Chereads / Hue in my world (Bl) / Chapter 70 - Just f**k off Rajat

Chapter 70 - Just f**k off Rajat

"Hello Rajat. Great to see you again." Nakul was wearing a wide triumphant smile on his face. The usual Rajat would have replied to those greetings without giving it much thought. But something about that smile just put him off. It was as if Nakul wasn't wearing his usual smile. Rather he sensed that Nakul had plastered a fake smile that looked down upon him with a tint of arrogance. Rajat's mind had some guesses about why that might be the case. But nevertheless, he replied.

"Hello." What followed his greeting were his doubts. "What are you doing here?"

And that question made Nakul's smile grow wider. Maybe because he did complete the task he was there for. Despite being unaware of Nakul's actual motives, the confidence in Nakul's smile made it evident that, whatever he wanted, he had accomplished it. That suspicion made Rajat pull up his guard.

Nakul replied nonchalantly, "I came to see Dhiraj today."

Today? Rajat's suspicions grew stronger. "And it HAD to be today?"

"Yeah why? Is there anything special?" Nakul pretended not knowing anything.

Now things were becoming frustrating for Rajat. They were already late for Anaya's premier. And now this guy was blocking his way. He better not pull any tricks today.

He calmed himself down and with whatever little patience he had, he replied politely, "Yeah. He has an important appointment TODAY. I should see him. We need to leave urgently so I must see him." Rajat shot a piercing look at Nakul as if telling him to get out of his way. And doing so, he took a step forward when Nakul blocked his way.

Rajat was stunned by what was happening. An "outsider" was stopping him from meeting his own boss, at his own office? That's it. I'm done playing the good guy. He looked at Nakul to remind him who had most authority at the office when his words seemingly vanished from the tip of his tongue.

Because what he saw in front of him was a man whose eyes told him not to take a step further. Because if he did so, the consequences would be dire. Nakul wasn't wearing that fake, plastery smile of his anymore. His eyes were dead serious and the menacing look in his eyes made Rajat realize something. The man standing in front of him wasn't his boss's lover, or the kind guy who would be hospitable to him every time they met. The man standing in front of him was a monochrome, guarding his chrome.

"You can't do that." Nakul's tone shifted too.

Rajat wasn't going to back down though. "Why?"

Both Rajat and Nakul looked like fierce beasts ready to fight. On one hand there was Nakul who stood like a Black Jaguar, guarding his turf. While Rajat looked like the majestic snow leopard ready to pounce and attack him. But the one caught in between those two was the poor little Ruhi[the secretary], standing there helplessly, not understanding the hostility existing in the doorway. The one thing she did know was that she must get herself out of there.

"Ahhh....Sir?!" She beckoned Rajat. "I think I should take a break." She smiled awkwardly.

And before Rajat could reply to her, Nakul took it upon himself to give the permissions. "Sure." He plastered that fake smile once again. With that, Ruhi hurried off leaving those two to handle their "matter".

Rajat was pissed. He was already late and now here was this man blocking his way. "Get out of my way Nakul. It's getting late." He half expected Nakul to throw some sharp words at him but unexpectedly, that arrogant smile made a return.

Nakul folded his hands as he stood in Rajat's way. He absolutely wouldn't let Rajat see his boss. "Do you have any idea how much you people overwork Dhiraj? He fell asleep while working. And if you care about him, do not disturb his sleep."

Of course Rajat wasn't going to buy that. The man he knew, his employer, was a workaholic monster when it came to work. Not only does he push himself to his absolute limits while working, he expects that from others too. So him ignoring the urgent matters and dozing off, wasn't even a remote possibility. He's just saying this to stop me from getting into the office. So without giving it any further thought, Rajat stormed into Dhiraj's office.

Silence greeted Rajat. Pin drop silence prevailed in the office as his eyes soon fell on the man sleeping on the couch. He....He's actually sleeping?! Rajat couldn't shrug off that odd feeling. Too many unexpected things were happening that day. Nakul came to the office, he was late and now his boss was sleeping?! He does take breaks when his mind is saturated, but he has never slept in the office. That's odd- And that was when Rajat noticed something. His eyes widened. Because his mind was nearly spinning thinking about the consequences of what could've happened if what he was thinking was right. He turned to Nakul to confirm his doubts. "Why is he wearing a different shirt now?" It clicked him. Soon things were starting to make sense.

