She fell upon the body on the bed but she maintained some distance between their lips or else they could have crushed into one another but she felt two muscular arms on her back, pulling her toward his body not wanting to let her go or lose his grip around her little frame while she let her face fall near his neck corner. "It is not new. I rest and then okay." He said in a husky sweet, but defeated voice. "Are you drunk?" She questioned him after noticing his behavior and tried to release herself from his grip. "I am tired." He answered her softly and tightened his grip around her.
"Cuddle?" He spat out one word, enough to make her understand what he was asking. "No, We can't. JJ… I think you should go to sleep." She denied his request and tried to get up again. "Please?" JJ requested again, pleading with her to stay with him because he wanted someone to be by his side and cuddle the pain away with the warmth, not wanting to stay alone. "You know... we shouldn't... it's... just not... right." She freed herself after struggling a lot to free herself from his strong grip on her. She stopped for a few seconds when a weird smell hit her nostrils that was coming from the body lying on the bed carelessly.
'No wonder why he is acting this way. He is drunk and tired from all the work. I don't think he ever will be able to remember what he is doing right now.' She sighed heavily and climbed down from the bed slowly. 'I wonder if everyone's situation is the same as him. I don't want to face it all over again or else I will have to start taking therapy. I should avoid visiting them all and go to sleep too.' She decided to return to her room again to sleep in peace.
The sun was shining brightly again indicating it was a bit late in the morning when JJ opened his eyes and rubbed his eyes roughly because of the headache. He casually stood up and went to the washroom to get fresh, washing his face with water when he remembered the incident that took place yesterday night. 'Was it a dream or did that really happen?' He freaked out and rushed outside without giving it much thought he ran to Tiara's room.
He desperately knocked on her room to apologize to her, not wanting her to have any kind of wrong idea of his personality because he was nothing like what he did yesterday. He was one of those people who liked to ignore girls in their lifetime to maintain peace in his life, not wanting any kind of drama. It was the first time when he did something like this in his lifetime. Surely, He dated a few celebrities but none of those worked longer than 2 months because of his busy schedule and his personality to keep a physical distance from his dates.
The gate opened revealing a smaller frame than his, rubbing her eyes making it obvious that she woke up because of his desperate knocks on the gate, her face was still looking flawless but her hair was messy. 'Looking good as always.' He took a few seconds to examine her. "I forgave you. Go and let me sleep." She knew the reason behind his visit in the morning after noticing his desperate behavior and jumped to a conclusion.
"B-but..." JJ tried to speak something but he couldn't say much. "No buts. I don't want to have this conversation now or ever. You can forget it because no damage was done so you are good. I want to sleep more because we have a flight in 6 hours again, You should go and rest as well." She commanded him lazily and turned around to close the door to sleep peacefully to avoid the probable conversation.
"It will not repeat." He said before she could close the gate. "I know I know. It's fine." She replied to him in a lazy tone. Just like that, Their conversation ended and they went back to rest.
The days went by and they traveled through lots of countries doing their concerts, live on their social media, resting, eating, and a little conversation with each other. The days felt shorter and shorter as they were able to get any rest, they all only had one hope and that was to rest after the tour was over, They planned to take at least 10 days of rest to settle down and rest while figuring out on how to introduce Tiara to the world as their manager? Should they introduce it or let the world figure it out on their own? They didn't give it much of a thought as their mind was already occupied with the rehearsals and concerts with barely any proper sleep.
The day before they were supposed to return to Korea was their stressless day as they all had only one thought 'Just one day more and we will be home.' but only one of them had a different thought. 'Will it be a rest for me too as well or will it be a start of a new mind war? I hope everything will turn out okay.' She was concerned as she was told that she would have to start her manager job when they reached Korea again.
Surely, She learned lots of things from their personal managers and helped them in their jobs as well for the time being but it will be different as she will have to lead instead of helping that too not only handling one but the whole group. Will it be harder or easier? She wasn't sure but she was sure of one thing and that was, She will figure it out with time. She knew she would make some small mistakes here and there but she had people around her who would forgive her mistakes and try to fix things for her, who would guide her if she did something wrong, and who would be her friend when she needed someone to have a conversation.
She understood one thing during the tour time, She will need to have a better conversation with all of them if she had to work with them as it won't be easy if they can't properly understand her that's the reason she started to learn their language and read about their traditions as well. She wanted to give her best as she knew they put their faith in her as soon as they paid the penalty to free her from her previous model agency deal and offered her probably better opportunity. She wasn't fluent but she was still learning with time, She slept late as sometimes she lost track of time while learning but that was okay for her as she saw TR-X was doing harder work than her. Learning a new language was nothing compared to what they were doing according to her but she didn't tell anyone about her learning as she wanted to surprise them once she learned it properly. She took help from some staff members who became her friends during this time and helped her with the accent to increase her pace of learning.
Their last but not least stop was the Philippines which was known to be their first country with a large number of fans who were crazy for TR-X. Their auditorium was bigger than the previous ones with uncountable people cheering for them. Unfortunately, Their mike stopped working, the music that was present in the air disappeared, and the shining lights died altogether giving everyone the idea that there was a shortage of electricity. The idols were tensed and stopped for a few seconds, too confused to know what should they do but soon, they heard the song, sung by their presented fans in the auditorium, and the place was filled with light, coming from their phones to support and show love to their idols and they kept dancing to show their appreciation to their fans.
