Chereads / Return to Jorgaldur / Chapter 103 - Goltrak (II)

Chapter 103 - Goltrak (II)

The Guild building was behind the first inner wall, the area which was considered the middle zone. In it, there were most of the workshops and shops, as well as the residence of a wide range of people, from those who had just enough income to live there, to those who could live in the upper area, but who preferred to be close to their businesses.

The area between the first inner and outer wall was the humblest. It could be dangerous in some neighborhoods, the furthest from the entrances and the main roads, but they were mostly servants, middle-class business workers or humble business owners in that area.

Eldi hadn't seen signs of poverty in this first zone, but had only traveled one of the main roads. People with less resources lived in some of the interior areas, although the situation wasn't as bad as in other large capitals. At least, there was no slavery, and there were opportunities for those who were willing to work hard, and their body could support it. Maybe not to get rich, but to have a plate of food on the table.

One of the most important aspects was that corruption was under control, so that the crime didn't roam freely. Long ago, it had been like that, but the city had managed to overcome it. And now, the different factions were watching each other closely, waiting for the slightest slip of their rivals to gain some power. Somehow, it had managed to maintain a certain balance of forces, without any dominating, and all factions being watched by each other.

Thus, without major abuses of power and a more or less stable situation, trade and activity flowed, something especially visible in the so-called middle zone. There were many shops, workshops, leisure spaces, street food stalls, restaurants for workers, other more refined, schools, some parks…

Many types of food could be enjoyed, from a fancy meal to greasy fast food. And anything could be found from farm-tools to artisans tools, and from basic swords to masterwork weapons worthy of a king. It was even possible to find inns offering rooms ranging from simple to lavish, little more than a bed to a suite with servants.

In Eldi's room there was a bathroom that even had a shower, whose water flowed thanks to magic stones, such as those that could be filled in the dungeons, which gave the necessary power to magical formations hidden in the shower itself. The bed wasn't luxurious, but it was comfortable and clean, and there was even a table and a couple of chairs in case a small private study was needed, or business visits were expected.

The staff that had attended to him were friendly and the dining room looked good, so he sat there to fill his stomach before touring the city. It is true that he had food reserves, but he didn't lack money, and it's nice that they serve you a hot meal.

It was a cold afternoon, since the clouds covered the sky, not letting the sun warm their bodies. Despite this, there were several outdoor food stalls, to which Eldi paid no attention. After all, he had just eaten more than he should, having succumbed to the temptation of that delicious green pudding while his stomach was telling him that he had already eaten enough.

He found interesting weapons and clothes, of quality not well below those in the inventory. Their levels were above 80, and their prices were exorbitant. While he could afford them, he didn't have that level yet, and he was confident that he could create what he needed by himself.

Potions became more expensive as they rose in level, so he only bought a few of level 55. He knew he could make even better ones, but there were no magic platforms at his disposal. Apparently, a rigorous bureaucratic protocol had to be followed in order to use the ones that were in the capital, and it was dangerous to expose his knowledge, as it could also expose his identity.

Despite this, he bought several materials between 55 and 65, hoping to find the means, either in the capital or outside it. Unfortunately, the kingdom of Goltrenak had no beginner's village. At least, it didn't appear on his map. Since it wasn't the original kingdom from any race, no character in the game began its adventure there. And, if there were other suitable places, he had no information about it.

When he finally arrived in front of the library, it was already late, but he wanted to take a look. Although, before that, he was surprised to find a decapitated statue, whose wolf's head lay on the ground. There was no information plate, unlike others he had seen in the city, but it wasn't necessary. Everyone knew that it had been erected in honor of the visitor who had become king, and had been left there as a symbol of his fall.

The funny thing is that it wasn't known who had done it. One day, when the king was on a trip, it had appeared thus, beheaded. They had taken the head to repair it and put it in its place, but when the king didn't return and rumors of his death began to spread, they didn't finish the job. Over time, once assumed that the king had died and his followers confined or annihilated, the head had been brought back to where it had been found, on the ground, in memory of the downfall of the despot visitor who had been their king.

He went into the library to find out the price and conditions of use. An important deposit of ten gold coins had to be paid, deposit that would be returned if the library card was delivered, and there was no damage to the books consulted. Additionally, there was a monthly payment of ten silver.

What disappointed Eldi was that he couldn't access advanced books of magic, combat techniques or crafting without the permission of the respective associations, something that would be impossible to achieve in a short time without showing his skills. In fact, it was almost the same as using magical platforms.

He decided that, at the moment, he would settle for the basic ones, waiting to be able to access more advanced knowledge in the future. For now, he paid the deposit and the monthly payment, taking a book of "Basic Magic" and a "Bestiary.