A white-haired young man walks along a footpath. On the left is a forest, behind which lies the bustling city of Obsidia. On the right is a mountain. The youth stops as his gaze fixates on a ruined building, appearing abandoned for years.
Surprisingly, it's the residence of Boreas.
Furrowing his brow, he takes out a pen from his pocket with the name "Louis Schofield" written on it. Louis approaches; the once-protective gate lies in ruins, wooden debris scattered.
Though damaged, the walls still stand. Louis scrutinizes the area, his reddish-brown eyes sweeping the scene. Stepping over wooden debris, he enters Boreas' residence.
The grand mansion now lies flat, other smaller houses nowhere in sight. Body parts are scattered, and Louis passes through the gate heavily.
Suddenly, he spots someone familiar—Detective Leon Gillet, a short, trustworthy figure, lies on the ground in dismembered horror.