Chereads / Miss Zombie: A K-pop Idol / Chapter 10 - The live stream

Chapter 10 - The live stream

The zombie coming from the front tried to attack her but she hit on his head which stopped him for a few seconds before attacking again but in those few seconds she noticed the other one who was coming to her from her left. Her eyes widened and she looked toward the other in the hope that she won't need to fight both of them but they got stuck because there was another third zombie who was running toward Vin coming from where they needed to go.

She saw the situation forward and then decided to fight those two zombies on her own and Sam's mother, Mrs. Kim saw it but she couldn't do anything because she didn't have a rod with her. Tiara hit the first zombie on his head again and then kicked the other one away. She hit on the first zombie's knees which made him fall to the ground and she did the same with the second one while Vin fought with the first one but his parents helped him fight the zombie. Tiara hit on both of their head and said "Push him aside and run." she saw other zombies coming to their side because of the sound of the fight.

Mrs. Kim saw that the second zombie who was lying on the ground was about to cut Tiara on her feet but she warned Tiara on time and then she stuck the rod between his teeth and then they ran towards the door after Vin pushed the zombie aside.

Tiara pulled out the rod from the zombie's mouth and ran behind them. Vin knocked on the door and the other members opened the door quickly. Everyone was going inside but the zombie whom Vin pushed away attacked Mrs. Kim. Tiara couldn't do much because it was too sudden but she stuck the rod between the zombie and Mrs. Kim. She shoved the zombies away and kicked him toward the wall on the other side. Other zombies started to come toward them. She pushed Mrs. Kim to make her come to her senses and run inside the room.

She started to move inside the room while around 8 zombies came from behind her but she was fast enough to go inside but her feet twisted and she fell on someone meanwhile KR almost closed the door but couldn't as some zombies were successful to make space for their hands to come through a little space from the unclosed door. Tiara wasn't prepared to fall down that too on someone that took her into her own world ignoring everything else and then she noticed the person's heartbeats were increasing crazily which helped her come to reality and then she looked at the person's face, It was JJ who was looking at her making his eyes as big as possible. He blinked his eyes twice and she did the same and then again he blinked his eyes twice and she again copied him. He gulped down while she just looked at him in embarrassment trying to think what to do now.

She ignored everyone else screams or their try to close the door, She came to her sense when JJ fake coughed to let her know that others were staring at them. She cleared her throat which was dry due to hotness all over her body and stood quickly then she saw that only KR, Sam, and Mr. Kang were pushing the door to close it. "What are you staring at?" Tiara screamed at them. "Use the rods and push their hands out!" She ordered them. They did as she said after KR translated it while she pushed their hands outside of the room and Vin helped her.

After struggling a lot, They were successful at locking the door and Tiara fell down on her knees taking support from the door and losing all her body strength. Everyone else looked at her with worry on their faces because they knew it wasn't easy to do what she did especially for other's parents but then she gathered all her courage again and looked at them and she noticed Joy who was holding his phone and recording everything. "What are you doing?" Tiara looked at him.

"I- recording…" He answered in his broken English. "But why are you recording me like this!?" Tiara stood up in anger. "Relax kiddo, He didn't record you only… He was recording since the moment we opened the door for you. " K.R. tried to calm her down and Joy stopped the recording.

"Don't call me kiddo and why is he recording everything?" Tiara burst out in anger. "Well, He promised our fans to record everything and post it online while you were gone." K.R. explained but Tiara didn't reply and just stared at them with anger in her eye and disgusted face.

"I just want to take a rest now." She walked past them and sat on the couch while all of them stood there like statues but once she sat down on the same couch she sat on before while recording the apology video, they started to walk towards the small meeting table at the side. They made their parents sit on the chairs and let them relax while Vin took a seat as well taking heavy breaths.

She took out both water bottles she kept in her pants from the other room. She put one bottle on the table and opened the other one and took 2 sips of water from it. "Why did you take water bottles from there?" K.R. looked at Tiara while taking a seat beside his parents. "You will know soon." She didn't answer him straight. Joy sat with them as well and now there were no chairs left to sit.

Sam and J.J. came towards the couch and sat on the large couch in the middle. "Thank you… save my mother." Sam tried to say thank you to Tiara in English. "Mention not, I promised her to save her and I try not to break my promises." Tiara said while putting the other bottle on the table. She smiled at Sam and he did the same.

Joy started his live broadcast again and started talking in Korean making Tiara irritated because she couldn't understand a thing he was saying. "We don't know what to do now." Joy said in front of the camera. He looked at the comments half of them were crying and some said 'I wish I was there with you to protect you.' 'You shouldn't be there.' 'Please, Keep yourself safe.' 'Did Vin come back with his parents?' 'Is Vin okay?' Where is Vin?' 'Are the parents okay?' Almost half of the people were asking about Vin and their parents because Joy told them that Vin is gone for their parents to another room.

Joy didn't say anything and moved the camera to Vin who was still sitting closing his eyes. "Tae-hee!" Joy called out to him and Vin opened his eyes a little looking straight at the phone and then gave them a thumbs up letting them know that he was okay then he turned the phone towards him again "I even recorded a video of them when they got back. I will post it soon on our channel and make a new playlist only for this thing because…" He sighed. "Because I think we aren't going to make it out of this mess and can die anytime now." He was sad from the beginning but this time he was sadder than before even his Korean language seem to come out of his mouth broken then he faked a smile for their fans.

He started to show everyone in the room letting them know that everyone was safe that's when the viewers saw Tiara sitting on the couch even though Joy tried not to show her. He sat beside J.J. on the couch and turned the camera toward him.

