Back in the camp…
Bolts of purple and blue lightning could be seen shooting through the air joining the bellowing of flames and rising smoke as Taskforce Vanguard and elements of the 92nd Infantry Division were making the valiant effort in taking the rest of the camp and combating the Hydra reinforcements. While the tanks were taken care of, the armored vehicles and soldiers armed with the Hydra energy weapons were still an issue. Thankfully some help came in the strange form of people with abilities much like Superman though they definitely weren't native to the timeline, not that anyone other than Clark knew that.
Arthur led Webb, Diggle, and Solange and a squad of men towards the north end of the camp where the SS headquarters was located along with the SS housing to make sure that they cleared the camp and that no one had a car hiding and would slip away. Whatever chaos and craziness was going on now could provide an excellent method for someone to slip away unnoticed so they wanted to make sure that no one did. They took cover behind the corner of a building and Webb peaked his head out before quickly pulling back to avoid the laser blast that nearly hit him in the head.
"Bollocks, that was close." Webb said as some Hydra soldiers grouped up with SS soldiers and formed a makeshift barricade at the headquarters with what weapons they had. A sort of Alamo-like kind of defense and situation. Once the SS and Hydra soldiers saw the Taskforce and Americans trying to advance and kept them pinned down with energy blasts and gunfire.
"They are dug in their tight." Arthur noted and everyone agreed. "Fireteam, get ready!"
The soldiers with the bazookas nodded and got to load them when Diggle looked up and saw the burning man flying in. "Incoming!"
Everyone ducked down and covered their heads as Firestorm flew above and launched a fireball at the cover, blowing it up and sending the Germans through the air. He then banked to the right and served back to the building as the SS and Hydra soldiers he didn't hit fired at him but he was flying too fast for them to get a good shot and they were likely still freaking out at the flying burning man. Freaked out enough for Firestorm to fly by for another fireball barrage before he flew away.
"That works for us. Let's go." Solange said and everyone moved forward.
Elsewhere, Hydra soldiers were being gunned down one by one curtsey of Captain Hunter and Ava as they moved from cover to cover over to the prisoner barracks. One SS soldier aimed a Panzerfaust at them only for a gust of wind to hit him when he pressed the trigger causing him to miss. Zari then rushed over and punched him in the face before summoning another powerful gust of wind and sent more soldiers flying. She joined Captain Hunter and Ava as they provided covering fire against the reinforcements while the rescue team sent to the barracks helped the prisoners. They were given sniper cover curtsey of Daniel Take-Yatsu and Polina Petrova from their watchtower. A group of SS soldiers flanked around and aimed at some of the soldiers only for the Atom, who had shrunk down to mini-size, flew over and hit them one by one. They were sent flying around before the Atom flew back over and enlarged himself when he landed next to Sara Lance who was fighting some Hydra soldiers with her bo-staff which she split into her two fighting sticks. Precise strikes and disarms were her signature as she moved with deadly precision and took down her opponents. Atom covered her back from gunfire and knocked out a SS soldier with a right hook before taking out another with an uppercut and then blasted him with his gauntlets before flying away. There he saw Steel punch one of the Maschinensoldaten or as Jax dubbed them Proto-Metallos when the other grabbed his arms from behind, trapping him. This allowed the other Proto-Metallo to punch him repeatedly in the face so Atom flew down and shrunk into the chest plate of the Proto-Metallo where he shrunk the Kryptonite until it was nothing more than a pebble and took it with him when he left. With it no longer powering the suit, the Maschinensoldaten's kryptonite laser powered down and when Atom flew out and enlarged, he blasted it in the chest plate with his energy blasts. Steel pulled himself free and punched the Proto-Metallo in the faceplate and then in the chest piece where he ripped the Kryptonite out. Atom then blasted the Maschinensoldaten in the faceplate before Steel grabbed it by the arm and threw him into a building. He tossed up the Kryptonite and the Atom blasted it to dust.
"Nice throw." Atom praised.
