I can only express one absolute truth.
Greg's dead.
Now there is only a pig remaining. A twisted ball of desires.
The pigs at this momment in time stood idle within mud. As there was no need.
NEED! Pig see caloricly valid object.
Snarf snarl and chomp. Then suddenly the foods gone.
The pig without any needs sits in the mud. Idle once more.
NEED! Pig sees a definitively breedable life form.
Thrust, hump and quiver. Then suddenly the desires gone.
Once more the pig sits idle in the mud.
NEED! Pigs food fully processed. Must unload!
Stomp to chosen corner. Squeeze, drop and leave
Then once more the pig sits in the mud.
The sun spun through the horizon and time passed. One year. Two years. Three years.
Ten years.
Each year happened without a smidgen of change.
Eat shit fuck fight. It was a never ending cycle of desires.
But the majority of the time was spent doing one simple thing.
Sitting in the mud.
All had been forgotten.
Good and evil. love and hate.
There was nothing but the cycle of need then sitting in the mud.
Endlessly and Listlessly this cycle of desires moves time forward.
Until finally came the fithtenth year.
The blood muscle squirmed and spasmed and broke. And with that life came to an end.
Greg. I'm Greg. A man who's evil. A man who is not worthy to exist.
"Nah fam. Weather or not your number is positive or negative has no bearing on if you're worthy to live.."
And with those words. I became aware of the world around me. I stood in an almost empty courtroom.
Every seat was empty except for that of the judge.
Sitting upon the judges seat was a confusing blend between a pig and a man wearing the classic wig of curly white hair.
"You are no pig. So why are you here?" Asked the pig man.
I looked at the pig man with soulless eyes.
"Because the moon condemned me."
"Mhhh. Let me look at the recβ"
And next thing I knew a fist was clobbering my face.
I was sent flying.
I smashed through the wooden walls of the courtroom and rolled on green grass outside.
~What. What is this?~
Towering above me was the pigman. He was as tall and wide as a semi truck.
"I hate retards like you." Said the pig man
I could only look at him in fear.
"Why do you think you shouldn't live asshole!!!!" Yelled the pigman
"Beβbecause I'm evil!" I yelled
"I don't fucking know what that word means!" Yelled the pig man whilst his boot darted into my stomach
I rolled further on the grass.
"It. Hkkk. It means that your a being that hurts others!" I said with a cough.
The pig looked to the sky put his hands around his head. and screamed
"Fuuuuuuuuuuck! I'm a fucking paragon of virtue and I beat the shit out of everyone I meet!"
Again I was kicked. I couldn't do anything to defend myself. I clearly deserved it after all.
"Who the fuck decides your evil!"
He grabbed my hand and hoisted me into the air. His grip was so strong that the bones of my hands shattered.
"You know who fucking decides! You know who fucking had the power! You do! Wanna be a fucking hero! Do what a hero does! And if you mess up." He shoved a fist into my stomach. Causing me to vomit blood.
"Just try again. This is the second and last time I'm going to tell you this."
He slapped me. My brain rattled my body shook. And next thing I knew I was immersed in darkness.
Before me was a book. It glowed as the only thing tangible in the darknes.
Written upon the book were the words. 'The divine mindset'
I was overwhelmed with curiosity. So I decided to open the book.
To exist. That is the question the story explored. It posited that every being was a separate reality filled with different truths.
These realities all had the ability to interact and touch one another.
And sometimes influence each other too.
These realities were said to be controlled by each other forever bound by ideas made from the past.
But the author of the book posited that given the correct mix of ideas. A reality could gain a state akin to invincibility.
Or if one were narcissistic. A state analogous to godhood
The book vanished as my mind ran.
Each human is a world. It was a novel notion. But regardless. I believe it was true. Everyone was unique enough for it to be truth. There was too much diversity for the different reality theory to be wrong.
My thoughts turned back.
My life as a pig. That was what life would be like without the mental constructs of a human mind.
That was life unfiltered.
Everything else was something extra. Something that I added onto life. A world that I created
It wasn't real. It was beautiful illusion. But as this illusion was added by my mind. Manipulated by my mind. Couldn't it be controlled by my mind also?
Through life you encounter thousands of ideas. Why not choose among them your truth.
Let's try this out.
I am a good person. And as I am the god of the fabrication in which I existβ¦..
No one can tell me otherwise.
The pain in my being faded some.
There was no sense worrying about who I was or what I did. Because no matter how the stimuli around me change.
The immutable edifice that is the fabric of my reality will not be destroyed.
I looked back at everything I did. The life I lived with every sin and every virtue.
And I didn't feel a thing.
After all, From then to now. Nothings changed.
I stood in the paper built world.
In front of me written upon the paper was a question.
Who are you?
I answered
"I don't fucking care who I am! At the end of the day I'm just whatever I feel like being!"
I could decide who I was. I could decide who the people around me were.
It was a unique kind of godhood