Chapter 48 - CHAPTER 47: HAVING A DATE.

The dreamypinky were preparing to sing and dance 3 of their songs which is bboom bboom, Girls power and Smile and along with Jennie's song Where You Belong, they're also preparing to sing and dance 4 of any other kpop group.

Crystal: I'm super excited to go for the kpop party tomorrow's night

Mina: Me too

Chaeyoung: Jennie just told me that she's going on a date

Nancy: With who?

Jennie: Can't tell

Nancy: So, now my sister does not want to tell me who her date is

Sana: Relax, Nancy she'll tell you when she's ready to

Jennie: Okay, I'll give you a clue

Chaeyoung: Okay, give us a clue

Jennie: It's someone from a famous kpop group, I better get going

Jennie said going, she got in her car and her driver drove her to her destination and got out from the car with her pink top and black jeans trousers with her black cap and white lens and blue nose mask. Jennie went to where she's supposed to meet the person

Jennie: Is he not coming or not?

Voice: I'm here

Jennie turned and saw Bts V and smiled

V: I brought this for you

Jennie collected the bouquet

Jennie: Thanks, it looks so nice

V: Come, I have something to show you

Jennie held V's hand and V showed her to a table laid beautifully with two chairs, V pulled a chair for Jennie

Jennie: Thank you

Jennie said as she sat down and removed her nose mask, V also sat down and began staring at Jennie and smiled

V: You would be coming tomorrow, right?

Jennie: Yeah, what about u?

V: I would also be coming and would maybe sing one of my solo songs

Jennie: Which one would it be?

V: Can't tell

Jennie: I totally understand, but do u know that people I mean our fans are beginning to think that we're actually dating from that one time that we met at Paris, and u liked my pics at Istagram and everything. I feel that they'll sooner find out

V: Yes, I know but if they know we're not bothered right?

Jennie: I'm not, what about your Manager?

V: He's totally fine and I believe Mr. Seho is fine too right?

Jennie: He's fine with everything

V: Let's talking about this cos I don't want our date to be ruined

Jennie: Well, what do you have in mind?

V: Well...close your eyes, I have a surprise for you

Jennie raised her eyebrow feeling surprised and later, closed her eyes

V: You can open now

Jennie opened her eyes and felt

Jennie: A necklace with JENNIE written on it and a ring, what's the ring for?

V: To prove my love to you so, do you accept?

Jennie: I accept it

V got up and placed the necklace around Jennie's neck and sat down

V: I'm so sad that you're going to be acting the Cinderella movie without me

Jennie: And, I'm also so happy that you're going to be acting your new movie YOU'RE THE BOSS without me

V laughed

Jennie: That was a big lie cos I'm not happy

V: I know

Jennie and V stared at each other and were bringing their heads together and the moment they knew it they kissed. Jennie woke up from her sleep

Jennie: Thank God, it was all a dream