As Inori looked in the mirror, and she saw that she had changed. She was no longer the same small, evil looking devil she had always been. Instead, she had become something new: a powerful, striking 18-year-old woman with a fierce aura and an unwavering presence. It was as if the crystal had unlocked a new version of herself, one that had always been waiting just beneath the surface.
For a moment, Inori was stunned. She had never felt so powerful or alive, and she knew that she had been changed in a fundamental way. And as she looked around at the world, she could see that everything around her had shifted as well. The sky seemed brighter, the air seemed clearer, and the world seemed like a place filled with endless possibilities.
From that day forward, Inori knew that she had been given a gift. She was no longer just an ugly bothersome devil but a woman with a newfound sense of purpose and strength. She knew that she had been changed by the crystal and that the power it had unlocked would be hers to wield for as long as she lived. And so she set out into the world, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with newfound confidence and a fierce determination.
Inori knew that she could not go on like this forever. She knew that she had to find a way to cope with her loss and to move on with her life. And so, she made the decision to pay tribute to her friend in the only way she knew how.
Inori spent weeks creating a beautiful shrine to Shikimori, using all of her magical abilities to craft a space that was as unique and special as her friend had been. The shrine was a place of peace and serenity, a place where Inori could go to remember Shikimori and honour the memories they had shared together.
Over time, Inori's depression began to lift, and her tears slowly dried up. She still missed Shikimori with all her heart, but she knew that her mother would want her to go on with her life and to find joy and happiness in the world around her.
And so, Inori picked herself up, dusted off her robes, and set out into the land once more, carrying with her the memories of Shikimori and the love and strength that her friend had always given her. For Inori, life would never be the same without Shikimori, but she knew that the bond they had shared would never truly be broken, even in death