Chapter 67 - Level Up

Time passed after Mihai's return to Academy City, and it was now early July.

Allen was currently somewhere farther than a day's walk from Granvelle City.

'Okay, I'm far from town and my MP is full. Today's gonna be dedicated entirely to testing and analysis!'

Just the other day, Allen had finally reached Summoning Lvl. 5. This morning, he had not converted his MP to Skill XP as usual; instead, he planned on spending the whole day exploring every new thing he had obtained.

As level-up messages would disappear from the log after a certain period of time, he had hurriedly copied it down on one of the Memo pages. He now turned to that page to read over the message once more.

Synthesis has reached Lvl. 5.

Summoning has reached Lvl. 5.

Expansion has reached Lvl. 4.

You have obtained Sharing.>

Allen flipped to the page with his Status.

'So, the new skill that I gained from this level-up is Sharing.'


Name: Allen

Age: 9

Class: Summoner

Level: 30

HP: 688 (765) + 140

MP: 1,062 (1,180) + 200

Attack: 374 (416) + 140

Endurance: 374 (416) + 20

Agility: 701 (779) + 60

Intelligence: 1,071 (1,190) + 40

Luck: 609 (779) + 200

Skills: Summoning {5}, Creation {5}, Synthesis {5}, Strengthening {5}, Expansion {4}, Storage, Sharing, Deletion, Sword Mastery {3}, Throwing {3}

XP: 2,516,810/3,000,000

Skill Levels

Summoning: 5

Creation: 5

Synthesis: 5

Strengthening: 5

Skill Experience

Creation: 10/10,000,000

Synthesis: 0/10,000,000

Strengthening: 680/10,000,000

Creatable Summons

Insect: D, E, F, G, H

Beast: D, E, F, G, H

Bird: D, E, F, G

Grass: D, E, F

Stone: D, E

???: D


Insect: E x 2

Beast: E x 14

Bird: E x 4

Grass: E x 20




'This level-up took me over two years, and I'm gonna need 30,000,000 Skill XP for the next one. The numbers are starting to get out of hand.'

Naturally, Allen left a record whenever he leveled up. In a way, this was an album of the major milestones in his path as a Summoner.


Record of Level-Ups:

- 1 year & 0 months old: Obtained grimoire, Summoning Lvl. 1, gained access to Rank H Summons

- 1 year & 10 months old: Summoning Lvl. 2, obtained Synthesis

- 3 years & 0 months old: Gained access to Rank G Summons

- 5 years & 11 months old: Summoning Lvl. 3, obtained Strengthening, gained access to Rank F Summons

- 7 years & 9 months old: Summoning Lvl. 4, obtained Storage, gained access to Rank E Summons

- 9 years & 10 months old: Summoning Lvl. 5, obtained Sharing, gained access to Rank D Summons


'Well then, let's start with checking the holders. Expansion leveled up, which means there should be fifty pockets now, right?'

Each level-up of the Expansion skill so far had given Allen ten more pockets to store cards in. The last level-up had put him at forty slots, so he expected to now have fifty slots.

'Mm, just as I thought. Fifty. This is gonna boost my stats quite a lot.'

Since Expansion leveled up every time Summoning did, Allen did not feel particularly moved by it anymore. However, access to ten more storage slots and cards one rank higher meant that his maximum stat boosts had shot up considerably.

'Next thing... Hm, I should go over the new skill first, and then take my time with the Rank D Summons.'

Six Summons had been added under Rank D. It would presumably take some time to go through them all, so Allen decided to first examine Sharing, which he could likely get out of the way faster.

'First of all, it doesn't seem to be a skill that makes my Summons stronger, so this is something completely distinct from Strengthening.'

Allen had been gradually increasing the rank of the monsters he hunted. His main targets at the moment were Rank C, but he wanted to move on to Rank B monsters as soon as possible.

