Chereads / The Return Of Joyboy! / Chapter 62 - Chapter 62

Chapter 62 - Chapter 62

Behind a crumbling wall, in the ports of Nanohana, the strawhat crew were assembled after gathering all the supplies which were required for them to continue their journey ahead. Chopper and Usopp were eager to explore the city but the sullen mood of Vivi was stopping them from doing so. The atmosphere even felt heavy with doubt and uncertainties.

"What's wrong Vivi? Are you okay?" Chopper asked to the blue haired girl, whose hands trembled under the piece of cloth she was holding.

Vivi's lips quivered a little and her eyes shimmered with a glassy layer of fresh tears, but they were soon gone. "Sorry for that." Vivi apologized realizing that everyone was worried for her. "I'm just feeling relieved now that it rained." She answered honestly. She could feel the happiness and ecstasy of the people in Nanohana about the merciful rain which blessed them with its presence. How long had it been that this port had stopped getting a drop of rain? She had thought that the dance powder's effect was working here too but she was wrong and that made her feel relieved.

"I never thought it would be this bad." Sanji commented as he saw the crying faces of the civilians praying and thanking the gods above for their mercy while holding barrels filled with water like a precious treasure.

"It was not natural." Nami uttered, looking nervously at the roads for any sign of the one who was responsible for it. She really didn't want to think about the terrible storm which they faced while defeating the Black Cat Pirates but it was to a lesser degree similar to that. The lightening which thundered, the wind which felt like blades thrown astray and finally the skin prickling rain, they were ingrained in her mind. 

"What?!" Usopp, Vivi and Chopper instantly inquired with wide eyes. Usopp with a fear in his eyes, Vivi with nervousness and Chopper with curiosity. 

"It's him?" Zoro questioned Nami with a raised eyebrow, who could only nod in response. Luffy had only told them that he could control wind and thunder but till now Zoro knew that the Strawhats who were present could easily deduce what Luffy could do more. Controlling rain or the weather. "Wonder what happened this time." Zoro spoke out loud, thinking if he should have gone with Luffy or not.

Vivi couldn't understand what the Strawhat pirates were speaking but she didn't want to indulge in it. She has far more burdened them with her presence. She didn't want to pry into their matters on top of it.

"The town's too quiet for that idiot to be here." Sanji spoke, lighting a cigarette for himself. He wondered if Luffy was in trouble. In a corner of his mind, there was an urge for him to go and find that rubber brain of his captain, but he didn't want to leave the ladies, specially Vivi who was looking sad, alone. "Vivi-chan, you said that you have a plan to stop the rebel army, didn't you, my love?" Sanji asked, trying to distract her from her thoughts.

"For once I agree with the stupid cook." Zoro started with his arms crossed over his chest. He didn't want to say that he mostly agreed with the cook over all matters regarding Luffy, even if the said blonde threw him a glare. "If you really want to stop this thing before it starts then it's better to act quickly."

"I do have a plan and I do agree that I need to act quick but the agreement that I made with you was only to bring me here to Arabasta-" A bonk on her temples instantly cut Vivi from speaking further. She looked at her attacker, Nami, with a frown of confusion. 

"Quit it! Are you still thinking like that?" Nami inquired, even if she was scared to face Crocodile, one of the seven Warlords of the sea, she knew that with Luffy on their side, Crocodile was nothing more than a goner before him. "We traveled this far to not let you run away. So, we are not going to leave you!"

"Yeah, Vivi. You are practically one of us now." Usopp persuaded Vivi. She really had become one of them when Luffy included her in his antics of training and goofiness. "And I bet Luffy would want to fight with this Warlord."

"You didn't need to bring that up, Usopp!" Nami hissed at the long nosed teen, making his jittery legs finally crumble to the ground. He was a little bit scared to think about the incoming battle ahead of them, but Vivi was his friend too and he wasn't going to chicken out. 

