The trip back home is long, but it feels short with anticipation and excitement hanging in the air.
They stop once to get some snacks, gas, and a quick bathroom trip.
They sing together at the tops of their lungs. Camille controls the playlist and plays some bangers.
They enjoy this time together since when they get home there is probably going to be lots of last minute preparations regarding themselves. And they won't have a lot of time to themselves.
Camille is looking out with window smiling. She looks over at Dean who has his eyes trained on the road.
"I can't believe time has flown so fast. I mean people probably think we're crazy, it's been less than a year." She said, though there was a bit of underlying anxiety.
Dean grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. He'd been thinking maybe Camille would feel like things were rushing. He knew she loved him and she'd told him countless times before she was ready to marry him. But he also knew her. She was one to overthink things and he felt that he knew her very well, but those memories were one sided. She didn't have them.
Of course though, he had to prepare his own nerves since he'd be telling her everything after the wedding.
"It has been less than a year, but there's no rule that you have to spend a year with someone to decide whether or not they are your soulmate. I've known that from the jump." He said.
Camille nodded.
"Are you nervous?" She poked him in the side, teasing him.
"Hell no, I'm ready." He said with a laugh though he gripped the steering wheel tighter.
The trip back home took about four and a half hours.
So they arrived around noon. As he pulled into the driveway of his home, Camille was already out the door hugging his sister who had been seemingly waiting for them to pull up.
When he got out the car he saw her now hugging his mother. They both had big grins on their faces.
Daniella came over and hugged him. "I missed you."
"I missed you too." He said and kissed the top of her head.
Then his mom came over and hugged him.
"Aww, both my babies are back."
Dean laughed. "We're in college mom."
Samantha stuck her tongue out at him. "So, you're still my baby, you always will be."
They all went inside.
The wedding venue was going to be at Baywood Greens Golf Course and Clubhouse.
When this idea had come up Camille protested saying they could literally get married in a restaurant but Samantha refused.
She had saving and she put some money towards it. Stating, "I'm allowed, I'm the mother of the groom."
Camille just agreed and thanked her. Camille's mother had also put in some funding, Camille had been in touch with her since she visited and she was willing to help pay. She said it was the least she could do.
She payed for Camille's dress and the flowers for Camille herself and the centerpieces.
Camille considered herself lucky, there was a little local boutique and she had found the dress in a few hours and knew that it was exactly what she wanted. It only cost $800.
Dean's tux had been $200, he knew a family who had a clothing store and they gave him a discount, glad to hear he was getting married.
It was around dinner time and his mother had made some empanadas and baked macaroni and cheese. While they ate Dean pulled his mom aside.
"Hey mom, can I talk to you quick."
"Sure honey, what is it?"
Dean hadn't yet told her he invited Dante, he was a little worried about her reaction.
"So I uh, I've been in touch with Dante."
His mom seemed to recoil. "Oh, well that's great honey…" she hesitated before asking, "How is he?"
Dean smiled. "Well that's what I wanted to talk to you about, I've been in touch with him and I invited him. He told me he's coming, and I've spoken to him a few times since then and he found a suit. I invited him to be my best man… so you can ask him how he's doing yourself."
Samantha didn't quite know how to feel at all. Excited, guilty, happy, ashamed. Maybe it was a mix of it all.
"Well then, I guess I will." She patted Dean on the back and walked away to join the girls in the kitchen. Dean followed not long after
It was the 19th today. Which meant after today there were six days until D-Day.
Dean wanted to sleep in his room with Camille that night but Daniella whisked her away and demanded a girls night.
Dean reluctantly agreed.
He drifted off to sleep as he heard the sound of their laughter down the hallway.
Dean woke up. Shot up straight. He was sweating and he felt shaky. It was that dream. He finally had it again.
He hadn't had it in a while.
He opened the window letting the cooler air fill his room.
He was beginning to wonder. Before he thought that maybe he was just going crazy. A side effect of doing things that are impossible.
But he felt uneasy, and it seemed everytime he had that dream the feeling grew worse.
What could it be? Why did he keep having these dreams?
The next day it seemed the chaos began. He drove Camille over to her mother's and then went back home.
He looked unwell, though everytime he was asked he brushed it off and said he was fine.
His mom was going to cook the food for the wedding. There wasn't going to be an over abundance of people.
Camille had three friends from college coming.
Clara, she was the red head with the glasses that Camille roomed with.
Bianca who was in her lecture for Biology.
And Mya who she met while studying at the library.
Mya and Bianca were already friends, so Camille introduces them to Clara and they hung out. They bonded quickly with Clara, and so that became Camille's little friend group.
They all had boyfriends and were bringing them to the wedding.
Dean of course had his family coming. Camille's mom was coming but she hadn't said anything about a plus one.
