It didn't take her long to notice how Self-Regeneration was working against that wound, against the infection that was trying to spread through her body. However, it wasn't enough. It didn't take long for her leg to be disabled.
She had managed to get a few feet away from the zombie she was fighting with, but it was getting closer, and it wasn't the only one. Meanwhile, the headless level 10 one was approaching its head.
Her wound was burning, so she had to clench her teeth not to scream, although that wasn't the worst. She couldn't move her leg.
The fear overcame her as she watched the flesh turn black around her wound. It was rotting, and threatening to spread throughout the rest of her body. She took out the last vial of blood she had, at level 7, and drank it. It could only fill less than half her pool, and she could sense how quickly it was consumed to fight the infection. Like the previous one, it barely lasted a few seconds.
She was terrified. It is true that she wasn't unaware that she could die in that world, but until now Gjaki hadn't had to face it, to slowly agonize. She may have already died once, but that time it had been quick. In fact, she didn't even remember the pain of the blow. For some reason, she hadn't felt as scared as she did now.
The vampire crawled towards the spring, but the distance that before she could travel in an instant, now it seemed insurmountable. She rolled to avoid a zombie's stomp, and managed to push a skeleton away with the whip.
She didn't know where the daggers were, as she had dropped them before. Therefore, Gjaki used a sword to try to stick a zombie's foot into the ground, but she didn't have enough strength. She was forced to roll again to avoid it. Meanwhile, the sword dropped from the foot of her enemy.
This time, she saw where her weapon had fallen, so a fairy went looking for it, although that was the least of her problems. The biggest was the wound in the middle of her lower leg. The black color had spread almost to her ankle and knee, and she didn't feel them.
She couldn't help but fear that she might lose her leg even if surviving. It occurred to her to cut it off, as she had seen in many movies. Nonetheless, not only could she bleed to death, but she didn't think that she could cut her own bone.
In fact, the silver-haired vampire felt weak. Not only had she run out of her blood pool, but she sensed how the infection was also spreading inside her, through her own blood.
She once again used Harden on both of her hands to block a zombie's attack, after which she forcefully pushed the leg with which it wanted to trample on her. She managed to throw it back a bit, although that wasn't her main purpose.
Gjaki managed to propel herself with the leg of her enemy to roll towards the spring. She felt the pain from a stone hitting her back. From her body when falling to the ground after hovering for a second. From the dirt and pebbles that ripped her face, her hands or her legs. Finally, a heavy blow against a hard stone stopped her, and emptied her lungs.
She could barely move, and her vitality was at 10%. At 9.5%. At 9%. It was descending rapidly, partly because of the blows and wounds she had suffered, but, above all, because of the zombie bite.
She crawled heavily. Her arms were barely responding. At least, her enemies were no longer attacking her, as they were on the other side of the barrier.
8%. 7%. The spring was only a few feet away, but it still seemed too far. The scraped hands with which she was trying to hold onto the rock ached, as well as the muscles of her arms with which she tried to bring her beaten and bruised body closer. The pain was intense when she tried to push forward with her only good leg, for she had bent her ankle. As for the cuts on her face, on her lips, on her ears, on her nose, she just ignored them.
Her hand slipped off the wet rock as she tried to push herself forward, while her vitality dropped to 5%, while the infection had gotten over her knee.
She then used the whip on a root, and wrapped the weapon around it with Grab. She clenched her hands raw on the whip and strained her muscles, which seemed to have lost the strength from a few minutes ago.
Gjaki used all the energy she had left in one last effort, while her vitality reached 4% and the whip dropped from her hands. Luckily, once again she had achieved a small momentum that sent her forward, by rolling and hitting the stone floor again.
She lost consciousness as her head hit against a rock, thus losing a little more vitality as she fell into the spring and sank into it. Her body slowly reached the bottom, while her mouth was half open, and was unable to stop the entrance of water that threatened to drown her.
It wasn't too deep, so her legs soon touched the bottom of the spring. Her inert body seemed to want to lie in it forever, to sleep forever.
Suddenly, her legs moved, and propelled her from the bedrock and mud to bring her back to the surface.
"Cough, cough," she coughed as her head emerged, thus expelling the water that had entered the wrong way.
While soaked, she slipped out of the water nimbly, without a trace of the weakness from a few moments ago, not the cuts all over her body. Even the wound on her leg was gone, as well as all traces of the infection.
She breathed heavily, mentally exhausted, as she was recovering from that experience which had nearly cost her life. Physically, she was in peak condition thanks to the water from the Sacred Spring, but mentally it had been a severe blow.
It might have been too much for a normal teenager, but she had half lived in the game, she had half experienced the battles of that world. Not to mention that she was a fan of the B series gore movies. So, the vampire raised her head and looked towards the barrier, towards the undead, and towards one in particular, a level 10 one.
"This won't happen again," she promised herself.
There was had no blood left, and she had lost some of her weapons. However, it didn't stop her from getting up and approaching the barrier. She wanted to make up for her defeat. She didn't like to lose.