"Thanks, man and thanks for the assist." Steel said and the two did a quick bro-hug. "How upset do you think Mick's going to be for missing all this?"
"Spending time with his daughter is among his favorite things…and working with Snart to cause Barry some grief but he will be upset. We'll need to prepare a lot of beer." Atom suggested.
Something moving at incredible speed flew past them and they thought it was Clark but once they saw it was flying and generating Lightning then they saw it was the male Stormfront…who was holding onto Clark. The two traded punches with Stormfront flying up, using his advantage of flight. Clark's eyes glowed red as he was ready to unleash his heat vision only for Stormfront to grab his face and dig his fingers into his eyes.
"ARGH!" Clark's screams echoed out over the camp and Stormfront dug his fingers into his eyes but one good shot to the kidney's cause him to stop. Clark's eyes were bleeding a little but quickly healed back to normal before he clapped Stormfront on both ears causing some serious discombobulation. He further capitalized on the opportunity as with Stormfront discombobulated Clark was able to tackle him back to the ground while repeatedly punching him in the face.
Atom and Steel covered their heads as Clark and Stormfront's landing kicked up some debris. Clark was quick to capitalize on his advantage as he picked Stormfront up and then tackled him through a building, the impact and destruction caused it to collapse a few moments later.
"Wow, this Superman really doesn't hold back like the one we knew." Atom remarked. "I mean I knew that when he used his heat vision to kill the Hydra soldiers but still."
"Well, when you're trained as a soldier then it changes thing. Though with what we saw of the possible future if Thawne succeeds in killing Superman and that Compound V stuff getting out then I'd say this is a small price to pay." Steel pointed out when he saw the two Maschinensoldaten get back up. Even without the Kryptonite powering their suits they were still enhanced by the Blockbuster serum but not impossible to take down. "Ready for round 2?"
"Oh yeah." The Atom shrunk back down and flew forward, blasting the Proto-Metallos with some energy blasts as Steel leapt forward with a flying clothesline on one of them. While they were fighting, the rubble of a collapsed factory seemed to explode before a lightning blur raced away but it wasn't retreating as it began racing around at incredible speed.
Bishop was thrown through the air towards Psylocke who flipped over him with some impressive agility as she unsheathed her sword and attacked. Klara blocked the sword with her arms and tried to punch or grab Psylocke but kept missing. Psylocke spun under a punch and infused some of her psychic aura into her katana before making a lateral cut followed by a quick vertical cut and rolled to the side for distance. Stormfront held her left side in pain and looked down to see a small cut in her suit which was bleeding but then felt blood trickle down her right cheek and felt a cut there as well. A cut on her perfection.
The indignity couldn't stand.
"You slant-eyed bitch!" Stormfront shouted in anger and she blitzed forward at super speed but before she actually moved Psylocke threw a psi-bolt at her. Psylocke's telepathy let her know what Stormfront was going to do so she acted quickly and rolled to the right and threw a psi-bolt. When Stormfront blitzed forward she was hit with the psi-bolt and stumbled. She turned around and quickly leaned back to avoid a cut to the face before swerving to avoid a lunge and grabbed Psylocke by the neck and squeezed. Psylocke tried to break free and all the female Stormfront did was look on in demented glee. "I'm gonna enjoy this."
"So am I." Psylocke spoke back in German before her eyes glowed purple with a purple butterfly-like aura appearing around her head.
[High-pitched ringing]
"AAAAHH!" Stormfront grabbed her head in pain as it felt like something was searing into her brain.
Bishop stood up and saw Psylocke had Stormfront in a psychic stranglehold and was going to help her end this when he heard a loud boom and saw Superman return. Clark still had the male Stormfront in his grasp from his tackle who was punching his back and sides to try and get free. He then grabbed Clark by the neck and fell backward, taking him to the ground and getting into the mount position where he proceeded to strangle him. With Superman being stronger, Stormfront released a torrent of lightning through his hands as well to make it hurt and give him the edge. Clark screamed in pain but didn't let up as his eyes soon glowed red and he unleashed a burst of heat vision.
