as he web swings away from the fallen. bridge with new found determination
location manafitsu as he releases his web pulling of a backflip as he dodges an tail with with.claws but as he lands he needs jump out the way of two rinogh like beings one with metal like and and one with skin like rocks
thunder cracks hitting Spiderman right in the back and as he gets back he leaps out doging a female like figure coming out of a spot in mid air missed me spider man mocked but he won't she exclaimed as a dark like shadow throws a man covered in armour engines pushing the figure faster he slams spider man into the ground then the Shadow like creature drops rubble on top of him in hopes to crush him but spider man webs the concrete in stoping the rubble ur gonna have to do better than that Spider-Man taunts leaping into the air and knocking the shadow like creature away into the female like figure he spins to webs and using them to crash the figures heads together and flipping over them and swinging away heading back to the labs
arriving inside the lab Spider-Man heads towards dock ock doctor is the machine ready yet we don't have much time left the sinsier seven fought with me on the way here they felt off somehow they normally but a bit more effort in trying kill me I sorta just knocked them out and started heading back
(dock ock) well spider - man I am. not sure what to say since this may be the last time we meet it was. a pleasure working with you and remember your mission is spider man cuts yes protect izuku madoryia I know (dock ock) well then when your ready just head right through
A/N I want clarify this is a my hero academia and fanfic where their is. a cac being Spider-Man and the story is mostly an idea I came up with a bit of help from a friend and I had plenty of ideas for this chapter that I had no idea how to express so if the writing and the chachters feel a bit stand of is I am a bit new to this but il say this cause I don't think I put a summary of the story before it's a fanfic that begins in a bad future of MHA where are hero spider -man has to go back and fix things for a better outcome for the future hence the name spider of hope because as the time machine was being built he has been going around saving people he started this when he was ten and he been this world's spider man for about six years so as he's been fighting and sometimes killing like the really meesed of up villins like muscular dabi the civilians felt hope agian ig thats the way I ma tryna convey it