"We are not gong abandon you, that's the least you should be worried about right now." Zoro spoke shaking his head a little and sat down on a rock where Chopper was laying down and panting due to the heat.

 "Thank you but-"

"Besides if this country gets destroyed then we would be out of the big reward for bringing you here. You understand?" Nami uttered with the greedy symbols of money flickering in her eyes. That was enough to shut Vivi and make her nod hesitantly.

"You are such a witch." Zoro grumbled, gathering Nami's attention on him.

"Thank you, Zoro!" Nami replied with a too sweet smile to go with. "I haven't forgotten your debt to me either. You better pay those four hundred thousand bellies."

"WHAT?!" Zoro instantly shouted hearing the insane number. "It went up?!"

"It will go even higher if you don't pay me quickly." Nami answered with a devil grin.

"Usopp! Do you think you can throw me some money?" Zoro asked the long nosed shooter, not wanting the amount of money to get more and more higher.

"Nope! Sorry, can't do." Usopp backed away, not wanting to get Nami's money hungry wrath on him. Nope! No way, he is going to fall into her trap.

"Come on, just some-" A bonk on Zoro's head made him stop from in his words. "What is it, damn witch?!" He still yelled out, only to notice Nami looking from the cracks of the walls. He could Sanji about to retort to his insulting words to Nami when he quickly slapped his hand on his bullshitting mouth. 

There was a commotion going on. 

"Marines." Zoro answered to the ones who went stiff and on guard with his and Nami's sudden reaction.

"What are they doing here?!" Usopp questioned as he peeked through the broken wall using his googles to see clearly. What he saw made him freeze!

"Sounds like there's something going around in the town." Zoro gave his opinion as he observed the commotion. "Maybe some pirate-" Zoro stopped dead on his words once he saw Luffy in front of all the people who were chasing him. How the hell did that freaking idiot end up there of all places?!

"HEY, ZORO!" Luffy shouted, giving off their location as well as running towards them.

"FOR THE LOVE OF-" Zoro chided at Luffy, only to realize it was of no use now as he himself also gave away their location. He instantly hauled up two barrels of water and made a run like the others.

"LOOK! THERE'S THE REST OF HIS CREW!" A marine shouted, noticing them instantly. This was not what they needed!

"We need to get back on the ship!" Vivi provided the crew hurriedly as she hauled a bag of necessities herself. She couldn't believe what she was witnessing but with Luffy in the equation, she agreed that things are bound to get crazy.

"What?! Are we leaving the Island?!" Usopp asked getting all confused but still handling a barrel. He knew that he should get used to Luffy's antics of getting into trouble, but it didn't make things easier at all! One look at Chopper showed that he was worried but handling the situation better than he was.

"No, we'll take the ship to travel along the river so we can dock further inland. From there, the desert we need to cross is right ahead." Vivi informed Usopp hurriedly, not even taking a chance to turn back. 

"LUFFY! WAIT RIGHT THERE, YOU IDIOT!" Another man with a tattoo on his biceps reading 'Ace' was shouting just after him. He was the closest one near Luffy, who could possibly catch up to him but luckily Luffy was managing to dodge him each time miraculously. "HOW DARE YOU GIVE ME A HEART ATTACK!?"

"YOU IDIOT! LOSE THEM BEFORE YOU COME HERE!" Nami shouted, as she saw Sanji hauling all the food supply and making a run for it with the others, who had already started running ahead. She didn't want to know how Luffy had managed to give someone heart attack during his short stay in this city or how that person was running madly to catch their captain. Nope, she wasn't interested at all!

"I'M SORRY!!" Luffy yelled, yelping when a ball of fire just brushed past him. His eyes widened in shock and fear for his life as he realized that Ace was way too serious on catching him and teaching him a lesson.

"LUFFY! WHAT WERE YOU EVEN THINKING?!" Bonney yelled loudly, running as fast as she could to catch Luffy. "HOW COULD YOU WISH TO EVEN LEAVE ME BEHIND THAT WAY?!"

