Chapter 62 - The end

I stood atop a raised wooden platform. Before me was a crowd of people. They all looked at my angelic form with awe and hope. It made sense. After all I would be their new saviour.

"Everyone. I would like to announce the new duke of this land. Oscar junior! HE WILL HELP USHER IN A NEW ERA OF PROSPERITY WHERE NO ONE WILL HAVE TO STARVE!" I screamed

Spittle flew and some people even fell over from the sheer intensity of their celebration. It was as if for a few small moments they had been turned into rabid animals.

Then slowly the celebration calmed and people became more composed.

I slapped Oscar junior on the back.

"It would be a good idea to contact Duke Oscars vassals to ensure that you still have their allegiance." I told him.

And with that I left I jumped into the air shot fire from my feet and flew off.

My other soldiers had already left. And I was headed back to the encampment as well. Our next target was the woman crazy Duke.

What was her name again?

Ehhh I'm sure someone else remberes it.


I sat in a tent. With me was Joe and Rob. They were the two smart people of the group.

"Okay. Who are we going after next?" I asked Rob.

"I would suggest Olive Yemont." Said Rob

I looked at Joe for a second opinon.

"Yes olive yemont would be good. She's the closest one to us right now." Said Joe

I nodded

"Okay good. She'll be the one we attack."


"OH! OH! OH! OH!"

Olive Yemonts city looked normal from a distance. It had large stone walls a well paved road and a solid patrol of guards.

But the second you walked into her city that idea changed.

The sound of moaning was crisp in the air.

It echoed in my ears. Every four buildings or so there was a tent and from those tents there came moaning sounds.

Those tents were obviously brothels.

The moaning sounds would have made me feel awkward. But as I was a divine being I removed the effects of such sensations.

"So she lives in a brothel?" I asked Rob

Rob nodded.

"Yup. It looks like a fancy manor from first glace but in all actuality it's a brothel." He said

"Mhhh." I nodded.

"Tribesmen go scout the area out." I said

The tribesmen nodded and vanished in a puff of dust.

We waited for about thirty minutes until they came back.

One of the tribesmen whispered in my ear. I spent a solid few minute comprehending their genius words.

Based upon the tribesmen's scouting there were no people guarding her estate. In fact the only resides of the estate other than her seemed to be her prostitutes.

"Okay. Let's attack anyways."

The fact that there were no guards was pretty suspicious. But I'm sure that It would be fine. After all things never went wrong for me.


I walked into the mansion.

Before me was a lavishcous sight.

Many nude men and women engaaging in. Shall we say. Unsavoury acts.

I watched this with a blank face.


I took my gun from my bag and began to fire. The tribesmen darted forwards and began to chop the heads off the prosisitues.

Only for their heads to dart to the side avoiding the blow.

The prostitutes looked at me with snake like eyes.

They weren't human.

Suddenly before me was olive yemont. She looked at me with teh eyes of a murderer.

"Go die now."

My head fell off my body.

I was dead.


I sat within a white void. Across from me was a man with a goat combining out his his torso.

He was a familiar man. I had met him at the start of my journey.

"So many times you've come back to life. Every time you never paid a price." He said

I looked at him with fear.

"What are you saying?" I asked

"If you want to live again. If you want your story to continue. Then you'll have to give up your charm."

My charm. That strage force which bends peoples personalities to the limit of reasonability.

I knew what would happen if I didn't have that. My life would be like a motel. It would be the embodiment of pain.

I once had no charm. And I was beaten. Abused. Hated by everyone around me. I experianced nothing but suffering it was a constant never ending agony.

I couldn't expernace that again. I'd rather die.

I'd die for my Charm.

I glared at the Goat.

"If I had to choose between death and hell then I think the choice would be obvious." I said

"Things could have been really interesting if you lived." The Goat said.

Everything flickered away like a fading mirage.

As my life fizzled out I couldn't help but think.

What was it all for? Why did the world treat me differently?

I would never know.



This story was really bad. Off to the next one.