"ARGH!" Stormfront stumbled back and the right side of his face with his hands. Clark got back to his feet and saw Stormfront pull his hands away to reveal that the right side of his face had been severely burnt. No longer looking like the perfect specimen of Germanic perfection. "You insolent American DOG! I WILL PISS ON YOUR CORPSE!"
Stormfront unleashed a torrent of lightning only for Bishop to get in the path and absorb all the lightning. His veins glowed purple as he absorbed the energy before firing a powerful energy blast at the Stormfront and knocked him back. "Superman, care to give me a toss?" Bishop asked and Clark nodded.
"Hang on." Clark grabbed him from behind and spun around before he let go. Bishop flew forward and tackled Stormfront, digging a path in the ground as the mutant let out energy-infused punches on Stormfront. Each punch came with a satisfying sense of vindication and well-deserved pride for Bishop, a black man being able to pummel a literal Nazi and a rather despicable one at that. After the 15th consecutive punch, the energy Bishop had absorbed began to dim from constant use in the punching so Stormfront pushed him up into the air with his super strength. While he was physically weaker than Superman, he was stronger than Bishop. In a fit of rage, he flew up and grabbed Bishop by the neck before flying back down and slamming him in the ground. Clark blitzed forward punched Stormfront in the face, knocking him off Bishop and the two attacked the Nazi together. Clark came in with a punch to the face and blocked a counter while Bishop punched Stormfront in the side and then kicked out his left leg. This opened him up to an uppercut from Clark but surprisingly he managed to block it before grabbing his arm and swinging him into Bishop. Stormfront then spun around and threw Clark away, sending him flying through the air a good distance before he super sped forward and grabbed Bishop by the neck. Seeing as how he couldn't use his lightning or else he would just absorb it, he used his super strength and began choking him out.
Bishop gasped in pain as Stormfront tightened his grip and forced him onto his knees. While Bishop's ability to absorb energy also included storing some in his body to increase his general strength and a degree of durability, it had its limits. "You are a nothing but a shit stain on humanity! Your whole people are beneath me! Everyone is beneath me! You are not even fit to wipe my buttocks! Once I'm done with you I will reduce America to a crater! I will fry the continent of Africa until your people are nothing more than husks for me to build my throne! I will find everyone you've ever loved and will ruin them! Your women will be taken! Your men and children killed and I will use your skull as a codpiece! You are inferior!"
Clark super sped back over and saw Bishop being strangled but didn't want to risk super speeding over. While his speed likely wasn't the same, Stormfront could still snap his neck in the split second before he got close. That's when he remembered Bishop's unique ability to absorb energy.
"Bishop!" Clark fired his heat vision and hit Bishop's back. He kept up his heat vision and to his relief he saw Bishop absorb the energy and it also seemed to reinvigorate him. Bishop's eyes glowed as he grabbed Stormfront's arms and began to slowly pull them away from his neck. The more energy he absorbed from Clark's heat vision the stronger he was getting to the point where it could get himself free. His muscles began to enlarge slightly as his veins glowed purple, brighter than they ever had before with the heat/power of a sun fueling him.
"I'm a mutant and proud of it. You're are just another piece of shit racist that got powers from an even bigger piece of shit racist! And I'm beating you! You know what that means? It means you're the real inferior one!" Bishop mocked as he began to glow brighter and brighter as he absorbed more energy.
"DO IT!" Clark shouted, keeping up his heat vision and Bishop absorbed more.
"Tell everyone when you get to hell that it was Bishop who sent you! RAH!"
A powerful purple colored explosion went off and it kicked up a massive mushroom cloud and made a huge shockwave. Everyone in the camp was alerted though at this point the last of the Hydra reinforcements were just about taken out so it was just Taskforce Vanguard, the assault team and the POWs they liberated. The large explosion and shockwave was enough of a disturbance that it faltered Psylocke's psychic hold just enough for Stormfront to get a moment of clarity. In that moment she grabbed Psylocke by the face and slammed her into the ground to cease the psychic attack before grabbing her by the leg and hurling her away where she slammed into a car.