"I'M REALLY SORRY!!!" Luffy shouted once more, knowing that if he stopped by any chance then he has to face the wrath of Bonney even! And he really didn't wish to turn into a baby of all thing for his crew to tease him further. He had enough of that when they were back home.

"HOW DARE YOU DO WHATEVER YOU DID THAT TO THE PRETTY LADY?!" Sanji barked angrily, almost stopping in his tracks to beat the shit of the rubber idiot when Nami bonked on his head, making him realize the situation and see the marine captain of Loguetown in the fray.

"RAISE THE ANCHOR!" Luffy shouted to Merry as Usopp was just near to climb up their ship. He heard a light giggle from Merry before she granted his request. He really had the audacity to pout at that, forgetting the trouble he had plunged himself into. Even if he was scared for his life or the punches he would be bestowed when caught, he was really having fun, feeling nostalgia hit him. He wanted to laugh too but he knew if he did that, he would be getting ten times the lecture he is supposed to get. Nope, he wasn't in for it.

"THE REST OF YOU STAND BACK DOWN!" Smoker shouted angrily as he ran past his crew. He was angry when he wake up to being crushed under several pairs of shoes only to find the bar empty and the Strawhat kid getting chased by the big shots whom he called his family. He wasn't going to let him escape, now that he has finally found him. "I WON'T LET YOU RUN AWAY, STRAWHAT!" Smoker shouted out, his hands turning into an elongated smokey fist to capture the kid, but the said kid freaking dodged it without even seeing, just like how he had done in Loguetown. It was pissing him off.

"I'M SORRY, SMOKEY, BUT I CAN'T STOP NOW!" Luffy yelled back to the kind marine, who was trying to get him away from the ruckus to get answers to his questions, but he really can't stop right now.

"WHY DID YOU COME TO THIS ISLAND STRAWHAT?! WHAT ARE YOU AFTER?!" Smoker shouted out, as his hands turned into a smokey snake to chase after the kid, but it was getting impossible to catch him.

"I AM ONLY HERE TO BEAT UP CROCY!" Luffy shouted out the answer, hoping that would be enough to let Smoker leave him alone but unfortunately the smoke user wasn't done yet.

'Crocy?!' Smoker thought before realizing that it was Crocodile whom the kid was referring to. But why would he want to even fight the Warlord?

"DON'T TELL HIM THAT!" The Strawhat crew shouted in unison at their idiot captain who was giving them away.

"OOPS! FORGET THAT SMOKEY!" Luffy shouted back in panic making almost everyone sweatdrop.

"DAMMIT, STRAWHAT?! WHY?! WHY DID YOU SMILE WHEN YOU WERE FACED WITH DEATH IN THAT EXECUTION?!" Smoker yelled out, his frustrations getting the better on him as he repeatedly failed to capture the kid. Unknown to him, he just added fuel to the fire in which Ace and Bonney were wrapped.

"SMILE?! YOU FUCKING IDIOT! WHEN I CATCH YOU, YOU'LL FORGET ALL THOSE SMILES!" Ace shouted angrily, trying to catch his baby brother and wanting to give him a good fist of love like his grandfather but that slippery brat was dodging him like no tomorrow. He knew that he was overreacting, but he couldn't help but feel his heart crash and adrenaline pump in his veins like crazy after hearing about Luffy's deeds. He knew Luffy's ideas are always insane, but this one was just the epitome of it. Hell, he had never thought that Luffy would willingly put himself in such a situation where he could easily break free but refuse to.

"SMOKEY! YOU AREN'T HELPING AT ALL!" Luffy panicked, feeling the intense haze of Ace's fire. He knew it wouldn't burn him, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to take a chance right now when Ace really needed to let off steam. "ARGGHHHHH!" Luffy slipped face first on the puddle of sand but in that instant, he was quickly picked up by Kuma.

"We need to lose the marines, right now!" Kuma tried to justify his actions as he instantly teleported them on board the Merry, carrying a wet and muddy Luffy in his large arms.

