Chereads / System overdrive / Chapter 3 - Chapter 2

Chapter 3 - Chapter 2

"God, my back."

Uzma wakes up all tried. He tried to drink all night, but he just couldn't get drunk. Turns out that alcohol has no effect on him. What a boring life. But, this is what he wanted in the first place.

He gets changed. Drank his last can of beer. He wakes up Alvia. Yesterday, Alvia offered to share a room with him. Well, until everything is over and all. Uzma is pretty lucky to know him, and he knows that. Still, he is surprised how much power he has. They called him the "Mechanical Hero."

The man who made the country to what it is.

Though they both know he will never be strong as Uzma. It's not like he wanted to be this strong anyway. To be honest, it just was, by chance, he got everything back.

"You awake?"

"Yea, so let's get ready! Where are we going first?"

"You will see."

It took a while, but they finally made it. They are in front of the tree. Looks more like a demons hand. Even the branches look like claws. The reason why they are is for one reason. Is since the tree is more important than people think. When the tree came out of the earth six years ago, people thought it was something for looks at least.

But it's more than that. It actually is how the gods can watch and interact with our world better. Also summons beings from other worlds. And two more important things. One, you can go to different areas with the tree, and the second is if someone happens to destroy it; that's a sign to go to war with the gods.

Uzma doesn't know why the second reason is an option, but he has a theory for it. He would rather not think about it at the moment. Uzma touches the tree trunk. He breathes in. Nothing seems wrong, good. That means that man hasn't done anything yet.

"I wonder how they are doing?"

To catch up with the current events. At the day in the meeting, Uzma told everyone that a raid would be happening with an upper rank demon leading it. And that someone will try to destroy the tree. He understands why they don't believe the second answer, but to ignore the first one is strange.

Demons don't usually follow orders unless it's from a powerful demon. They also don't fear any creature other than a demon king or a dragon. That's why gods gave up trying to use them. They wouldn't listen.

The number of demons that have been appearing near the country makes sense. A powerful demon is getting ready for his attack. He somewhat knows who is behind this, knowing how that person is. It's a possibility. He couldn't help but try and smile.

"Alvia, let's go meet with the rest. I want to do something."

"Alright, don't be too rough on them, please.."

"I won't don't worry."


"So why are we here?"

The top five players are sitting on the floor. Uzma looks at them. He looks somewhat disappointed. He sighs and pulls out his sword. They look surprised. Uzma pulled it out of his inventory. A somewhat rare skill.

"Alright, everyone. I will give you guys this one bet. If I can land a hit on you guys with this somewhat broken sword before it breaks. You guys won't follow my advice."

They have all have shocked looks in their faces. Why is he doing this? But should they take the bet? Mutilple questions go through their head.

"In fact, I will even do this. I will leave the great foundation once I lose this bet."

Alasdair smiles at him. He stands up with glee. Lighting blade asks an important question.

"What is it in for you?"

"If I win, you guys have to follow my orders, and most importantly. For the time I am here, I am allowed anywhere in the city. And I mean anywhere."

They all look at him. They are second-guessing this. Uzma scoffs.

"Come on. Are you scared, guys? Stand up Agapios, Ast, and Dacia."

"How did you know.." Dacia stands up in shock. They all know them by their players' names. She has never been called by her real name besides her comrades and family.

"If you beat me, I will tell you. Hell, I would at least take two of you guys."

"Alright," Ast stands up. He stares at Uzma. "Let's get into it."

Alasdair, Ast, and Dacia are getting warmed up. Uzma looks at them. He feels good, finally. He can fight them again. He spins his sword around.

"Alright, let's get into it."

The three of them surrounded Uzma. He didn't even realize. That's how good they are, this makes him somewhat excited. They all throw punches at him. He makes his left hand into a fist. He swings , punch, and blows them off.

He goes to them at a faster speed and tries to cut Dacia's legs. She quickly moves it, so he grabs her left leg and throws her to Alasdair. He barely catches her until they see Uzma swing a sword. He is going to aim for the neck. Ast blocks the attack. The sword can already be seen cracking.

"You got too cocky."

Ast almost gets cut. He is in shock. How did he? Wait, he used a skill. Why? Oh, he never said skills were out of the option. He can see Uzma smile.


He spins his sword again. Getting ready to attack once again. Ast can finally see why Alvia talks highly about him. For a moment, he saw an endless sea of potential. But this isn't enough for them.

Dacia and Alasdair attack him at the same time. Uzma puts all his strength, all in this one swing. He cuts all of them multiple times, and Uzma gets his bones broke. His arm and his left leg. Completely shattered.

"Just how much of a monster are you guys?" He coughs up blood and lays down. The fact that he was having an even fight with them. Even with the three of them holding back, it was impressive.

That's not what caught Agapios' attention. It's the fact that the bet didn't even 10 minutes. It's also the fact that Uzma was clearly holding back. He could tell by his movements. He was just testing them. He is interested in him now.

"Let's call this a draw, shall we? Uzma, we will follow you. You impressed me, Now should we get a drink?"


Alasdair is drinking his fifth beer. Uzma is drinking his 20th. It seems Uzma is the only one who can't her drunk. Makes him somewhat sad.

"How can you drink that much?!" Ast asks while chugging down his bottle.

"I can't get drunk. I tried yesterday, but I just couldn't."

"Interesting," Alasdair joins in. "How much did you drink?"

"Around 200."


Dacia chuckles. "You're more interesting than I thought."

"Told you he was the correct bet."

Uzma doesn't understand, but not like he cares. All he needs is allies. Powerful allies. Plus, he did that stupid bet for a reason. He wanted to fight them one last time before the raid. After all, he knows something they don't.

In the day of the raid. One of them will surely die. If it's not by a demons hands, it will be at least by that man. The man he fears most. Hopefully, he can enjoy these moments of peace a little longer.