She turned to look at the explosion before the mushroom cloud faded and saw Superman and the black man still standing and in one piece. Neither of them looked harmed at all but Klaus was. His arms had been blown off, there was a chunk missing from his right side, one of his legs was mangled and half the skin on his face was gone. He was more corpse than man and definitely not the poster child for Dr. Vought's super serum. His body slumped back and he died. Despite the serum in his body, he had been defeated.
"Whew…that felt good…but took a lot out of me." Bishop said so Superman helped him stand. The explosion stung but with the sunlight he was already quickly healing any kind of minor burns and bruises he suffered which alone was enough to show the difference in innate power he had over Stormfront.
"KLAUS!" Stormfront's irises flickered with lightning before she raised her hands and began unleashing lightning all over the camp. Parts of buildings were destroyed and people were struck by lightning while others scattered for cover. She then flew over to the prisoner barracks and began killing indiscriminately. Prisoners, soldiers and even SS it didn't matter. Collateral damage as she was going to make Superman and his team suffer for what happened. Clark super sped around to get the soldiers to cover when something happened.
[Thunder crack]
A massive crack of thunder was heard but it wasn't Stormfront and before Clark could even think he was hit from the side with a punch to the face by something moving at incredible speed. Whoever punched him hit with an incredible amount of force that it was like a B-24 bombing run had just occurred because the shockwave was powerful. Powerful enough that Clark was sent flying through the air.
The shockwave from the punch that sent Superman flying away shook the watchtower Daniel and Polina were on for their perch. The impact was so severe that it began to crumble so the two quickly jumped out before it collapsed with them in it. They hit the ground rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding the collapsing watchtower. Polina winced in pain as when she jumped she did a bad landing on her left shoulder. Seeing what Stormfront was doing and wanting her own form of payback Polina grabbed her rifle and pulled the slide back to see she was down to her last bullet so she'd make it count even if it killed her.
She tried to hold it up but winced in pain as her left shoulder wasn't cooperating so she couldn't exactly hold her rifle steady. That's when Daniel walked over and placed the barrel of the rifle over his right shoulder to provide a steady platform. "Make it count." He told her and Polina nodded. She looked down the scope and put Stormfront in her crosshair watching and waiting for the perfect shot. She saw Bishop run into the path of some soldiers to protect them from lightning which made Stormfront put her focus on him since he did just kill her brother. The only problem was that Stormfront was moving around too much so she couldn't get a clean shot when she saw Psylocke run back over. Her hand glowed purple and her psychic aura manifested into a whip which she threw out and wrapped around Stormfront's neck and pulled her back. Seeing her chance, Polina took a deep breath and steadied herself.
"нацистская сука. (natsistskaya suka/Nazi B!tch)"
She pulled the trigger and the bullet traveled down the barrel through the air until it found its target right in Stormfront's left eye.
"ARGH!" Stormfront grabbed her eye in pain before she turned around and zapped Psylocke, sending her flying back. She turned back over to Bishop and removed her hand from her face to show her bleeding eyehole and unleashed her lightning at the prisoners in retribution. Bishop moved in front of some of them to take the lightning so Stormfront zipped forward at super speed and kicked him in the chest. Bishop flew back, crashing through one of the barracks and tumbled on the ground while Stormfront marched over and began wailing on Bishop. She punched him across the face and knocked him to the ground before doing it again and again and again and again and with no Superman to save him this time. "I'm going to finish what my brother started. You will suffer in regret and death for the sheer audacity at playing a part in my brother's death. The very idea a piece of filthy garbage like you played a role is an insult! Do you now grasp who we are! We are the Übermensch who are the perfection of humanity while you and all others are nothing but filthy mongrels polluting the gene pool with your existence!"
She picked up a piece of broken metal from the ground which was sharpened at one end and reared it back. "People like you should never have been born. I'm doing the world a favor—[gasps]"
Stormfront spat out blood from her mouth as a purple energy coated katana pierced her from behind and came out her chest. Psylocke smirked in delight and gave the sword a violent twist which only made Stormfront gasp out in pain. The location of Psylocke's thrust put the blade through Stormfront's spin so she no longer had feeling in her lower body and much of her arms.
