As the solider tries to grab the hand of mikael. Mikael knocks him out.
I would have excepted it from you. (Abdullah)
And who tried to inflitrate us during mission. Boss gave us strict orders not to come in contact with you.( Sheraz )
I hope we have same goals. ( Abdullah )
Wait. What ?? ( Mikael fighting with soliders )
You guys came to take that man. But we have come kill him. ( Sheraz with anger )
Whether he lives or dies is not our concern. We have to just free our workers.( Abdullah )
If you help us then it will be easy for both of us and also Boss will never say that. ( Abdullah with a smile )
Okay then. ( Sheraz )
At Ease!!! ( Shera ordering the soliders )
Mikael *sighsÂ
You have great solider ( Mikael )
Well, you destroyed half of them. ( Sheraz taunting him )
Oh. That's not going to be problem. We'll give our assistent. ( Mikael assuring Sheraz )
Remember one thing. Once this mission is over, we'll meet as enemies of tomorrow.
( Sheraz turns around and order his solider to analyze the surrondings )
He really turned into a terminator. Didn't he? ( Mikael asks Abdullah )
Well, its obvious for him. After all, he saw his father dying in his own hands. ( Abdullah )
We all have been through a lot. But doesn't mean, we should abandon the people who love us. ( Mikael )
Let him be, Mikael. We are just in our 20's. ( Abdullah )
Yes, you're.....( Mikael )
Are you here just for talk. ( Sheraz interrepts )
Woah ( Mikael gets scared )
This is the map of interior of this facility. ( Sheraz )
So, there are solider in every corner. ( Abdullah )
Securing every corner is not just a problem. They are using guns made from germaic. ( Sheraz )
What ?? ( Mikael and Abdullah )
That's not the real problem. The real problem is that, we don't where the gate to his lab is ? ( Sheraz )
We can search, but we have to get in first. ( Sheraz )
*Germaic metal used in guns, The bullets made from it cause sudden explosion as they hit the target. But if resisting anti metals are used it can cause the bullet not to explode.
If this is it then we can think... ( Mikael )
Get your alpha unit in the first floor and wait for the signal, only then you can free the hostages. ( Sheraz )
As Sheraz suggested both Cemetry and Black owls started their combined operation*