Nakul didn't want to admit the little "shenanigans" he was involved in some time ago. "I-I don't know what you are talking about."

That reaction only made Rajat more certain. The man was officially too stunned to speak. "You-You both....." He wasn't even able to utter those words properly. He neared Nakul and in a very hush-hush manner he confirmed. "Did you two do In his office?"

Nakul was unfazed. Now that the cat was out of the bag, there was no point in hiding. That dead serious look returned in his eyes. He simply suggested, "Let's talk outside. I don't want him to wake up." And with that, they made their way out.

The anger that Rajat was trying to hold back erupted. He was trying so hard, to save his boss's ass and here they both were, actively making his attempts go to vain. "Look Nakul. I don't like you. But I'm still going on with this because Dhiraj likes you a little too much. But then, you keep doing stuff like this? Do you have any idea what might've happened if just one, just one person saw you? Have you gone insane?"

Now Nakul was pissed. Who's he to tell us what to do? I NEED to show him his place. And so, Nakul started, "Rajat. Let me make some things clear to you." His menacing tone returned. "Firstly, We will do what we want. It is you who's poking your nose in our business." But he had no intention to stop there. "Secondly. We don't need your permission to be together." He took a step closer to Rajat, nearly towering over him as he finally uttered those hurtful words, "And thirdly. Who do you think you are Rajat? Is Dhiraj your friend?"

Hearing those words, Rajat's body went cold.

"Why do you think that your approval is essential for us to be together? Aren't you thinking a little too highly about yourself?" Nakul stared dead into Rajat's eyes. Someone deep inside Nakul's brain kept whispering those words and Nakul simply kept uttering them out loud. But he forgot that the man that he was trying to intimidate was maybe the only person who was there for him and Dhiraj.

But those hurtful words did their work. Rajat couldn't say anything. Nakul was right. He wasn't Dhiraj's friend. Rather he himself didn't understand why he wanted things to go smoothly for Dhiraj? Why was he putting in so much effort for this extra work? The lengths he was going to weren't the ones an "employee" would go to. And even though he was getting compensated for his "work" quite well, that wasn't the factor that made him wanna do things.

The whispers inside Nakul's head continued, "We both are adults. We love each other. We will do what we want, like and enjoy. Who are you to tell me if I am allowed to see the man I love or not?"

Those piercing words made Rajat lose whatever little patience he had. He was never sure about Nakul and Dhiraj's emotions for each other. But he still closed his eyes and went along. But now that man was treating like a fucking doormat?! Of course, he was bound to lose his nerves. He let out a sarcastic laugh.

"Hahaha...I don't care what you both do at home. I don't have any interest in your personal matters. What I do care about is the way people perceive or will perceive my employer. This is HIS office. Plus today we had to-" It was only then that Rajat finally understood why Nakul came there. He was in utter disbelief. So stunned that no words came out of his mouth.

A minute passed by and Rajat finally spoke his suspicion, " Did you come here so that you could-" He tried to find a word to describe his boss and Nakul's....'entanglement'. "You could....wear him out so that he won't be able to attend today's premier?"

Nakul's body stiffened. His intentions were caught on. But of course he wasn't going to accept them. "Stop talking nonsense."

And although Nakul tried denying Rajat's claims, Rajat already knew that his suspicions were true. I always heard about how monochromes can go to any length to chain down their chrome to them. And today I saw one. He was infuriated. Here was his boss, trying to do every single thing so that he could protect that man and then there was Nakul who was doing things to sabotage the very attempts Dhiraj was making to protect them. He could anger rising from every cell of his body.

Maybe it's because he doesn't know why Sir HAS to do these things. I bet he[Dhiraj] hasn't told Nakul about the blog and the photos. I think it's time I tell Nakul about them. Rajat concluded that was the best way to handle this "situation". And although he tried to convince himself that that was the only reason he wanted to break the news to Nakul, deep down all he wanted was to get back at Nakul.

So in a spiteful tone he raised the question, "Do you even know why Sir HAVE to do these things?"

