Chapter 7 - Am dying

Addison walked out, Dave followed

Dave: Addison

Turned her around and was trying to comfort her but tears still rolled down her check

Jay came out side with the supposed girl

Jay: babe am sorry it was an accident

Addison looked at him with disgust and was about to walk out when Jay held her hand she turned to face him and said

Addison: don't you touch me (in tears as she shouted) you are a shameless and despicable human being

Jay: don't be like this like all those girl who control there boyfriend

Addison: what, are u hearing your self you just cheated on me

Jay: I was only kissing 💋 her it was only a kiss

Addison: only a kiss huh only a kiss ( said it in a slow and irritated tone)

Jay: it not as if I slept with her

Addison: ( a smiles appeared on her face) but you would of cause she was shirt less when I went in there, Dave was right about you

Jay: come on

Addison: ( in a low calm tone) I should have listened

Jay touched her hand slightly then Addison pulled away and shaped him will saying

Addison: don't you ever touch me again worthless son of son b*tch

Addison: can we go now ( referring to Dave)

They both worked out as the scene becomes deem

At the hospital Addison walked into her room.

Dad: Where,were you

Addison: (in a low annoyed tone) I was out

Dad: there was a match today

Addison: okay

Dad: ( in a high annoyed voice) there was a match today do you no what that meant for you_ _ _

(Before he could continue)

Addison: who cares (annoyed and in the verge of crying)

Dad: who cares, who cares when care you were going to be better be cured from Restrictive Cardiomyopathy

Addison: (scoffed) your delusional dad, cured really are you blind or you just can't see

Mom: Addison ( in a soft tone)

Addison: been cured, been better is not reality dad it fiction am sick if I get a new heart what about my lungs or my pancreas or let see my brain

Mom: Addison( in a soft concerned tone)

Addison: (yelling in pain anger and tears) am dying nothing will change that

Doctor: you have to have_ _ _

(Before she complete her sentence)

Addison: faith (chuckled) Big words alright enough get out

Mom: what (in awe)

Addison: ( yells) get out, get out right now

Her mom and dad plus the doctor unable to understand what going on were on able to move and just gaped at her instantly Addison took a tray and slammed it on the wall the repeated her word but with much more intensity

Addison: Get out

Due to her sudden action her parent plus the doctor were drawn out from there trance and slowly retreated as the door closed Addison parent were in the doctors office.

Dad: what going on with her

Doctor: her case is really rare so it most be overwhelming

Mom: but_ _

( before she could finish)

Doctor: have you considered that your daughter might be depressed


Addison is crying and throwing items across the room after a moment she stopped and ran her hand through her hair then suddenly Addison started breathing heavily dave walked in

Dave: we Need to talk

The as he entered the room Addison suddenly fainted

Dave: ( in a faint voice) Addison

the he ran out and shouted help the nurse started running to Addison's room the a nurse went to get the doctor as he quickly ran out of his office

in Addison room dave at the door as the doctor walked in

Doctor: statue of the patient

nurse: her lung are filling up with some sort of liquid

Doctor: WHAT

Nurse: Doc her heart contraction is getting slower

Doctor: transfer her to the operation theatre immediately

everything one running from left to right as everything zoomed to the girl on the bed been driven by nurses with an oxygen mask on her face with maximum speed

Dave stood there in shock while Addison Mom cried In her husband hand

After hours the doctors came out of the theatre as he approached addison's parent they all stood up even dave

Mom: doctor what happened (with tears in her eyes)

Doctor: there was a complication with her lungs

Dad: complications

Doctor: her pulmonary artery In lungs was been blocked we managed to handle that

Mom: yes it not the first time it's happen

Doctor: precisely her body produced a turn of fluid which cause her Air to be _ _

Mom: fluid

Doctor: mucus to be precise I have only seen this kind of fluid with Cystic fibrosis patients

Dad: what are you saying

Doctor: That your daughter case has become more complicated excuse me

Addison mum collapse in her husband eye with tears


A woman: ( she is a woman in her early thirties) what are you doing ( as she was putting some clothes away in the drawers)

A girl sitting on the floor

girl: drawing

A woman: what

girl: us, you wanna see

A woman: Mn ( as she bent to see the painting) it beautiful

girl: thanks this is me and this.... is you

( she looked up and smiled)

A wamam: it really pretty what about your parents were are they

girl: I don't want to paint them

A woman: but why (as she stood up)

girl: cause..... they don't love me

A woman: Addison ( in a soft voice)

girl: But I don't care cause your here and you love me and I love you very much

then a woman walker in

^-^: Addison

small Addison: (in a straight face) Mrs dobre hello

A woman: Good afternoon mam

^-^: you may leave

( as the woman left mrs dobre walked closer to her

Mrs dobro: you no u can call me mum after all I am your mother

small Addison: (in a straight face)am I obliged to, are you ordering me like the servant in this house

Mrs dobre: no it your chose,(she looked around the spotted the painting Addison did (which looked like a pro did it))

Mrs dobre: this is pretty is that me and you

small Addison: (in a straight face)obviously... not that looks nothing like you, it me and casandra, so what do you want ( as she turned to face her)

Mrs dobre: I was wondering if you'll like To go shopping

Small Addison: (in a straight face)aren't you meant to be at work

Mrs dobre: I got off early

small Addison: (in a straight face)ohh..

interesting I am not interested please find your way to the door ( as she looked away from her mother and continued doing other things Addison mother with all hope she had gone turn to live as she went out the door she collided with someone.)

Mrs dobre: (in rage) are you blind