Year (1660) my parents emigrated from France to an island in the Caribbean Sea, in search of a better life, my father was a fisherman and my mother was an excellent cook, their dream was to set up a tavern where they served seafood and other culinary delicacies, the island where they were going to fulfill that dream, It was the pirate island known as BORBON, an island near the coast of New Granada, a place that neither the English nor the Spanish empires dared to send their men, because they knew they would be defeated by the pirates who guarded those waters.
Two years after my parents settled on the island of Bourbon, I was born, the damned did not stop fornicating every night, it was normal for me to get out of so much heat, anyway, my parents did not expect a baby and still did not have enough money to set up their tavern, but, they were good people and just accepted me, gave me love and raised me with the few resources they had in their pockets, they gave me the name of Oliver Píe, son of André and Irina Píe, simple French immigrants.
At that time, I was just a poor and weak child who barely ate, but that never mattered to me, my parents struggled to survive like everyone else on the island, when I turned ten years old, my father gave me as a gift a nice wooden sword that he carved himself, for me to play pirates, my father did not care if I liked pirates or not, but my mother, on the other hand.
— you will not play pirates! — my mother slaps me in the face when she saw me playing.
— Irina, stop, it's just a wooden sword. — My father comes in to stop my mother from hitting me.
— Pirates are murderers and thieves, I will not tolerate my son becoming a criminal, a monster, they are not an example for Oliver. — says my mother as she breaks my wooden sword in two. —
Irina, please, he is only a child…
My father tried to calm my mother down, while I, could only look sadly at the sword with which I played at being a pirate; when I took the two parts of that sword, I got upset with my mother and angry, I left my house and ran to the beach to cry.
— Oliver!
— Wait!
My parents followeded me and tried to catch me to come back, I had no idea why I was so angry with my mother, I just felt upset, I wanted to leave, to go away and cry like a normal kid, since I was a kid I felt special attraction for the sea, it was something I couldn't explain, when I felt sad, I just played with the waves touching the sand of the beach, that was the only thing that made me forget the sadness, but…
— Oliver, it's not safe for you to go out at night. — my father yells at me.
As I was running along the beach, suddenly, I could see something horrible and when I saw it with my two eyes, I realized that my mother was right.
When I looked out to sea, I could see with my eyes, two ships, one was a pirate ship and the other was a simple cargo ship, the pirate ship was shooting and attacking the cargo ship and although it was true that I could not see the fight with complete clarity, I could hear the screams of the crew of the cargo ship who were being killed by the pirates.
I stopped, I felt scared to hear those screams, and I just looked at those two ships and asked my father why the screams of agony were heard.
— Dad… What are those screams? — I said to my father, being confused and scared.
My father covered my eyes, although you could not see well how many people were being killed, if you could see those corpses falling into the sea; My father did not tell me anything at that time, just wanted to protect me from that horrible slaughter, but, my mother did not hesitate to tell me the truth.
— Those are pirates Oliver, those are people, who kill, steal, lie for their interests, those are the pirates….
My mother hugs me and carries me back, I was very innocent, growing up on an island where pirates come and go. You get used to them, I know I was a kid, but, seriously, I felt very scared, because what I thought was something good and normal, only turned out to be something bad, where bad people, do bad things, seeing that slaughter I didn't play pirates again and just focused on other things, on being a great cook and working with my parents in our restaurant.
Six years later, I had already become a fisherman, I only spent my time fishing with my father and cooking with my mother, thanks to that, we managed to sell fish and lunches, and with the money that was saved for more than five years, finally, my family was able to set up their little tavern.
It was nothing fancy, but, it was a dream come true, the "PIE" tavern, a tavern where you could drink and eat, with the only difference that it was the only tavern in town where they made delicious cakes, no matter how rude or bad the customers were, none of them could resist the cakes, pies, or Pies that my mother and I baked, the reputation of the tavern grew as a good place where you could get drunk and eat cake, the customers loved us and only a few pirates loved my mother's cakes, but, I only said a few.
One night, while I was serving some jars of beer to smokers, a group of drunken pirates came in armed with swords and guns, they, wanted to eat for free.
— Hey! Who's tending this place? — one of the pirates asks as he fires his gun at our roof.
My father did not hesitate to answer.
— It's me… What can I do for you?
The pirates shoo the diners away from the back table and take that place, putting their dirty feet on the table and ordering what they wanted for dinner.
— Bring us jars full of beer, the best you have, a roast pork with fruit and Blackberry Pie for dessert, they say they are very good.
My father still didn't know what their intentions were.