It was looking wholesome and heartful to see the love, understanding, respect, and support between the celebrities and followers. Tiara knew TR-X was one of the popular bands but now, she knew they were well respected and loved as well, They were in a huge position because of their hard work and their fans who adored them. Within a few minutes, everything was fixed and people stopped singing to enjoy their loved idol's voices.
Everything went as usual afterward, the muscular men said thank you for their support during the shortage of electricity. They were exhausted but happy that they would be able to have a proper rest afterward and it would be the end of their suffering. Thankfully, The night was peaceful for all of them and their sleep was somewhat sweetest as well because stress and heavy responsibility were off of their shoulders which were to have a successful world tour with no failure and they didn't fail as well letting them sleep without any worries for now.
"Yes, Mom. I am good. You shouldn't worry. I will take care of myself." Tiara was standing in her bathroom looking into the mirror while talking to her mother over the call. "I know you are capable of taking care of yourself and you have proved it as well but a mother always worries for her children. Always remember the monsters you fought didn't have any mind or any strategy to attack you but a normal human being is capable of planning the evilest thing out of jealousy or any other reason. Look out for any possibility." Her mother warned her about the world's ugly side. "I know, Mom but don't forget I am your daughter only. I will face every problem which will come my way." Her daughter reassured her with a smile on her face.
"So, You will be in Korea in the middle night today, right?" She asked for the confirmation. "Yes, That is the plan. I hope everything will go smoothly." The little girl could only hope for a better future. "Okay, I will talk to you later. I better get ready fast as it's time to leave for the airport." She informed her mother before ending the call and looked at the mirror again. 'You can do it!' Tiara talked to her reflection in the mirror to give herself the confidence to face the future and destiny she chose herself.
They took their seats in their private jet peacefully while Tiara was still not adjusted to the lavish lifestyle. She was still adjusting and having her awkward moments from time to time. It was a reality check for her to remember that none of this was hers. "Are you ready?" KR started a conversation as soon as they settled down. "For what?" She replied to him with a question as well. "We will not hide you from the cameras now. You will have to face the cameras and those reports may try to attack you for the gossip. Are you ready for all of this?" KR asked her properly again.
"Yeah... I can handle it." She answered him with somewhat confidence. "We will help." Joy tried to tell her that they would be by her side. She didn't need to worry as she had 5 men who were willing to take a stand for her, protect her, and respect her.
"I know I have you all by my side but it's my responsibility to look out for all of you, not the other way around. Don't worry I can take care of myself and if I end up messing up then I know you can do your magic afterward." She reassured them and tried to crack a joke. "You can trust us." JJ peeked and reassured her because he knew she always tried to put a brave face on in front of everyone and struggle alone. "I know." She said in a low but loud enough voice to be heard by everyone.
Soon, Tiara fell asleep on her seat peacefully as she was exhausted after handling the last concert's work because she was helping everyone else with their work and learning from them while the other presented people started to have a conversation in their mother tongue but one by one they all fell asleep from exhaustion.
They spent half of the plane ride asleep when they could have enjoyed the journey and admired the view out of the window peacefully but the truth was they were tired of everything. It was just a casual thing for them now. Sleep was a treasure for them that they could rarely get, a treasure they admired and desired a lot these past months.
'We will land in South Korea in 15 minutes. Please, Make sure you wear the safety belts properly.' An announcement was made waking them from their nap. "We slept almost 8 hours, didn't we?" Tiara commented while fixing her posture after coming to her senses. "Our sleeping schedule is kind of messed up." KR passed another comment and chuckled. "Our home." Vin was looking outside of the window, admiring the view in front of him outside of the window and complimented in a soft voice.
'Yeah, Your home... I don't know when will I be able to return home now. I miss everything food, my parents, my brother, my friends, and even my neighbors. I miss it all.' Tiara was upset from the inside that she had to leave her home to get this opportunity. She missed her home all this time but couldn't share her feelings with anyone as she knew she would make the other person pity her which she never wanted from anyone. 'Hopefully, Everything will be okay.' She could only hope for the best.
"Uh... Don't mind but where will I live?" Tiara asked hesitantly. "Don't worry about it. We settled everything for you and decided that you can stay with us. That's why we have arranged a separate room for you." KR reassured her as he settled everything over the call. "Oh okay... I will pay the rent then." She promised as she knew the amount of money they were spending on her. "No need." Sam denied her for the payback, looking like a big brother who love his baby sister. "But that won-" She started to protest. "No buts." JJ interrupted her. "Yes, You are our friend. No need." Vin stopped her as well as he knew she was a stubborn child. "They will start fight... don't say anything." Joy suggested her to stay quiet and accept their present peacefully or else he knew the members would start fighting her and it wouldn't be fair if they fought 5 against 1. Tiara made an ugly face, showing her irritation towards them, and turned her face towards the window to ignore all of them.
The jet landed on the surface of the earth after almost 8 hours peacefully in the middle of the night but the lights were bright enough to make it look like around 9 in the night. The little girl took a deep breath before standing up from her seat. 'Should I hide from the cameras or should I face them now?' She wasn't sure what should she do.
"Should I hide?" She shot her question directly at men. "It depends on you now but it will be better if they see you after a bit after our little break." KR answered her suggesting his idea. "Understandable." Tiara agreed with him as she wasn't ready to face the media reporters again after her last incident outside of the airport.
They peacefully collected their luggage and came out of the airport just to encounter the media and fans, present there to welcome, congratulate, and question them. TR-X didn't give their attention to Tiara this time because they knew it was okay if everyone saw Tiara with them now but it wasn't the same for her.