After a mixed weekend dominated by the tension between Charmaine and Tonde. The echo of which had carried over to supper ruining an otherwise peaceful family moment by the unease they brought. Lastly there was the drama that Sunday morning when Charmaine came downstairs looking stunning, and signed him out. He might have misunderstood her intentions, which seemed to be a less than subtle attempt at seduction. The attitude by the rest of the family who quietly ignored the insinuation seemed to suggest otherwise.
As though it was all in his head and nothing to get excited about.
To say it had all been too much for Luckson was the nderstatement of the century.
That morning when uncle Thomas dropped him off along with Tonde and Charmaine, he couldn't get away fast enough. He literally ran out of the car, making some excuse about something he he needed to do.
Which wasn't entirely true. But then again it wouldn't have made a difference to uncle Thomas though who was only too glad that Luckson settling in well to his new school.
Already he had won the attention
Makanaka who had not left his side the entire first week at Beverly Heights High. She had practically taken charge of him was continuing with her self appointed role of guardianship over Luckson.
She took upon herself to point out the various segments of the school seeing the open curiosity expressed on his face each time when they migrated between classes. She went to great lengths pointing out various aspects of the school to him, volujyeering information even when she was not requested to do so.
At recess she took the initiative and led him on a guided tour of the entire school, showing him round to the tennis courts, the rugby fields. He was curious though why all basketball courts were built around the boarders hostels.
He imagined it was possibly to allow the boarding pupils easy access.
Luckson had to admit to himself that Beverly Heights High was to all intents an impressive institution, with it's facilities for extra-mural activities which were the best he had ever seen. He was even more impressed by the all the facilities without exception were maintained in immaculate condition.
It was as though the school was permanently in a state of readiness for some major sporting tournament.
Among the last places Makanaka took Luckson was the school hall as the clock raced towards the end of recess.
Luckson was'n't surprised that the hall was empty when they arrived.
What he didn't understand what was what they were doing there and could not help asking, "what are we doing here?", with an air of suspicion.
"Look at the floor", Makanaka directed.
Luckson looked down at the floor. He obediently complied with her request though at the time it did not sense to him. There was nothing new to his mind about the floor, which he had stood on more than once since coming to Beverly Heights High.
Three times a week, pupils would crowd into that same hall in neat rows to be addressed by the teaching staff.
Luckson was just thinking to himself, what's so special about the floor?", when looking down at the squeaky clean green floor. He noticed for the first time that there were lines running along it. These were not some randomly drawn lines but they were drawn into a deliberate outline.
As his eyes followed the lines to see what shape they formed, Makanaka proudly announced, "It's a indoor hockey court", Makanaka.
Taking a step back to get an overall view of the floor, it struck him that she was right.
Luckson was even more impressed and his respect for Beverly Heights High grew even further.
"Do you see the doors at built into the floor at the front just before the stage?", asked Makanaka.
"It's an underground hockey stadium", Makanaka announced proudly.
"Wow!", said Luckson impressed.
"I noticed the way you looked when we arrived", Charmaine remarked.
"What were you thinking I brought here for?", Charmaine challenged fixing Luckson with a a hard unflinching stare straight in the eyes.
"I...I... thought...?"
Makanaka burst into light hearted laughter. "Come I have something else to show you", Makanaka announced to Luckson, taking his hand and leading him outside.
"Recess is almost over", Luckson protested as Makanaka took him across to the other side of the school, "shouldn't we be getting to our next class, Luckson protested unhappily.
"This will be the last stop, I promise", Makanaka said sweetly.
Arriving at an outlining building with a staircase at one side. They climbled up the stairs and entered through a door at the top.
Looking down from by the landing where they were standing, Luckson was surprised to see a well light room at the bottom almost dug in the ground.
"Squash court?", Luckson guessed.
"Yes", said Makanaka."I have something else to show you", she annouced happily.
"What is it?", Luckson asked out of curiosity.
"Come", Makanaka urged, taking Luckson by the hand and leading him down another flight of stairs inside the building.
When they reached the bottom of the stair case, Luckson looked around to see the surprise Makanaka had in store for him. But there was nothing for him to see there apart from the four walls around them.
"I hate to be the one to break it to you, but your surprise isn't here...?"
"Oh yes, it is", Makanaka promptly shot back cheerfully.
Before Luckson knew what was happening, Makanaka flung her arms around his neck, and she was pressing her mouth against his.
The softness of her lips crushing out all thoughts resistance. He felt butterflies flutterings his stomach. It was the most beautiful sensation he had ever experienced.
Standing in that squash court with Makanaka's arms tightly wrapped around his neck, everything other emotion he had ever felt seemed to pale into obsecurity. Nothing else seemed to matter anymore, not rushing to their next class, nor the drama at the mansion, only hat one magical moment mattered.
He had never experienced anything like it, and he was thrilled that his first kiss with her. If he could have been given a choice, he would have chosen it to be with her.