Chereads / Aisha x Nex (their love story) / Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Back at Alfea

Aisha x Nex (their love story)

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Back at Alfea

(This story begins after the events of season 5 when the girls beat Tritanus and bring Bloom's sister Daphne back from the curse of sirenix. The girls then return back to Alfea to continue their studies as Daphne is now a professor for history of magic.)

(The story will mostly be in Aisha/Layla's POV sometimes switching to Nex's POV)

The girls and I finally made it back to Alfea, after defeating Tritanus all of us are more than happy to be back at school considering it's become one of the easier things in our lives lately with all the constant fighting we have to do now as guardian fairies as well as princess duties for Stella, Bloom, and I. "Ugh I don't know about you girls but I am so glad to be back at Alfea!" Stella said as the girls and I walked up to the gates. "Wow Stell, that's the first time I think I've ever heard you say you actually wanna be at school!" I said as all the girls laughed. "Hey I'm not happy to be back at school to learn! I'm happy to finally have a break from our never ending fighting to save the world it's so exhausting you know!" Stella yelled in an exhausted voice. "Yea I totally get what you mean it is pretty tiring." Musa agreed. "But also totally worth it! Saving people in danger is the best part." Flora added happily. "I have to agree with Flora on this one." Bloom said. "Agreed! " I added "Now let's get inside before Grazelda chews our heads off for being late." "Your right Aisha she loves to scold us for being late! Especially me!" Stella agrees as she starts to sprint towards the school doors. The girls and I all giggle as Stella reaches the doors. "IM SERIOUS YOU GUYS MISS GRAZELDA TOTALLY HAS IT OUT FOR ME!!" She yells as she tries to catch her breath. The girls and I start laughing even harder as we all catch up to Stella. "Y'know Stella maybe Grazelda is always scolding you because you spend so much time on your outfits and not enough time on schoolwork." Daphne said opening the doors for the girls. We all start laughing again. "She does make a good point Stell." I agreed. "Ugh I'm sorry that I like to be fashionable!" Stella yelled crossing her arms. We all laughed again. "How are you feeling about being a professor here Daphne?" Bloom asked as we walked to headmistress Faragonda's office. "I am rather nervous to be quite honest with you girls." "Don't be! You got this!" "Bloom's right Daphne! You'll be great, and we are your students so I know class will definitely be interesting." Stella said making us all laugh. "You sure are right about that last part Stell!" I added. "Well thanks girls! I hope your right." Daphne said with a smile. "Well I'd better go set up my classroom." "See you after we're done talking to headmistress Faragonda!" Bloom said waving to her before we continued on our way. The girls and I finally made it to headmistress Faragonda's office. "You wanted to see us headmistress?" "Yes Aisha thank you for coming girls please sit." She said to the girls as she used her magic to bring over some chairs for them and me as well. "I want to start off by thanking you girls for defeating Tritanus and saving all the oceans within each of your home planets as well as the infinite ocean." "It really was no problem Ms. Faragonda it is my duty after all as princess of Andros as well as guardian fairy of waves to protect all the oceans." I replied confidently. "Yes and I thank you for that Aisha you have expertise that were really helpful to all of you girls during that mission!" "Headmistress is right Aisha without your ocean knowledge as well as knowing Tritanus so well we certainly wouldn't have been able to defeat him!" Bloom said. "Agreed! You helped us so much we're so lucky to have you!" Flora added. "Aww thanks girls!" I said smiling. "The reason I called you girls here was to inform you that you will begin your studies tomorrow, you girls have gone through a lot lately so please go enjoy your day before classes have to start." "Thank you so much headmistress! We really appreciate it." The girls said. "No need to thank me girls you earned it!" "Now run along and enjoy this beautiful day." Faragonda said as she used her magic to open the doors. The girls all smiled at her before heading out to the courtyard. "I'm so glad headmistress Faragonda gave us a day off!" I said. "Me too Aisha we definitely need it." Flora agreed. The girls continued walking as Stella rambled about new fashion designs she'd been working on. Later on that day the girls and I headed to our room to unpack and get settled. "Flora you and I are sharing a room again this year." I said bringing my stuff in. "Awesome!" She smiled. We all finished unpacking and headed to the cafeteria to meet Daphne for dinner. We all sat down and got our food brought out to us. "Everything okay so far Daphne?" Bloom asked as we all began to eat. "Yea today went great actually!" "That's awesome I'm glad." Bloom and Daphne continued talking. "Hey Aisha you been doing okay lately especially after everything that's happened in these last few years?" Musa asked concerned. "Why do you ask?" I responded a little confused but at the same time glad she cares. "Just cause with something constantly going on you never really had time to cope with anything." "Yea I guess that's true." I said with a laugh. "Don't worry though, I'm fantastic!" I gave her a forced smile as I lost myself in my thoughts, this time thinking about Nabu and I. Our future together, everything we'd planned, and I could feel myself begin to cry. "Aisha? Aisha are you alright?!" Musa asked me really concerned but I was too lost in my thoughts to answer her. Musa, Flora, and Tecna all came over and began to comfort me Bloom and Stella shortly after. "Oh Aisha!" Bloom said in a sad tone. "I'm so sorry for upsetting you!" Musa began apologizing endlessly. "No, no it wasn't you I promise. It's just-" I sighed "Nabu?" Flora asked cutting me off. I sniffed trying to clear my nose before replying. "Yea. It's just that we had so many plans together and he got taken away from me before it could even happen." The girls all came up and hugged me. "Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry. You didn't deserve that." Flora said as she began to wipe my tears away. "Aisha it was never your fault I just want you to know that. You did everything you could and more to try and save him." "Thanks Bloom, but no matter how hard I try I can't help but feel so guilty. Like, I don't know like I could've done more!" I yelled in anger. "Aisha no matter what happened all that matters is that you tried and Nabu knows that. He loves you and I say loves because even though he may not be here physically anymore, he's always here with you emotionally and in your heart. And that never goes away!" "Thanks Daphne. That really means a lot." I said as she gave me a hug. "Of course, that's what I'm here for!" She smiled. "That's what we're all here for!" The girls all said together as they all squeezed me tight. "Thanks girls I'm really lucky to have you all." "We're the lucky ones!" Stella said and we all laughed. "Hey how about we go take a nice walk around Magix? Clear your mind?" Musa suggested. "Do a little shopping?" "Stella!" The girls shouted. I laughed, "I guess a few stores couldn't hurt!" "I'm pretty sure Stella's bank account says otherwise."  We all began laughing hard except Stella. "Haha so funny Musa!" She said pouting. "Cmon girls let's go!" Flora said taking my hand helping me up. We all headed to Magix, did a little shopping, got some pizza, and walked around for awhile before heading back to Alfea. We made it back to our room and set all our bags down. "Thanks girls. You always know how to cheer me up when I'm down!" I said with a big smile. "Of course Aisha!" Bloom said "That's what friends are for after all!" Flora added giving me a big hug. The girls and I decided to spend the rest of the night watching movies eating snacks and talking. I'm so thankful these girls always have my back, they truly are my rocks and I honestly don't know what I'd do without them, they really are my best friends. (One week later...) The girls and I have been able to keep up with our studies so far and I've started to be okay with everything that happened and losing Nabu. Having the winx by my side has really given me the strength to move forward in my life but I know I always have him in my heart. While the girls and I were walking outside on the courtyard Tecna received a call from Timmy inviting us to go watch them practice their battle training at Lymphea college on Flora's home planet Lymphea.