He waited for Nakul's expressions to change. An arch on Nakul's eyebrow as he would question what was it that he didn't know? Or rather what was it that Rajat knew? But sadly, Rajat didn't get the chance to witness that. Because contrary to his expectation, Nakul simply stood there as he bit his lower lip.

Rajat didn't understand that expression. Uncertainty with a mix of curiosity took over him. He wanted to egg Nakul. "You don't even have a slightest idea why he's doing all of these things right?"

Now Nakul was pissed. Because he knew the reason. And despite knowing a slightly different reason [A/N: Courtesy of dear Mr. Dhiraj], he hated the fact that Dhiraj was "obligated" to "date" someone else. Irritation took over him as he snapped, "I KNOW! Okay?! I know why he's doing this! He's doing this for us." Nakul immediately got conscious of his surroundings. So he lowered his voice. "He's....He's doing this to save our relationship."

He knows? Rajat was still unsure. He knew his employer. And he also knew how his employer would choose to run away from situations rather than face them. He reconfirmed his suspicion once again. "He told you? I-I..."

"Yeah. And even if he has agreed to do this, the fact still remains that he isn't doing this out of his free will. Avanti is making him do this." Nakul tried to justify his actions.

But that little detail in the end about 'Avanti' made Rajat believe that Dhiraj did in fact tell Nakul about the situation. No. I still have my doubts about this. The Dhiraj I know will try to solve things on his own. For now, let's believe that Nakul knows. But I'll have to confirm this. Because what's more important is that he tried to pull this stunt even when he knows how important this is for them. And in the process, he physically wore out Dhiraj?

Rajat recomposed his thoughts. What was more important now was to get that man out of the office building before someone else saw him and Dhiraj together.

"Good. Now that you know how important it was for Sir to attend today's premiere, why did you still pull this stunt?" Rajat questioned the monochrome. But that wasn't even the whole reason why he [Rajat] was actually mad. It was more because, "And forget about the premiere. Why are you doing things that you know will take a toll on his body?"

Even though Rajat didn't have the 1st hand experience of sex between men, His boss's previous flings did give him a good idea of what the person on the receiving side had to undergo later. When he 1st got to know that his boss won't be able to come to the office, after meeting Nakul, Rajat could figure out why that was the case. And although he knew he shouldn't pry into his boss's life, the fact that his boss won't be able to work because of some bedroom "gymnastics" [which especially had never happened before] made him roll his eyes.

Rajat was aware that his boss liked dangerous and exciting things. And although being on the receiving end had never been part of his[Dhiraj's] bucket list, looking at Dhiraj's weak state of body made Rajat...a bit unsettled with the idea of extreme sex. He tried to ignore it initially, but now it had reached their office?!

Unfortunately, Nakul begged to differ. "We did it here because Dhiraj liked it. And aren't you a bit too interested in your boss's life? Is that what a secretary is expected to do?"

Oh....Rajat had had it enough. He was trying so hard to be respectful, but the man in front of him was making it difficult. "I care about his well being. I will do everything to make sure that Sir is in his best form. Whether it be mentally or physically. And you are making me so sure that-" And there it was. Rajat said the one thing he would've never said otherwise. "-you are nothing more than your average obsessive monochrome."

Those words made Nakul go stiff. The expression on his face died as he clenched his jaw really tight. But Rajat had no plans to stop there. He continued.

"I always heard that monochromes can go to any length to chain down their chromes. At first, I thought you might not like them. But you are." He took a step closer to Nakul, letting his words echo through Nakul's mind. "You are just like any other monochrome."

Nakul lost it. Anger took over him as he pulled Rajat by his collar. "I'm not like them. I love him. I care about him."

"Oh really? I don't think so. You wouldn't have done this if that was the case."

"Rajat. Know your place. Don't forget that you are a guy who just works for Dhiraj. You aren't his friend. Or his family. So don't try to get in between us. Or else the consequences won't be good." Nakul stared dead serious in Rajat's eyes. And the murderous look in them made a chill run through Rajat's spine. For some reason his body went cold and numb with fear. He wasn't able to respond.

"Just fuck off, Rajat."

* * *


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