its waist. 

Noticing the damage I've done, the Titan swings in an attempt to shake me off of it. Not really fazed by its attempts, I slide down it's leg back to the pavement. Jumping out of the way, I dodge its foot as it tries to crush me. Rolling on my back, I pull out my pistol and take aim. One shot ring out, and the rest of the turret explodes, lurching the Titan back as the turret I cut on its waist falls off.

Pieces of burning metal fall around me, as I smile, satisfied with my work. Suddenly, an alarm resounds through the city attracting the attention of everyone. The heron siege beeps three times, then begins to transform. A beacon arises, with multiple turrets appear out of its side. The heron siege turns to face the Titan who regains its stance. 

The heron fires off multiple rockets that explode into the Titan. Parts and melted metal fall off the Titan like blood and guts as it stumbles a bit, causing me to back away from it, before taking aim and firing back at the heron. The missile pauses right at the heron siege as a familiar electric field appears catching it. 

Looking at Torbjorn, who winks at me, we watch as the missile slowly turns and returns the missile back at the Titan. The heron siege continues firing at the Titan who makes a noise that it shouldn't, as it falls to the ground. 

The soldiers begin cheering as the heron siege begins clearing out the remaining Bastions in the area. Returning to the rest of them, I hear Chase's communication device begin to beep. 

"This is Silent Boy. There are no bogies on the radar, we're comin in for a landing."

Chase turns to the rest of the men, "We're going home." She announces, which sends everyone into more cheers. The stratoscopter lands, and we hurry in as no one wanted to be here a second longer. As the aircraft begins the flight home, S3bastian says,

"I can't wait to try that moose with you guys."

[A/N: Sorry for not posting this week, I was terribly sick and could only manage to write this one and the other chapter for my other book. I owe you guys two chapters that will be released next week as I'm still not feeling well.]

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