"Thank you, Uncle Kuma." Luffy panted in relief in the midst of his shocked crew who recognized the name and can only point Kuma to be harmless to Luffy.

If Kuma the revolutionary tyrant would have shown even just a speck of malice towards their captain, then the Strawhats wouldn't have hesitated to fight with tooth and nail to get back their captain. The Merry already started setting sail making them extremely relaxed knowing those crazy people can't follow them but how wrong were they! They had not even got too far when two of Luffy's chasers jumped aboard with frown and scowl on their faces.

"Luffy, who the hell did-" "Daddy it's cheating-"

"I don't know what my captain did but if you too care for your lives, back off!" Zoro spoke coldly with his eyes narrowed as he pointed his sword at the fire man, judging him to have more strength than the other lady. He wasn't afraid to use his swords at whoever the man was to protect his captain.

"Sorry, miss, I can't let you hurt my captain." Sanji flicked his cigarette to the ground, crushing it under his shoes. "I'd rather prefer you get off board by your own will."

"We won't let you hurt our captain." Nami narrowed her eyes at the girl, drawing out her climatact which Usopp had built for her. She wasn't letting Luffy to get chased or beaten by the likes of them.

"Yeah! Leave our captain alone, you jerks!" Chopper growled as he stood tall in his monster form, ready to fight to protect the one who showed him the fun of being a pirate.

"Yeah! The brave warrior Usopp will force you to leave if you did anything funny!" Usopp stood his ground pointing his slingshot to the girl. He didn't want to deal with the fire wielder at all, but he wasn't going to back down now even if he was hella nervous. Hopefully, the monster trio would be enough.

"I can't let you harm Luffy." Even Vivi was standing her ground, with her trusty weapons ready at her side. She had already sent Carue with the message for her father, which is why she couldn't rely on her partner in this fight.

"Guys, I'm okay!" Luffy tried to speak, as he felt Ace and Bonney look astonished for a second and then wanting to get to him the next. He didn't want to deal with them, but he also didn't want to involve his crew in this sibling squabble.

"I have to say your crew is really protective of you." Sabo smiled while sitting idly on the railing of the ship with one leg over the other.

"Yes, they are! Shishishishi!" Luffy chuckled, making his friends look at him with confusion.

"You idiot! You are dead!" Ace lashed out, effectively dodging Zoro's swords, Sanji's kicks, Nami's climatact, Usopp's ammo, Vivi's attempt and Chopper's punch.

"I'm so sorry-!" Luffy yelped trying to jump over to his mother but being caught by Sabo who flung him back to the deck. Sabo was also upset that he couldn't lecture Luffy earlier because of the scare he had felt firsthand, but right now he very much wanted to show Luffy what he did wrong.

Sabo's action confused the Strawhats, minus Chopper and Vivi, who were afraid that they have one more attacker onboard. The East Blue crew was confused of why Sabo would throw his little brother to the mouth of danger when he showed that he was way too caring and doting big brother. 

"Sabo, what's going on?!" Zoro asked, keeping an eye on Luffy who tired to run in circles around the deck to get away from the fire user and the pink haired girl, yelling 'traitor' and 'I'm sorry'. He would not hesitate to jump in to protect his captain even if the former seemed to know Haki. That only served as a remainder for him to train more to unlock his Haki.

"What else could happen?" Sabo chuckled mysteriously before settling into a smirk. "That rubber idiot gave his siblings a heart attack!"

"Siblings?!" The Strawhats questioned in confusion, looking at Sabo who nodded at that.

"You mean that lovely lady over there is Luffy's sister?!" Sanji asked with tears dropping from his face. He was really jealous of Luffy right now for not telling him about his sister. "Melorine, please beat the crap out of that dumbhead!" Sanji gushed, not seeing the intense pair of eyes staring at him.