J.J. and Joy looked at the comments together 'Who is she?' 'Is that a girl?' 'Omg, I think I saw a girl with them.' 'Why is she with them?' 'Is the girl their sister?' 'Chill everyone, It is one of the member's sister.'

They both looked at each other trying to think what to say about her and then looked at her. Tiara caught them looking at her. "What?" She raised her eyebrows at them. Sam looked at her and then looked at two men sitting beside him but then he saw the comments about her and he understood what happened. "amugeosdo, jinjeong"- 'Nothing, Relax.' He told Tiara to relax but forgot that she don't know Korean. "Huh?" She was irritated at this moment.

K.R. phone rang and he picked it up, His eye widened, and looked at Tiara which made her even more angrier that she couldn't understand anything that he was saying on the phone and looking at her making her think that he was talking about her.

He cut the call in a hurry and he was tense now. "What happened now?" Tiara asked him. "I-" K.R.'s mind froze and then he started to talk in Korean with everyone else and Tiara could see that all of their faces became duller than before like K.R.

He looked at Tiara again and sat in front of her at the table. "I don't know how to tell you this but-" K.R. stopped and Tiara tilted her head a little trying to be patient. "Just tell me, I am not a patient person." She shook her head.

"So, There's another group in this building who is stuck in a room and they called me after they saw Joy's live and they are freaking out." K.R. told her whose call was it. "Okay… so?" Tiara was trying to make her mind work. "Didn't you say that it will be good to stick together and more people mean more safety?" K.R. looked down and then raised his eyes to look at Tiara who was raising her one eyebrow and making a total disgusted face but this time she didn't try to hide it even a little. "Continue." Tiara said coldly.

"I know it's a big deal to go for them and bring them here but-" He sighed. "I am not saying that we want you to go there but we can go to save them. They were here to make a contract with our agency for a collaboration. They are actually American artists." He sighed again as it was hard for him to explain this to her. "I think you don't even know them." He looked at her again and guessed that if she didn't know their group then there were high chances that she didn't know them too. "It's Velvet brothers." He said it casually but it drew Tiara's attention, She was shocked, her lips parted and her eyes widened. K.R. saw her reaction. "Do you know them?" K.R. asked her. "Aa…I know. Of course. I used to love their songs in 2018." Tiara said hesitantly feeling a bit shy.

"Wait, Are you saying that you know the Velvet brothers but don't know TR-X which is one of the biggest boybands in the world?" K.R. got shocked. "I- Who said your band is worldwide known?" Tiara knitted her eyebrows. "Just search it on the web." K.R. ordered her but she just rolled her eyes. "Okay, I stopped listening to songs after 2020." She sighed. "I wouldn't have known them too if my cousin hadn't their songs and listening to them in front of me. I liked their songs and started listening to them too." Tiara explained. "Why did you stop listening to the songs?" K.R. asked again. "Are you interrogating me?" She asked. "No, I was just curious." K.R. said with a bit of hesitation. "I stopped because I started to do arts and never had time for the songs." She cleared and answered him.

She looked at Joy who was still holding his phone and looking at them which made him realize that he didn't turn off the live yet and then again he read the comments. 'Who is she?' 'Our leader is talking to her in English means she isn't a Korean!' 'She isn't their sister then who is she?' 'Ugh, Joy please we want to see them talk, Is our leader very close to her?' 'We can only hear their voices.' 'I'm dying from curiosity.' He gulped down after looking at the comments and then looked at Tiara again. J.J. was seeing it and decided to answer their fans and told them everything that they found the girl who kissed Vin, she was here to record the apology video with them when all this happened and now she is helping them to go through the apocalypses because he considered his fan as his best friend always but he made sure that they knew that she is the only reason that their parents and Vin got back safely which made the fans less angry on her but Tiara didn't understand a thing he said but she ignored them and continued to talk with K.R.

"Okay." She licked her lips without looking at K.R. which made his heartbeats faster. "You can go to save them but why are you telling me all this?" Tiara asked him. "Because you were looking irritated with us talking in Korean and were feeling left out." K.R. was always good at reading people as a good leader and human. "Ahh, Thank you for thinking about me." She smiled at him innocently which made him look at her differently in a good way. "As well…" He stopped and Tiara looked at him in confusion. "Can you give us some advice before we go out? I think you are good at this stuff… so…" K.R. was looking at Tiara for some response but Tiara went into her own thoughts.

After thinking a lot she looked at the wooden rods and then looked at her bag which was laying on the ground near her couch. "I think I have an idea." She said while looking at her bag.

She took one of the rods and opened the zip of her bag and took out a scissor.

She started peeling the wooden rod from the end to make it sharper. It was hard but she kept doing it which made everyone think.

"Why are you doing this?" K.R. decided to ask her. "To k*ll those zombies out there if needed." She didn't look at him and kept peeling the wood. "You are going to k*ll them!?" his eyes widened as he realized that she was ready to k*ll them. "Yes, if necessary. It's them or us." She stopped and looked at him. "Don't forget that they are already dead in a way." She explained to him with a warm smile and then started to peel the wood again.

"They are just biting machines. Zombies can keep eating people but their hunger never ends. They are always hungry and bite every human they find." She explained to him like a genius. "How can you say this confidently? It's like you know them for a long time." K.R. raised his eyebrows in shock.

She chuckled. "Don't you see those movies or series of zombies?" Tiara laughed again. "But those are fictional." He gave an excuse. She pressed her lips together into a thin line and eye rolled. "Yes, Fiction is somewhat related to reality always." She smirked at him making her eyes uneven.