The reason for this was because, as his level continued going up, the amount of XP that he needed for successive level-ups rose in tandem. In order to reach Lvl. 31, he now needed 3,000,000 XP. That meant two thousand orcs, even though he could only find forty or fifty of them after one full day of running around.

It was obvious that in order to earn higher XP values, he needed to kill higher-ranked monsters. To make matters worse, it was getting harder and harder to find orcs around these parts, most likely because he had more or less culled their population.

'Storage ended up being a pretty incredible skill too, so I think I can get my hopes up for Sharing, right? Hmm, based on the name, I imagine it enables me to share something with my Summons? Hawkins, come out.'


Allen called out one Bird E to test on.

'Okay... Sharing!'

Without hesitation, he activated the new skill.

"Huh?! It'!"

Suddenly Allen found himself staring at...himself.

There were a few mirrors in the Granvelle mansion, including a big one in the servants' dining hall for anyone who wanted to fix their appearance in a hurry. Ever since becoming a manservant, Allen had picked up the habit of examining his entire figure in a mirror. And that was exactly what he felt like he was doing right now.

'Ohhhhh! This is Hawkins's field of view! So I'm seeing what it's seeing!'

In short, the Sharing skill enabled Allen to, well, share his Summons' eyes.

'What's this? It doesn't feel strange at all, even though I'm seeing both Hawkins's and my field of view at the same time. Hawkins, look around in several directions.'

Just because Allen was seeing what Hawkins was seeing, it did not mean his own vision was obscured. For Allen, the fact that this did not feel strange at all was strange in and of itself. The Bird E moved its head to look all around.

'Hmm, I can still see both fields of view just fine even when Hawkins is moving a lot.'

The activation of this skill did not place any extra burden on Allen's sense of sight whatsoever; it did not even feel unnatural, let alone make him dizzy. He could see and comprehend two fields of view at the same time with no issues at all.

'All right, Hawkins, fly up!'

The Bird E flapped its wings and soared into the sky. When it stopped to look back down, Allen was able to see the land spread out below. The horizon that he had been unable to see before due to all the trees now lay clearly in view.

'Th-This is incredible! What a moving sight! Hawkins, try flying a little.'

Just as ordered, Hawkins started flying forward slowly, with Allen still seeing through its eyes.

'Just amazing! What even is this? Oh, right, Hawkins, use Hawk Eye— WHOOAA! Are you serious?! I can even Share what it sees when it's using its Ability!'

When Allen ordered Hawkins to activate its Ability, Hawk Eye, he found his vision opening up even farther, reaching several kilometers into the distance. Bird E's capability to spot anything that moved within a radius of several kilometers was conveyed directly to Allen's eyes.

'It almost feels like I took over Hawkins's body. Hold on, when I'm in this state, can I give it instructions even farther than fifty meters away?'

When one fact was revealed, another question popped up. Up until this point, Allen had only been able to give instructions to his Summons if they were within a fifty meter radius of him. He now wanted to test how far he could continue giving instructions to a Summon when Sharing its sight.

Upon being commanded to do so, the Bird E flew on until it was more than fifty meters away from Allen's position.

'Okay, that's enough. Now, stop using Hawk Eye.'

As soon as he gave the order, Allen found his sight through Hawkins's eyes returning to normal. In other words, he had successfully given it an instruction that it obeyed from more than fifty meters away. What's more, the link through Sharing was still going strong, entirely unaffected by the distance.

In his excitement, Allen continued giving the Summon various orders, making it fly circles, swoop low, do barrel rolls, and everything else he could think of. Bird E carried everything out while staying over fifty meters away.

Allen now had a way to directly give his Summons instructions regardless of the distance.

"This is basically multiboxing! No, this is even better!"

Allen was so excited that he ended up shouting out loud.

He could see and comprehend both his and Hawkins's sight at the same time. Even though he was seeing the sky and the ground at the same time, it did not feel awkward in the slightest.