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(I didn't know that it was going to post this chapter, and it will be posted in the far future as I figure out what I want the system to look like)
Also vote or comment which dungeon type you want my main character to be.
Demonic dungeon, lust affinity
Description: sex and females
Holy dungeon, healing affinity
Description: kids and playtime
Draconic dungeon, elemental affinity
Description: all dragons and dragon kin
Fairy dungeon, fairy affinity
Description: elemental fairies.
Elemental dungeon, all element affinities
Description: has every element affinity, monster, animal, humanoids and magic beast. Includes holy, and demonic related magic and has every magic in existence that exist or doesn't exist. Most powerful dungeon type and also the rarest dungeon that was last seen 2 million years ago before it was destroyed. Has all forms of energy, but it will unlock each of the affinities and energies as it get stronger. Example, if the dungeon gets the lust affinity it will gain all knowledge of it and how to use it perfectly and it magic same goes for each of the affinity's the dungeon gets.