"Aghhhh!!! I'm sorry-!" Luffy tried to apologize the umpteenth time, but his luck gave him out when he was finally plumed on the deck with a fist infused with Haki on his head. It hurt so much, that's why he didn't want to be caught.

"Ace-ni! Hold him for me!" Bonney smirked evilly, as he approached a darkly grinning Ace too. Luffy panicked and squirmed as Ace quickly sat over him, not letting him escape. He really didn't want that.

"I'm really sorry!!! Please!!!" Luffy cried, squirming and flailing but it wasn't of any help as a hand smacked on his head and he instantly shrunk. Even Ace got up from him, leaving him exposed to his crew.

"WHAT THE HECK?!" The crew shouted instantly seeing a chibi Luffy squirm through his clothes, in which he was drowning.

"Bonney! Change me back!!!" Luffy whined, his voice high and squeaky like a five year old. He got up from the deck with a pout and glared at Bonney, which was not even effective. "It's not funny!"

"Not until you realize your mistake!" Bonney huffed with her hands crossed over her chest.

"He's so cutee!!!" Vivi and Nami gushed seeing Luffy look disheartened at Bonney's words. Even Zoro and Sanji were trying to stifle their laughter at Luffy's current situation. Meanwhile, Usopp was openly laughing at little Luffy and Chopper was kind of worried if it would have any adverse effects.

"This way you can't run now." Bonney grinned before picking Luffy in her arms. "Aww! Now look who is in trouble? It's little Luffy!" Bonney laughed, making Zoro, Sanji and Usopp laugh out loud at Luffy's expense.

"Hey! I need my fill too!" Sabo rushed to the deck asking for little Luffy to be handed to him, who was squirming under their grasps.

"Not giving!" Bonney poked her tongue out while Luffy dangled from her arms, huffing and puffing.

"Aww, please-"

"Quit it! We have a lecture to deliver!" Ace frowned, cutting Sabo in his pleas. He wanted to so dearly not do it, but he knew that someone has to otherwise the reckless bumbling idiot would go rushing at all harm. He really wanted to rely on Uncle Kuma to do so but seeing him not even interfering made Ace give up hope on him. He knew that he would never even scold Luffy, except for the times of training. "And you can't pull over that face!" Ace shielded his eyes instantly with a pair of dark sunglasses to cover his eyes, resigning to his fate of him being the one to scold Luffy. His hands stretched Luffy's cheeks with Haki as he continued, "Do you have any idea what you had put us through with your insane stunt?!" 

"I'm sowwwy!" Luffy tried to speak through his stretched cheeks. He felt the anxiousness build up within Ace, Sabo, Bonney and even Kuma, making him realize for the first time that him not moving from that execution stand would have hurt his family and friends. "I just wanted Sabo and Papa to come out. They were playing with me!" 

"Luffy, I admit we were hiding but risking your life like that...?!" Sabo asked, rubbing his temples. Despite Luffy's pout and sad face, he steeled himself, trying his best to not fall in the trap of those doe big puppy eyes. "I really thought that I lost you there for a second."

"Please don't do that anymore! It hurts to know we could have lost you." Bonney spoke, squeezing Luffy a little as she back hugged him. She could see him hanging his head down sadly, making her feel bad.

"What are you guys talking about?" Usopp asked hesitantly as he overheard the conversation. Everyone did and they were curious about it.

"Luffy could have escaped his own 'execution' in Loguetown before it even started or got bad, but he chose not to." Kuma answered, speaking for the first time. He had been observing the Strawhat Pirates till now, noticing their every move. He has to tell that Dragon was right in saying that Luffy's ragtag crew was surely funny and protective.

"Of course he did that!" Zoro deadpanned. Since the time Luffy had shown them the Haki techniques he had wondered why Luffy hadn't broken free of those wooden planks by himself. Well, now he got his answer.

"So, you gave us fright just because you wanted to or were bored?!" Sanji questioned Luffy who shook his head at that statement.