"So am I. Enjoy the torture in hell."
Psylocke pulled her katana out which made Stormfront slump to her knees, powerless and unable to stop what was coming. She looked up at the sky and saw the smoke cover the sun like her time was at an end.
"Es war so schön. Wie wir dort zu dritt gesessen, im Schatten eines Apfelbaums. Erinnerst du dich an den Tag Frederick? Chloe hat die Arme aus dem Autofenster gestreckt. Wir haben den perfekten Platz am Fluss gefunden, im Schatten eines Apfelbaums. Es war das erste mal dass Chloe frische Äpfel gegessen hat... war so glücklich. Es war herrlich. Ich wollte dass er nie zu Ende geht." (5)
Blood began to seep down Klara's neck before her head fell down followed by the rest of her body. Behind her was Psylocke who flicked her katana clean of blood and sheathed it on her back. She was battered, bruises, and definitely needed a vacation but felt good in that she took down an evil Nazi.
"Oh yeah…that felt good." Psylocke said before helping Bishop up. By now the fighting was over with the camp cleared of all German and Hydra soldiers. The two looked around when they noticed the person who was missing. "Where's Superman?"
Superman landed in an open field about three miles from the camp, making a big impact crater. That punch hurt less than the Kryptonite but he was feeling the most pain he has felt in the war. He pushed himself up only to knocked back down by Reverse-Flash who stood over him with his body flickering with red lightning. He was battered, bruised, cut up and he was beyond angry with the expression on his face being that of resoluteness. "It ends now. No more talking, no more interruptions. You die now!"
Reverse-Flash vibrated his hand and drove it down but Clark managed to catch it at the last second but a second too late as it managed to dig into his chest. Clark grit his teeth through the pain of having something pierce his chest but thankfully managed to prevent it from going too deep.
"Goodbye, Mr. Kent…" Reverse-Flash vibrated faster to try and push down when he heard something.
[Inhuman shriek & roar]
Thawne went wide-eyed and pale faced when he heard that and looked down at his right wrist to see his watch was damaged, likely from the blast he was hit with before and the building that collapsed on him. Since it was damaged it didn't give him the alert and now the thing he feared was closing in on him.
"Oh no…" Thawne tried to get up and run away but Clark had his wrist in a death grip and didn't let go.
"What's wrong, Thawne? Where are you running too?" Clark held on tight despite all of Thawne's tugging, grasping and panicked attempts to try and get free.
"No. No! NO! Let me go! Before he finds me!" Thawne was panicking like a scared child but it was already too late. They heard another inhuman roar like before and both turned their heads towards the source to see a red blur of lightning race over and stop on a nearby hill. The lightning was similar to Thawne's but the suit wasn't as it was black. Clark used his super vision to get a better look and saw that whatever was in said suit was human in shape but definitely wasn't. For one, the face looked like a monstrous ghoul with burnt/decrepit skin and lifeless eyes.
"What the…" Clark was stunned to say the least and Thawne took that distraction as a chance to get free. He slipped out of Clark's grasp and ran but only made it a few feet before the creature in black cut him off and grabbed him by the neck. It then impaled Thawne in the heart like he had tried to do to Superman a few moments ago. Thawne gasped out in pain as he looked the monstrous black speed demon in the eyes before it pulled away.
Thawne gasped in pain and Clark watched in stunned disbelief as his body began to crack apart like he was made of glass but instead of crumbling and falling to the ground he began to disappear like ash bellowing in the wind. His feet, legs, torso, and arms were all gone until his head was the last thing remaining. "AHHHH…."
And just like that, the Reverse-Flash was gone. Suddenly the black clad figure appeared in front of Clark.
"Gah!" Clark jumped back in fright as the monster roared in his face before it super sped away in a blur of lightning before a blue portal appeared and it was gone. "What on earth was that?"
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