"Alright Jerry. Talk to you later. This was fun. This was fun." Jason walked out the door and closed it behind him.
Jerry, sitting on the couch, looked around for something to do. "I guess I'll watch a little television." He said to himself, grabbing the remote from the side table and pointing it at the TV. All of a sudden the door flung open and Michael Richard's came running into the room.
"Jerry! You gotta help me! I messed up! I messed up real bad!" Yelled Michael shaking his hands and rubbing his hair.
"What'd you do this time?" Responded Jerry.
He runs up to Jerry. "Well, I was going over my lines cause you know that I really like knowing my lines I mean Jerry were actors, were professionals, we gotta be prepared and the lines are everything you gotta know the lines."
"Even though you barely follow the lines we write."
"Right! Well, you know in the moment you gotta go with the flow but I'm not coming to set unprepared I'm going to know my lines."
"So what's the issue?"
"Yeah, right. You know that PA that Jason has a crush on."
"You know about her?"
"Ohh yeah. I know about her big time. Jason spilled the beans about her to me. So I'm walking down the hallway going over lines but I'm a little hungry you know so I'm walking with a plate of deviled eggs when I see Richard from the grips and he yells to me as he's passing and by the time I react he's already past me, fast walkers you know, and so I have to turn to yell back 'Keep up the gorgonzola you overpaid stick!'" Michael paused, smiled and looked at Jerry for approval, raising his eyebrows a little.
Michael whacked his arm. "It's just some friendly banter Jerry lighten up. So as I'm turned around but I'm still walking the same direction cause I got places I need to be, I hit someone and the deviled eggs go up in the air and all over her!"
"OH no, don't tell me."
"It was the PA! The one Jason likes! Got deviled eggs all over her!"
"What'd you do?"
"Nothing! She panicked and ran off before I could do anything."
"What would you have done?"
"Probably just give her money. But I feel bad. I hope I didn't ruin Jason's chances with her."
"It's fine she still likes him, you would probably have to do a lot worse….Like throw up on her."
"Well then I hope she's not mad at me! That's the last thing I need is a PA being mad at me. What if she gets my order wrong on purpose! On purpose Jerry! I could be expecting Indian mulligatawny soup and get a cold salad instead! With cucumbers!"
"What's wrong with cucumbers?"
"Nope! Not in my salad! Anywhere else. tzatziki, you betcha, on a nice banh mi with some crisp carrots….ohhh you're making me hungry Jerry."
"I didn't say anything." Responded Jerry, putting his hands out in innocence.
"I'm starving now! Better get a club, yeah that'll hit the spot."
He ran out the door leaving Jerry still in shock. "Would you like a sandwich Jerry. Oh sure I'd love one, thanks for asking. Jerk." Jerry got up and grabbed his coat in anger, gritting his teeth. "No one ever thinks to ask Jerry Seinfeld if he wants a sandwich. Well except for the PAs." He opened the door and slams it behind him.
"I'd love a club too!" A muffled yell that came from Jason's dressing room. "With extra mayo! And bacon! Don't forgot the bacon!"
"Jason!" Jerry yelled back reaching for the handle.
He started to turn the handle when he heard. "No Jerry! Don't open the door!" But Jerry had already completed the motion.
"Oh my god! Jason!" His eyes went wide. "What are you doing?!"