"I just wanted to know how Roger felt during his execution." Luffy answered with wobbly lips.

"That didn't mean you have to die there, you idiot!" Ace sighed, removing the glasses as they were not at all helping him. He was just getting soft with each look on Luffy's whiny face. Ace ruffled Luffy's hair softly as he took him in his arms. "It scared me when I heard about it. On top of that, you didn't even pick my call when I tried." Ace spoke in a gentle tone.

"I'm sorry, Ace!" Luffy spoke, meaning his words this time.

"Just promise us you won't do that again?" Sabo asked, patting Luffy's little head, who sniffled at all the scoldings.

"I promise!" Luffy cried as he hid himself in Ace's arms, who shook his head fondly before patting his back gently.

"We were just worried about you, ni-chan." Bonney sniffled too, rubbing her eyes.

"Ni-chan?!" Chopper uttered looking confusedly at the pink haired girl, who looked older than 17. This also caught the attention of Ace, who remembered that they were having an audience.

"It's probably late now but nice to meet you guys." Ace started holding onto his baby brother while addressing the crew which he was meeting for the first time. He sure has to tell Luffy has a knack of picking people. "Thanks for taking care of my kid brother. I know he is a handful." Ace bowed slightly to the crew with chibi Luffy still in his hands.

"Oh, no! Not at all!" The crew spoke at once with straight faces while waving their hands.

"Come on, be honest! This is Luffy we are talking about! Isn't he a bit too much for you to handle at times?" Ace laughed with Sabo and Bonney agreeing. Even Kuma was nodding his head at that, seeing the modesty of the crew.

"Not at all!" The crew answered again.

"You got a good crew, Luffy-ni!" Bonney giggled happily to Luffy who still refused to come out of Ace's hands. 

"Alright, let us then properly introduce ourselves since we were a bit rude just barging in!" Ace spoke with a smile on his freckled face. He felt a bit embarrassed barging in all angry, probably not a good first impression but he doesn't mind much. "I'm the Captain of the Spades Pirates, 'Fire Fist' Ace and also this little bumbling kid's oldest brother."

"Of course, he would be connected to the big shot 'Fire Fist' Ace too!" Zoro groaned. He should have thought that possibility with Luffy in the fray, specially when his grandfather's Garp and father's Dragon.

"The Fire Fist Ace who shoved a fuck you to the marines when you were given the proposal of being a Warlord?!" Sanji asked with his eyes wide. It was all over the news of how Fire Fist had enraged the World government by not only rejecting their proposal but also making a shit show in one of the marine bases to show a big fuck you to them.

"The one and only!" Ace replied with a smirk.

"What else did I except?" Nami mumbled rubbing her hand. "His dad is a big shot after all."

"I'm Kuma, one of-" Kuma started, thinking it was time for him to introduce himself but was interrupted.

"Oh, my melorine, please excuse my insolence, but can you please introduce yourself to this humble peasant?" Sanji gushed with hearts floating in his eyes, which gave him an intense stare from Kuma, his smile turning into a frown as he did not like how Sanji openly flirted with his daughter. 

Luffy finally in his chibi form squirmed in Ace's grasps as he couldn't understand why Ace was suddenly shaking and snickering while Sabo was glaring daggers at Sanji, which all went ignored by his cook who had his eyes fixed on Bonney. Luffy couldn't understand what was happening, so he finally toddled down on his own when Ace was distracted by trying to control his laughter at something.

Bonney felt annoyed by the blonde haired, whom she knew as Sanji. She recognized all of Luffy-ni's crew mates but she didn't like Sanji interrupting her father from introducing himself and acting rudely. "I'm Jewellery Bonney, Luffy's youngest sister." She huffed out with a childish pout, confusing everyone specially Sanji as she was sure that she looks older than 17.

"But you look older than 17." Sanji uttered with confusion laced in his voice. That made Bonney look at her father asking silently for his permission, which she got with a soft gentle smile in tow.