Scott, Ray, Isaiah, Henry, Jayden, and Jimmy were coming. They hadn't said if they were bringing anyone. Dean was gonna have to call them and ask.
Jackson was coming and he was bringing his girlfriend.
Dean had invited the owner of the store he worked at for many years, Mr. Washington. In a way that man had been more of a father to him than his own ever was.
He would probably bring his wife.
So in all he now counted a total of 22 people attending the wedding.
When he came back downstairs Samantha stopped him and made him sit down.
"Dean what's wrong? You look sick."
Dean tried to brush it off but she wouldn't take no for an answer.
"Mom, do you remember what I told you?"
Samantha was quiet for a moment and then she knew what he was talking about.
"It has to do with that. I keep getting these dreams. The only thing I can remember is something about a sacrifice and a choice… and everytime I have the dream I end up feeling worse."
Samantha looked visibly worried.
Dean tried to play it off. "I'll be okay though. When I take Benadryl I don't dream. I forgot to take it last night. It was still in my suitcase." He laughed lightly.
Samantha wasn't having it. "Dean, don't try to downplay it. This is a concerning matter. And taking Benadryl every night when it's not needed isn't good for you. It'll stop working eventually, you'll build up a tolerance and you'll only move onto the next stronger thing."
Dean was quiet.
She said to him in a low voice. "Your father has an addiction. His mother had issues with drinking too. It runs in that side of the family… addiction. The last thing we need is for you to get addicted to pills. Because it only gets worse. You're starting your life, you are about to get married. Don't self medicate Dean, go see a therapist. I'm serious about this."
Dean nodded. "I know, I don't want that either."
She left him on the couch as she walked out into the kitchen. Dean went out the door.
He needed fresh air. A moment alone to himself without anyone else around. He needed to gain peace of mind.
He walked a while. A few blocks. Until he was at a little trail he used to ride around on bikes with Jackson.
Here he found it. He felt the wave of calm wash over him. He guessed he was a bit nervous about the wedding and it made the anxiety a lot worse. He took a moment to just reflect. He was going to be fine.
As he was walking back the way he came he came face to face with the last person he wanted to see.
His dear old man. He hadn't seen him in months. It'd be nice if he never had to again.
Dean honestly wasn't going to say anything to him. He was going to walk right by him. But he just couldn't. He hated that about himself. He couldn't ignore him.
It was chilly out and his father didn't have a coat. Dean was guessing since he didn't have any parents and was now kicked out of his home he had no where to go. He probably was staying at some bar with a room. As long as he bought a drink they'd let him stay. Most likely he didn't have any money anymore and got kicked out.
Dean turned. "Do you need anything?"
His father looked up at him. "Why would I need anything from you?"
Dean sighed. "Well, can't say I didn't try." He put his hands up defensively and turned away.
Dean turned back. Waiting.
"I could use a cup of coffee or something.
Dean nodded and began walking next to him as they headed to a little convenience store about two blocks away.
Dean got his father the coffee and found a jacket in the very back of the store.
They sat outside on a bench. Neither talking, just staring ahead. His father sipped on the coffee.
Dean finally spoke. "You don't smell like booze…" the question in his voice.
"I'm trying to go sober… that's why I needed a coffee."
Dean nodded. "So then what would you have done had I not been there to get you the coffee."
"I don't know.. maybe I would've just curled up somewhere and tried to sleep it off." Drew replied.
Dean looked over at him. His father looked at the ground.
"You don't have anywhere to go do you?"
Drew didn't speak. Just shook his head.
Dean sighed. He couldn't believe he was about to do this.
"Well, I don't know if you heard but I'm getting married."
His father looked over at him in surprise.
~Guess he really didn't know huh?~
"It's in a few days. The twenty-sixth. I don't really know if I should invite you, but there won't be any alcohol. Half of us aren't old enough and mom doesn't drink anyways…"
His father nodded.
Dean said quietly. "Dante is coming…."
His father froze. The son he hadn't seen in years.
Dean laughed a bitter laugh. "Course, I guess I should tell him, I don't know if he would come if I extended the invite to you."
Drew didn't speak, he just sat quietly. Ashamed.
"Nice of you to offer but I'm not going to come."
Dean expected it, but it still kind of hurt to hear his rejection. What he didn't expect was the following words he spoke.
"I'm gonna go check myself into rehab. I got in trouble a while ago and it's been court ordered."
Dean nodded. "Well, I can't say much, I mean you kind of need it… if only you made that decision a few years prior."
He got up. Ready to head back home.
He hadn't walked far when his father called his name.
He stopped. Turning his head and looking at him. He was met with the same green eyes looking back at him.
"Thanks for the invite though."
He nodded and gave him a small smile before walking away.