Chereads / Re: world conquest in another world / Chapter 8 - I left the nest a six months old like every one else

Chapter 8 - I left the nest a six months old like every one else

I sat in a white void. The pig had had faded from existence leaving nothing but this white emptiness.

"Now. Homie. THou art must art remember thou art! THOUTHOUTHOUTHOUTHOUTHOUTHOUD!" Spoke a deep and masculine voice. I assumed it was the narrator.


And like that an old memory clicked into place. Of right when I stoped giving out free fucks. (GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER!)

I was around six months old. Connections had begun to form in my mind and I started to understand the abstract truths behind words. For anyone who thinks that six months old is a little young to learn how to speak. Please understand that I'm the goat. Puny things like 'logic' and 'reason' don't apply to me.

Anyways, Connections had begun to form and the meaning of a single word revealed itself to me. That word was Dad. I remember clearly when I looked my father in the eyes, primal joy quivering through me. "I would express it to him." I thought. I would show him that I had begun to understand. So I spoke.

"DA! DA!"

My father had a kind face. It was always quivering with a unique kind of love. But in that moment his lips, nose, eyes and cheeks all twisted into a hideous snarl.

"SO YOUR A FUCKING GROWN UP EH! NO NEED FOR GOOD OLD DAD TO TAKE CARE OF YOU NOW! GET THE FUCK OUT MY HOUSE!" With those word I was kicked to the curb. Not figuratively mind you. He literally took me outside his house, threw me into the air and drop kicked me to the curb.

Haaaaaaaaa. I laid there, for two days starving beyond belief. I was right outside his house. I'm sure he could see me the whole time I was dying. Finally after going through the first hardship of my young life. An old homeless man found me. I did the only thing I could to draw his attention. I said DA! DA! And he helped me just because I said those words.

That's what help me realize. That almost nothing matters that everything is insignificant except for those few pillars of societal improvement. Those pillars are what holds us together. That make us something more than animals. Science, Labor, Legislation, Morals, Hate and Love. Those are the six concepts the six values that have any grand importance in this world.


I looked up at the white void. "Thank you narrator." I said.

"THOU ART ART THOU!" Narrator responded.

And with that the white void vanished.


"Miners drilling throw!" I pivoted to the right. the pickaxe shoot by me.

"That's what your dad does at the elementary school!" I yelled whilst getting into position.

~Goal: Dart through the air super at speed and destroy the enemy~

"WHAT!" THe minor responded.


"Whu! WHAT!"


I cut through the air in just a instant my fist directed towards the minor face. I was moving at a speed of about one hundred and twenty km per hour. Unless he dodged, this punch was a killing blow.

"Miners shattering hammer." With a full body swing he slammed his hammer into my fist.

"AHHHH!" I fell to the ground screaming. My hand was no more than a mess of blood and exposed bone.

"Miners super hammer smash!" The hammer fell towards me. Surely this was the end. At least I got a few years of extra life. This was nowhere near similar to a fight with a ordinary man. It was like fighting a bear but smaller.

The hammer paused before it could reach me. Wrapped around it was a too massive hand

"Fuck. I shouldn't have trusted you Garen infused junkes to sit still."

"Strong." WIth a single slap the minor was sent flying. And like that the fight was over.

I pulled myself to my feet while cradling my broken hand.

"Did you kill him." I asked Craig.

"STRONG!" He responded as he fell down onto the ground and began to do pushups.

A hand burst from the stone wall to my right.

"Miners like me are used to getting slapped!" From the wall emerged the face of the supremely strong child.

He held his pick axe and hammer again. I'm gessuing he had a second pair behind that wall.

"Atomic mining!"

*Crack!* The air cracked as a sonic boom rung out. The hammer was flying towards Craig at sonic speeds.

"Callisthenics!" Craig pivoted on his hands and kicked the hammer.


The hammer fell to the ground, its momentum completely cancelled. Craig reached over and picked up the hammer with both his feet. While still balancing on his hands his but not even touching the ground he pulled the hammer back towards his crotch.


The hammer moved with such speed that it literally lit on fire by time it had neared the miner it was nothing more than a puff of ash.

The miner fell to his knees his face pale.

His hands shot into the air "OKAY! OKAY! I surrender!" He yelled.

I staggered towards him.

The moment I reached him I looked down on him. My glare was that of a judgemental emperor as that is exactly what I was.

"You better be ready to accept harsh terms buddy." I told him.

His eyes darted side to side. He looked scared and pale like a livestock when it realises it's about to be slaughtered.

Craig gave him a pec obscured glare.


"Okay. What is it?" Asked the minor.

"Simple. I want you to mine ores for me. You mine the ores I take and sell them. We'll pay for room and board if you need it and all that but regardless you still have to be the one mining the ores."

"Haaaaa. Okay so just what I always do except you pay for the food this time. Thats fine. I thought you were here to force me to get a real job and stop being one of those so called, SINFUL? hermits."

I grinned.

"Nope. All I want is your ores. Out of curiosity what is a hermit lifestyle like?"

"Set ninety!" Craig was off in the corner doing pinky finger push ups.

"Other than the few ores I buy food and other nessesticy with I mostly just mine the ores then throw them In the lava lake way far down this cave. I also

Live in this cave and spend most the day mining." Said the miner.

~So this is someone who will enjoy working for free.~

"Well then your in luck. Because I don't intend to change a thing."

Me and the miner shared a smile.