Chereads / Re: world conquest in another world / Chapter 29 - Giga chaduses deal

Chapter 29 - Giga chaduses deal

The mercenaries gathered wood from the palice.

Furniture, beds. Anything wooden was stripped bare.

This wood was then piled around an array of crosses.

These crosses were not the bite sized crosses that one would wear at the shop.

No they were towering crosses constructed from bright oak wood.

It had taken me no shortage of effort to get them made.

But it was worth the work. As those crosses would pave the way to a new empire.

How? you ask. Simple. These crosses would be used to generate fear.

Now you might retort.

But fear inevitably results in rebellion!

In response I say. SHUT UP!

In the short term it works. And I planned for it to work in the short term.

After all, I had a month to conquer this land.

The mercenaries began to place an array of headless bodies onto the cross.

Each and every one of the kings subordinates. They hung there as a corralled crowd watched with horror.

I had gathered the thousand most powerful people in the capital to bear witness.

Through them fear would spread.

The final two bodies were placed upon their cross. The king and the queen.

They were the only ones with their faces intact. Instead there was a hole in their chest.

"I removed the heads of the mindless fools who would follow a weak king that didn't have the strength to build a strong nation as they are unworthy of their minds. And I remove the hearts of the rulers with hearts too weak to do what is necessary."

The crowd gave me a silent look of terror and the mercenaries gave me a torch.

I took the torch and put it to kings cross.

I began to burn.

And from that cross flames spread to the others.

I couldn't help but look into the distance and reflect at that moment.

I knew what I was doing was evil. I knew what I was doing was tyrannical.

But it was all worth it. It was a sacrifice in the name of something I value much more than a life.

It was in the name of a dream.

Craig dreamed of a world without tragedy. And he wished for that world to be made so severely that he sold his life in order to do so.

And now he stood at the horizon of death. He had less than two years left to live.

The tragedy that he had worked for years to fight would live on as he died. Isn't it sick? That even if you gave everything up it would still be impossible to defeat that beast. To defeat tragedy.

But I believe that unlike Craig. I am blessed. Because I had defeated tragedy once before. I had created a perfect world.

But if I were to fight tragedy it would be a long and drawn out battle.

Craig would never get to be vindicated with my victory.

So I have to give ground to it. Make it feel comfortable. And when the opportunity arises.

I'll slit its throat.

It's an abstract feeling. And it's not at all based in reality.

But that's what I believe I'm doing.

And you can't tell me otherwise.

Because I'm a god and you're not.


I sat on a hard wodden chair. My back was hunched over as I poured over a book. I needed to know as much about the current situation as possible.

But I didn't have the time or man power to investigate myself. So I was reading history books. I've been ruling long enough that I should be able to project from history what the present situation was.

*tak! Tak!*

I heard the sound of someone knocking at my door.

The mercenaries had left. So For the last few hours their should be nobody in the palice.

~if someone was trying to kill me then they wouldn't have knocked. But it still doesn't hurt to cautious.~

I picked up my gun and went to answer the door.

Standing at the doorway was a brown man with bushy eyebrows and a short goatee.

"Hello. I'm here to speak in the name of giga chadus. The god of wishes. I'm his high priest. Nice to meet you."

He extended his hand to shake. And I shook it.

"I'm surprised that a god would have such a stupid name."

~the naming sense is similar to that muscle thing. Don't they feel shame telling people to call them stuff like that?~

The high priest shrugged.

"I know right. Half the time I think these gods aren't even gods. Maybe they're just powerful immigrants that are messing around?"

I raised a brow at him. It's not every day that you see a priest say that they don't believe their god is a god.

"Isn't that sacreligious?" I asked him

"Being sacreligious is what got me promoted to this level surprisingly." He said.

Now I was even more confused. What kind of church promotes their priest for going against their religion. And why is said priest at my door.

"Huh." Was all I could muster as a response.

"Well come in. I'd love to see what your 'god' has to say." I said while making bunny ears at the word god

The priest nodded as he entered my room.

He sat down on the small single bed on the right side of the room.

"Okay. So giga chadus will sponsor you as a divine entity if you promise not to pass through the mist wall for five years. Now as a divine entity giga chadus will grant you a single wish each month and the right to call on the church for aid." Said the priest.

~what's the mist wall? Eh. Not like it matters. Being sponsored as a divine entity means I'd be divine. That will increase my legitimacy as a ruler which will make my conquest easier. And I'll get use of a churches military force.~


And so without having any idea what I'm agreeing to. I made a deal.

And I'll be honest. I had not a hint of hesitation.