Chereads / FALL TO RISE / Chapter 9 - LIKE FAMILY

Chapter 9 - LIKE FAMILY

Uncle Thomas signed the forms which Father Michael had brought with him. Then it was time for Luckson to go back to the room he had shared with successive generations of alter boys over the years. That place that he had affectionately come to regard as his home, where many new fond memories had developed over the years.

Memories he would always hold dear, which he would carry with him for a lifetime and they were many. He could remember the first night when he had arrived with Father Michael. The unexpectedly warm reception he had received from the alter boys. The way they had gathered around him as he set on his bed excitedly plying him with questions as though he was some kind of celebrity and not some troubled kid whom Father Michael had brought with him from juvenile detention.

The memory was a particularly fond and special one which had helped to rid him of any apprehensions he might have had when he walked into the room, inspite of Father Michael's reassuring presence. It had felt as though he had been meeting with old acquaintances rather than with people, whom he was meeting for the first time. He had fitted into the routine like a glove into the routine in the room, where each morning they would make their beds, as well as assist each other with chores such as sweeping to keep the room tidy.

Saturdays were reserved for doing laundry and preparing to assist Father Michael during service on Sunday. They would stay up taking turns to press their robes with a hot iron. Weeks turned into months and Luckson had also fallen into the routine.

Even though he was not officially an alter boy, as the lead singer of the All Saints Boys Choir, he had his own special set of clothes he would have to ready before each Sunday service.It had seemed the most natural thing for him to do and he could not imagine living another way.

When Luckson entered the room to pack all the other boys were out. Looking around at the walls which had become familiar to him, which had become so dear to him over time, once he had finished packing. He was reminded of Luke, Tatenda, Tawonga and the other boys as they had gathered around him when he arrived. The cheerful expressions they had worn on that day.

Even looking at the bed in which he had lain every night, Luckson felt a pang of regret as though he was leaving behind a dear friend.

The alter boys filed into the room as as Luckson took down the ttolley back containing all his worldly possessions, which Father Michael had bought for him. "Son one day you will to travel, one you will leave this place. On that day you will be glad to have this bag into which you will be able to pack your clothing and other worldy belongings", Father Michael advised wisely on the day he had bought the bag. Luckson smiled to himself when as he recalled the. day with fondness.

"Were you going to leave without saying goodbye", challenged Tinashe, one of the new alter boys. Luckson turned around to face the alter boys as they stood around him. He smiled to jhimself as he was reminded of another group of alter boys a long time ago. It seemed to him that as he had come , so he was leaving the chapel with another group of boys excitedly standing aroun himm of that day so long ago when another group of alter boys had stood excitedly around him.

Luckson was at once overcome with emotion, he wanted to say something. But he was all choked up with emotion. It was all he could do to smile at the boys gathered around him to keep from bursting into tear.

It was. as though the other boys understood what was what he was going through. Both sides stared at each other for what seemed an eternity.

The standoff was only disrupted by the voice of Father Michael calling him to his senses, "Luckson it's time to go, your uncle is waiting in the car park.

Luckson tagged at the retractable handle of the trolley with one hand. Looking around one last time at the faces around him. Luckson smiled pleasantly at the other boys and walked towards the door where Father Michael was waiting for him with his trade mark smile.

It was as though that smile had always been there, encouraging as he faced challenges, from making his first appearance as head of the All Saints Boys Choir , to first day at his new school. It seemed Father Michael was always around somewhere in the background calmly reassuring him that all was well.

As Luckson reached Father Michael, he stopped beside the priest quietly looking into his eyes. The priest gently laid a hand on Luckson's shoulder and looking back into his eyes, calmly said, "I know".

Luckson knew he was going to miss the priest, He felt as though he was lossing his best friend. One whom over time he had come to rely on more than he might have cared to admit.

The sentiment was quietly mirrored by the alter boys one of them who came over to him and wordlessly taking hold of the trolley bag started to pull it to the car park.

The rest of the alter boys quietly accompanied Luckson with their physical bodies, though their hearts and minds were lost in a state of emotional turbulence where words could not be found. It was hard for them to accept that Luckson, the singing sensation around whom the All Saints Boys Choir was founded was actually leaving. He was their mentor, their hero and it seemed a cruelty that he was going away.

They knew that the choir would never be the same without Luckson's exceptional talent. Even Father Michael walking calmly beside Luckson was equally choked up with emotion.

There was nothing more to be said as , Luckson quietly proceeded to the car park where uncle Thomas was patiently waiting beside a car.

It seemed to.all extents to be the most emotional stretch the boys alter boys had ever walked as they quietly accompanied Luckson to the car park, uncertain if they were ever going to see him again. Equally uncertain of what the future held for their choir without Luckson to lead them.