"Jordan, get up! You're going to be late!"
Screams Jordans mother from down the stairs, waking him up from his sleep.
Jordan has always been an odd kid to his family, he's smarter than other kids his age and asks too many questions that his Mather doesn't know how to answer. He doesn't like to play with other kids his age and prefers to hang out with his nana and uncle to his parents resilience.
But what cuts the cake is his weird habits and sayings that he keeps on saying and way of talking with a youth and sometimes disrespectful attitude. His parents can't help but worry that if they send him of to the academy he would end up offending some powerful figures children, something their family can not afford to do.
They live in the same wonderer house that they brought over 10 years ago just after Jordan was born, from there they got jobs and started working to pay for Roberts tuition at Chaos academy. Chaos academy is the main school for knights and mages in Chaos city. Anyone can apply to attend no matter the race, as long as they are between 12 and 16 years old.
Magic had always interested Jordan however his family has always kept him away from magicians. Jordan does understand that this is due to him being a spíritãz, a race made of spiritual energy. There was so much mischief he got into because he can walk through walls. However he is incredibly sensitive to magic and can be blown away by just the smallest gust of magic wind.
This has led to the near extinction of his race. His parents strongly believe that only in Chaos city can they survive as it's one of the only places that truly forbids fighting in the streets, preventing any stray spells from killing them, but it can't stop Jordans earthling emotions of wonder.
Today is a special day for Jordan and many other 11-12 year old kids across Chaos city, today is awakening day.
To be correct the kids aren't actually awakening anything, they won't suddenly become magicians and powerful warriors.
Instead they will discover what branches of magic and combat they have talent in.
After a brief meal with his parents they wished good luck on his first day before leaving for work. In this world 12 is considered the age of adulthood as many kids have developed enough to hold a sword and fight.
His parents believe he is old enough to head to school on his own. Jordan doesn't mind, he knows his uncle has thought about getting his own place and he thinks of it as his way of chipping in.
But he isn't the only one going to school, his nana is also coming. He and his nana have a close relationship since he was young, while his parents prefer to work and forget about their past, his nana always loves to tell stories of their journey to Chaos city.
Jordan remembers one such tale about them taking refuge in a small town in an elven nation. She spoke how they were tired, hungry and being chased by bounty hunters. The elven kingdom they were staying in was a kingdom known for their purity and hatred for other races, their slave trade flourishes under these conditions as any impure elf would often find themselves up for sale. Just as they were about to be caught, a elven woman saved them and hid them in her stables.
She never gave her name probably about being caught hiding outsiders, although not illegal, it was frowned upon and those who had rumours spread that they were a sympathiser often ended up being harassed.
After the night the family escaped in broad daylight with her help. To this day his nana still remembers her and even painted a picture of the elf that helped them incase they or their descendants ever bumped into her. Elves have a lifespan that is far longer than most races, but so do spíritãz.
"So, you coming then, hun. Or are you just going to stand there, staring like an idiot, boy?"
A blue blush spreads across Jordans smokey face as he mumbles he's coming and runs out the door.
"Hey, Joanna! You take'n de squirt to yer school, ah?"
A thick heavy voice sounds around the corner coming from a large man about his height, this is his neighbour, Lars. Lars is a friendly neighbour who has been around since the family has moved in and has offered to babysit Jordan since he was little. Although Jordan is often put in the care of his uncle, Robert, Robert soon started school and couldn't be around to watch Jordan as much as he used to.
Lars has a thick accent that Jordan struggled to understand when he was young, but he was absolutely fascinated by Lars's stereotypical job as a blacksmith. All the weapons and armour in his shop made Jordans history nerd come out as he played with his stuff like toys. He asked Lars if he could help create one but was soon denied as he was too young and spíritãz are sensitive to magic. He says he wouldn't be able to explain to his family if he got hurt or worse.
This upset Jordan for a while, but he soon hid his disappointment as he knows that it's no ones fault his race is like this.
After his nana and neighbour had a quick conversation they made their trip to school. The school is quite far away from where he lived but Jordan is not complaining. Although Chaos city is a small city it had a population close to 800,000 when they declared their independence, now with an influx of refugees and wonderers the population has reached over a million. As such the city is now fairly large taking about 90 minutes to travel from side to side.
The city to Jordan an architecture nerd, is a completely ugly and would even be terrible to any modern person. There are no parks or green spaces just rows and rows of wooden housing packed next to each other like some shanty town. Since Jordan has been born he has never seen a single tree, if it wasn't for the wooden houses and everyone telling him what a tree is, he would never know their were trees in Mira.
Only the main roads and around where the wealthy people live is paved with pebbles that are uncomfortable to walk on. The rest of the city just has dirt paths that becomes slipper in the rainy season. As such many of the residents are dirty and unkempt, except Jordans family, dirt just passes through them, leaving them cleaner than anyone else, much to the envy of his neighbours.
The market street is completely disorganised with people selling whatever they wanted from stalls messily placed either side of the street. He can see how sanitary it is as he watches a pig being slaughtered by a Leon butcher with blood running down the pebbled street.
When Jordan was younger he would often get confused from what a Leon was, he often mistook a Leon to a Lion-kin. A Leon is a humanoid lion, consisting of a lion head, fur, tail and even paws for hands and feet. Lion-kin are more human with lion features, just ears tail and eyes. Lion-kin share this similarity due to them being hybrids between humans and Leons, as such many Lion-kins often end up on the streets being looked down upon by society.
Rumours have spread that half-breeds have less magical talent and strength than pure Humans and Leons, his nana often grumbles and shouts that this is completely false as their are entire beast-kin kingdoms on Mira, ruled by 'half-breeds' who have far more talent than them.
Ever since the elf incident, nana has always been a social activists often standing up for lion-kins across the city and other migrant races who are looked down upon.
At first no one spoke about it, as they knew nana was an adult who can think for herself and they are happy to be helping the kids who end up begging on the streets. However, when Jordan got involved with Joannas charity work they got into an argument with nana and stopped talking to her for taking Jordan too 'that kind of neighbourhood.'
He was angry at them for saying it in that way, but he could understand them. Although the city guards are strict on violence there are still a few gangs across the city and one small hit could result in the end of him.
As he is shaken out of his thoughts by his nana, he looks up to see the entrance gate to Chaos city academy. This is Jordans favourite place as its the best structure in the city from his architecture point of view, there were large glass windows, smooth stone walls and painted metal fence that surrounds the three campuses.
The largest campus in the centre is used for younger students between the ages of 13 and 16 anyone can apply to enter the campus to study as long as they can pay the tuition fees. the campuses on his left and right look symmetrical being the magic academy and the knights academy. To apply to these two academies you need to have finished the main campus studies as well as pass a difficult test. in the end only less than a third of the students each year pass there exam and enter the advanced campuses.
In the centre of the square lies a life-sized stone statue of an elderly human, he is archmage Lucius one of the 3 founders of Chaos city. Lucius is known to have a strict attitude to discipline and magic. He strongly believes that if you have talent you should dedicate your life to it and make sure you follow the rules.
Lucius is the current headmaster and founder of Chaos academy spreading his teachings and beliefs to all the students of Chaos city.