Chereads / Marvel: The Death Surgeon / Chapter 94 - Chapter 98: Clash of the 12 (Part 1)

Chapter 94 - Chapter 98: Clash of the 12 (Part 1)

"I'm telling you," Mysterio insisted, his fishbowl helmet gleaming in the dim light as he dodged an electric bast coming his way from electro "we need more dramatic flair! A good villain entrance is key to demoralizing your enemy."

Electro crackled with irritation. "We're not here to put on a show, you overgrown snow globe. We're here to squash a spider!"

"Who you calling a snow globe, sparky?" Mysterio shot back as he took attacked Electro.

Doc Ock pinched the bridge of his nose with one of his mechanical arms. "If you two don't stop bickering, I'll—"

He was cut off by his own voice coming from the shadows. "You'll what, Otto? Bore them to death with another monologue about your genius?"

The villains whirled to see... Doctor Octopus stepping out of the darkness, a smirk on his face.

"What in the—" the real Doc Ock sputtered.

Before anyone could react, a silver blur zipped through the warehouse, knocking Vulture off his feet and sending Rhino stumbling.

"What was that?" Sandman growled, his form shifting uneasily.

"Aw, what's wrong?" Quicksilver taunted, appearing for a split second before vanishing again. "Too slow to keep up?"

"What is happening, Octavius?!!" asked Sandman confused and angrily.

"A mutant who can run at a very fast speed if I have to guess and I think I now know who was causing all the chaos among us. A mutant with shapeshifter ability. Never thought such mutants existed." Dr. Ock said as he calmed down

Chaos erupted as the villains tried to track the speedster. Mystique chuckled to herself as she slammed Vulture with a fist to her guy.

Outside, Spider-Man watched in amazement. "Wow, they really know how to push buttons, don't they?"

Gambit chuckled, shuffling his cards. "You have no idea, mon ami. Now, shall we join the party?"

With a nod from Emma, the rest of the team sprang into action. Spider-Man swung through a broken window, Gambit and Emma close behind. Wanda floated down on crimson energy, her eyes glowing with power.

"Hey guys!" Spidey called out cheerfully as he landed. "Sorry to crash the party. I know I wasn't invited, but I brought some friends to make up for it!"

The Sinister Six, already disoriented by Mystique and Quicksilver's antics, were caught off guard by the new arrivals.

"Spider-Man!" Doc Ock snarled. "And... who are these freaks?"

"Freaks?" Gambit raised an eyebrow, his cards beginning to glow with kinetic energy. "Now that's just hurtful, mon ami. We prefer the term 'stylishly eccentric.'"

Mysterio, recovering from his confusion, raised his hands dramatically. "It doesn't matter who they are! They'll all fall before the might of—"

His grandiose speech was cut short as one of Gambit's charged cards exploded at his feet, sending the illusionist stumbling backward.

"Sorry to interrupt," Gambit smirked, "but I've got a low tolerance for monologues. Occupational hazard, you understand."

The battle erupted in earnest. Spider-Man leapt into action, webbing Rhino's feet and using the momentum to swing kick Sandman. "Hey Sandy!" he quipped. "Long time no see. Still haven't figured out how to stay solid, huh?"

Sandman roared in frustration, his form billowing out in a stinging cloud of particles. "I'll bury you, web-head!"

"Yeesh, tough crowd," Spidey muttered, backflipping away from the sandy onslaught.

Meanwhile, Emma Frost faced off against Doctor Octopus, her diamond form glittering in the dim light. "You know, darling," she said conversationally as she dodged his mechanical arms, "with all those extra limbs, you'd think you'd be better at multitasking."

Ock growled, his arms whipping around furiously. "Stand still, you glittering harpy!"

"Now that's just rude," Emma tsked, delivering a diamond-hard punch to one of his mechanical limbs, crumpling it like tinfoil. And with just one move Dr.Ock was out for the day. Emma gave a light smile before looking at the fights of everyone else.

Across the warehouse, Wanda was standing on top of a defeated Mysterio.

"This was so easy. I would have to spar with Master to not get ahead of myself. He can smack me down with his eyes closed." Wanda mumbled under her breath.

Quicksilver, meanwhile, was running circles around Electro and Vulture – quite literally. The speedster zipped between them, taunting and teasing.

"Come on, Tweety," he called to Vulture. "I thought birds were supposed to be fast!"

Vulture screeched in anger, his wings slicing through the air. "When I get my hands on you, you little—"

"You'll what?" Quicksilver appeared behind him, tapping his shoulder. "Molt on me?"

Electro, fed up with trying to hit the speedster, unleashed a massive burst of electricity. "Fry, you little pest!"

The blast went wide, nearly hitting Vulture instead. "Watch it, you walking battery!" Vulture snapped.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Electro shot back sarcastically. "Maybe if someone could actually catch this kid, I wouldn't have to resort to area attacks!"

Quicksilver threw a solid punch at Vulture. With his momentum, he at least broke a few teeth from Vulture's jaw. And with another run, He opened a nearby water pipe on Electro and with that Electro was neutralized.

"Too Easy!" Pietro said with a victory pose and a smirk on his face.


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