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Sky flames Hero

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Chapter 1 - Sheppard of Fire

Bakugou knew he was so fucked that vilain made of goe was choking him while the hero looked and even the surprise attack of Deku (What was that dumbass thought) while effective didn't allowed him a chance to flee

Midorya last thought were to his mom and that at least he died trying to help


But then a kid around sixteen passed the security perimeter, while the hero screamed at him to go back he walked confidently till he was 2 meters away of the vilain

"Would you please surrender ? It will be easier for everyone" he asked kindly

"NEVER" Do this guy ever stop yelling

A giant tendril of sludge smashed the ground were the new arrival stood generating a wall of smoke hiding everything from view

But when the smoke cleared the guy was unhurt

"In that case I will need to put you down"

Then heat and a lot of it a bright orange flame exploded on in front of his brown hair, his eye got from chocolate brown to a blazing orange and on his hand two metal gloves appeared out of nowhere

He took a stance with all of his upperbody forward and his gloved hand extended behind his back

And he wasn't there anymore but more surprising he poped on the safe zone and he had Bakugou and Midorya under each arm he put them on the ground and disappeared once more

"A speed Quirk ? I thought it would be fire"

Bakugou was to overwhemed to even comment

The guy appeared just in front of the sludge vilain with his hand extended toward him and his finger touching his opponent

"Zero point breakthrough: first edition"

...Ice...    ice covered the vilain in a matter of seconds till he was fully encased in it

The camera, the civilians, the hero even all might in his weak form was speechless. 5 heroes without counting him and they couldn't hit that vilain, a 16 year old kid beated it in less than a minute

"Hey kid that was dangerous we had it covered" said death arms visibly trying to save face to the blazing kid

"Under control, you were sitting on your ass and a kid with a backpack was more usefull than the 5 of you, so explain me how you had it under control ?"

Death Arms was about to retort but the look of the kid paralized him, he was avare of the camera and that the exchange had been filmed but he still couldn't move

"While that's true, it was still dangerous you could have make the situation worse that it already was" said Kamui Wood coming to help his colleague

"If I hadn't come in two kids would be dead and that would have been your fault, I just saved them while you let them get abducted and choked to death, so what you're trying to say his thanks isn't it ?"

The police took over the scene and took the two ostage appart to take their statement while one was tasked to capture the teen for vigilantism

When he arrived with the cuffs the kid powered down to his brown eyes and extended his arms for the policeman

"Sorry, if it was up to me we should give you a medal" said the policeman

"Don't be, do your job, I understand" said the kid sincerly

Time skip

"So let me review what he told you'' said Naomasa to the detective who had been in charge of the kid evaluation "you only learned of his name wich his Sawada Tsunayoshi"

"Yes he said he'll only speak to someone with a lie detection Quirk" Okay now he was surprised

He finally got to the interrogation room where the kid was patiently waiting and entered

"Hello I'm detective Tsukauchi Naomasa, the lie détection user you asked for"

The kid looked at him and after he had visibly decided that Naomasa wasn't lying he gestured to the chair in front of him with a gesture of his head

Naomasa didn't like that a 16 year old kid had a seemingly complete control of the interrogation but hid it and sat putting his folder in front of him

"So you're Sawada Tsunayoshi ?"

"My friend call me Tsuna"


"Okay, where are you from ?"


True again

"What's your Quirk ?"


True again

How to explain the show of power, two possibility either he was convince it wasn't a Quirk but his power  would have rang false, so that was support gear or something similar, or option three his power weren't his

"But you got a special ability right ?"

"Yes but it do not classify has Quirk"


"What is it ?"

"It's called dying will flame, it allow it's user to manifest their willpower into flame, higher the will stronger the flames"

Once more it was true but that didn't explain the speed or the ice

"What of the speed or the ice ?"

"The speed is due to the fact that I used my flame as a propeller, the ice is the reverse of the dying will flame" he seemed to think of the best way to put it

"Let's say now I'm at a neutral level of will, if I activate my power" and as a demonstration he got into his hyper mode

Naomasa and visibly the people behind the glass were shocked, the Quirk supressing cuff melted under the flames

He realy had a power that wasn't a Quirk

"But if you have a negative will" the flames died and a small shard of ice appeared in his hand

"...." Naomasa was still in shock

"Anything else you would like to know ?"

He needed the help of someone smart and as much as he didn't like the rat Naomasa said to Tsuna that he had a call to make and he exited the room quickly

Tsuna was in a state between pissed and downright furious

One he awoke from an underground lab two weeks ago with no recolection as how he got there but since his memory shaky at best (he remembered Reborn and the rest of his familly but not the year or the event following the arcobaleno war)

Two he found out that a majority of the world had power wich was a bad sign because as all of his life taught him, when someone's given power they abused it, and he quickly learned he was right vilain were abusing there power to satisfy their need but the hero weren't better carring more about image and publicity than helping

Three the cop charged of interogating him left him alone uncuffed and the door was opened

His musing was interrupted by the detective and a hobo in lack of sleep but the talking mouse in a buisness suits that jumped from the hobo scarf took the cake in his two week of bizarery, and that was from someone trained by a killer baby

"The detective called me to help figuring what to do from now on"

"Well that was not what I expected when he leaved to give a call"

"Well for intro I'm the only animal with a Quirk alive, it give me high level of intelligence, and I'm also the director of UA"

"So your not a flame box ?" Tsuna said disappointed that the creature wasn't linked to flames at all

"What's a flame box ?" Said the mouse now interested

"Oh yeah, it will be easier to show you" He searched his pocket and extracted the vongola box of the sky and his vongola ring on a Marmon chain on his neck, since he sealed his VG power it had retake his base form, same for Natsu who weren't in a ring but in a box

He put the ring on and ignited it feeling the familiar power pulse through it, while it was not his VG it was still the vongola ring of the sky (after the first released it) it was good to feel it again. He put the flame in the box and Natsu shot on the table to everyone amazement

"Gaooou" Natsu roared as he appeared in his usual flame form

"Sorry boy, I couldn't realy let you out sonner" Tsuna said peting the small lion belly

"I want to make you a proposition, but first I want to know your story" said Nezu to everyone surprise

"What do I get out of it ?" Said Tsuna not even blinking "A deal mean I get something out of it, so in exchange for my story I want access to every data military or not, classified or not, my story worth at least that" 

Naomasa was nearly fainting, Aizawa was stunned at the ball the kid had, while Nezu laughed

"Well it seem I underestimated you, so how about how you finished here"

"That seem more agreable" and Tsuna resumed his last two weeks

In the end Naomasa confirmed his story was not a lie

"How about a place at UA in the hero course, you would still have to take the entrance exam but you could do it"

"You're joking right, I'm way to strong for this" and it was no boast but plain fact from his research he could take on everyone in japan beside All Might so putting him with kid

"To be honnest it's that or prison" said Aizawa gruffly

"Don't bluff, my power are no Quirk so no supressor will work and I can escape this room whenever I want, as for surviving I got enough money to live a hundred life span without having to worry, so how would you hold me ?"

The tension in the room skyroceted

"I accept" Tsuna said surprising everyone