"I'm ten years old!" Bonney uttered before changing back to her original form, getting squeals from the ladies of the group and snatched into hugs by the navigator in her dance costume. "Hey-!" Bonney squeaked in protest before she was cuddled by Nami.

"Look at you! You are so cute!" Nami squealed hugging Bonney to her, eliciting a soft chuckle from Kuma.

Sanji felt like an utter shit as he dropped to his legs dramatically, earning a sigh from Zoro. He couldn't even respond to that cheeky swordsman as he felt worse after practically flirting with a child. What the hell was he even thinking?!

"Is Sanji okay?" Luffy asked in his chibi form, tilting his head a little to see the devastated look on his cook's face.

"Luffy, I made a huge mistake-" Sanji mumbled furiously but got patted by Luffy's little hands, making him look at him, showcasing Luffy's concerned chiby face. He looked too childish and cute right now. 

"There! There! Sanji will be okay!" Luffy chanted to Sanji who felt his world stop crumbling at those words. Sanji nodded, determined to make amends with the little girl.

"I'm sorry for my misbehavior, Bonney-chan!" Sanji apologized, getting on his legs and bowed a full ninety degree like a gentleman.

"Finally, you are doing something productive." Zoro snickered at Sanji, but Sanji didn't move until his apology was accepted.

"Why are you apologizing to me? Apologize to my Daddy!" Bonney huffed from her place in Nami's lap. She kind of enjoyed how she was softly making her hair. Even the attention from the princess of the Arabasta Kingdom felt good to her. 

"On it." Sanji spoke, turning to Kuma and bowed down once again. "I'm sorry for my insolent behavior, sir." It almost looked as if Sanji had harmed his in law's daughter, making Usopp, Zoro, Ace and Sabo burst out into peals of laughter.

"It's alright." Kuma spoke with a light smile, forgiving Sanji but still aiming to keep an eye on him. "I'm Bartholomew Kuma, the Revolutionary Tyrant. Also, one of the founding members of the Revolutionary Army." Kuma finally got the chance to introduce himself. 

"And for those who don't know me, I'm Sabo! The Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army." Sabo dramatically bowed lifting his top hat a little, not giving some of the crew a chance to relish on the information dump. "Also, the twin brother of Ace."

"The Revolutionary Army?!" Vivi was the first one to react with her eyes wide. "Please tell me you don't have connections with the rebellion going in Arabasta!" She instantly asked.

"No, we don't." Kuma replied calmly, making Vivi take a breath of relief.

"But then why are guys here in Arabasta?" Zoro questioned out, seeing Usopp's brain already rebooting, Sanji sulking due to his mistake, Nami busy with cooing at Bonney and Chopper confused over the situation.

"Yeah! Why here?" Luffy questioned, finally making his presence known and got quickly picked up by Sabo, making him squeak.

"I didn't get my chibi Luffy fill!" Sabo pouted as he carried Luffy in his arms affectionately. "And Princess Vivi, the Revolutionary Army wanted to check over Arabasta due to all the rebellions taking place." Sabo squinted his eyes at her. He knew that whoever Luffy accepted in his circle couldn't be evil, so the question was whether the king of Arabasta was corrupt or their is someone behind the scenes pulling strings. He highly suspects the latter as he overheard a conversation regarding the assembly of Baroque Works here by a certain someone.

"We are here to provide support to the kingdom in anyways we can." Kuma spoke calmly, seeing Vivi's eyes shine with tears and hands shake at her. They were unsure of who the real culprit was, and seems like the information was with the missing princess of Arabasta. "So please inform us about the situation."

Kuma knew some information from asking around the locals with Bonney helping him but all they got to know was of how the King of Arabasta was illegally getting Dance Powder- a powder which is used to summon rain but at the cost of drought in the neighboring countries. This led to a good amount of rain to fall in Alurbana but not a single drop in the other towns of Arabasta, leading to a severe drought.

Vivi nodded determinedly and started explaining the situation of her country from the beginning.

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