— Sure, they will be, 5 bronze doubloons… — my father charges shyly while we all kept silent.
The pirates point their guns at my father and warn him not to charge them.
- I don't think you understand fisherman, we are hungry and thirsty, we don't want to give you money, now bring us what we ask for or this will be the last night you will be able to stand up. — they tell him before firing one more shot at the ceiling.
¨ Damn them… I whispered.
I was angry, very angry, I already knew very well what kind of pirates inhabited the seas, some were as disgusting and annoying as sick rats and others were like insects, that should be eliminated, seeing my father being bothered by that group of pirates, only made my body go numb with rage, but, my father, luckily, was wise and just gave them the food, so they would get the hell out of here sooner.
- Very well, I will bring you your order in 30 minutes, my son will serve you your drinks while you wait. - Dad answers in a submissive way and looks at the floor. -
That's the way I like it fisherman, I hope you don't take too long, we are very hungry… HAHAHAHAHA
Damn, they were really hateful, I felt annoyed and frustrated, these were not the first nor the last to eat for free in our tavern, more and more of those scoundrels were intimidating us, if this continued, we would go into ruin.
The three of us worked hard for the tavern, it was not fair that nobody did anything, I understand that it is better to lower our heads and avoid problems, but, for once, just once, I would like to say or do something against those damned pirates, bad people deserve punishment, but, what can you expect from an island full of pirates? Life wasn't good for the good guys, and knowing that only made you more and more upset…
I headed to the kitchen to talk to my father, but, he knew he couldn't do anything, none of us could, if we messed with the pirates, our lives could be at risk. -
- Not now, Oliver, I know what you're going to say. - my father answers me, annoyed by the situation.
- Father, we can't keep feeding any more of those stupid bastards for free, it's the third time this week. - I said.
My father grabs me by my shirt and just asks me to bring the beers, I didn't want to keep arguing with him.
- Listen son, Bourbon is an island for and of pirates, if we mess with them, not only the tavern will be in danger, but also our lives, now, stop bothering me and take them their drinks… NOW!
There was no case, hearing that, I could only resent and shut up, I walked away from my father and decided to take the beers to the table of those pirates, who, without further ado, already thought they were the masters of the place.
- It was about time, it's a shame that a brat is the one who serves in this place. - commented one of them when I brought them the beers.
- What do you mean? - I asked.
- Nothing… just that we think you are pitiful, a kid working as a waiter is pathetic, don't you have pretty sisters to serve us beers?
Typical of pirates, they prefer a girl
wait on them
Then a guy, but I was the only waiter in the place, so I shyly told them.
- No, no sir, I am an only child and my parents' tavern does not yet have the funds to hire female staff. - I said.
- You're a pathetic boy, but then again, what do you expect from a waiter?
The pirates got drunk and ate until they vomited, they ate so much that it almost seemed like gluttony and then, they just left, but not before announcing their soon return with more of their pirate comrades.
- Thanks for the meal, next time we'll be back with more friends to try their famous PIE.
A roast pork, pies, unlimited beer, minimally that would cost at least five bronze doubloons, but, as it was free, we received nothing and the only payment my family received was washing the dishes, we were very discouraged, this could not go on, we did not want to go bankrupt.
The next morning, my father woke me up very early in the morning to fish and get lots of seafood to sell, it was the only way to at least put bread on the table and keep the business afloat, by the end of the morning, my father and I were already collecting the nets and while we were doing it, things were already a little tense between him and me.
- Are you upset about what happened last night? - my father asked me while I was collecting one of the nets into the boat.
- You mean you didn't say anything? I'm upset because you just looked down like a lapdog. - I answered very sincerely.
- And what did you want Oliver to do? There is no authority in Bourbon, the pirates are the ones who run this island, to mess with them…
They would kill us, I know that, father, but, at least, I would like you to say something. - I interrupted him.
No son likes to see his parents humiliated by pirates, that's why I was upset, because every time a pirate entered the tavern to drink and eat for free, neither my father nor my mother, did anything, but, that didn't matter; because in an oversight while we were sailing, we hit a reef and we both fell out of the boat because of the impact.
- Dad!
In the middle of the collision, one of the rocks hurt my right leg and I tried to stay afloat using my arms, swimming like a dog, with an injured leg, I could barely stay afloat, but, my father, on the other hand…
- dad? where are you? - I shouted when I saw that my father still did not get out of the water.
My father inadvertently got tangled in the fishing net and couldn't free his arms and legs to swim to the surface, my father was drowning and I couldn't do anything.
- Dad! - I shouted in desperation.
And out of nowhere… that thing appeared.