Chapter 36 - Link

Veil cried her eyes out for a handful of minutes or so, she realizes that Lozzaro brought her name back.

Their achievements lived through time itself and until now their tales are alive.

She regains her calm and breathes deeply.

She then turned around to Elliot and walked towards the castle, she wanted to see Lauron's statue.

Upon seeing Lauron's statue, she recalled all the memories of the two of them, she then made a serious face.

It was the Dark Clown's actions all along, if it were not for their actions, this would not have happened.

However, thinking all the events up to this point, she slowly came to accept that this is now her life.

Her final mission is now to destroy the Dark Clown with her new powers, freezing him into oblivion, never returning again.

"Thank you for the time with me, Esteemed King. I now have a mission in mind and I shall see to it immediately." Veil slightly bowed to the young King standing behind her.

"Very well, but I still do not know your name." Elliot scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"Runa, my name is Runa." Veil introduced herself.

"Runa… Runa… Understood, I will remember you." Elliot flashed a determined face.

When Veil saw the young King's expression, she briefly saw Lauron's face when she said a similar thing.

Veil then journeyed towards the great library of Qua'ar, she must know if Azazel is still on this timeline.

She destroyed dungeons along the way to experiment on her mana control.

She also realized that dungeons are becoming stronger, initially, she would not even break a single sweat when diving in dungeons.

However, now, she would take rests in between dungeons because she finds herself exhausted after fighting.

The monsters' combat intelligence is getting sharper, as if something or someone is causing them to behave so.

She did not put much stress on this matter because she would eventually find out in the library anyways.


After travelling for half a day, she finally reached the library, but to no avail.

The area she remembered where the library once was is no more, she even spread out her mana to detect magical fluctuations.

These magical fluctuations would resonate with her mana if an invisible barrier is erected to isolate an entire area to the outside world.

However, there is nothing at all, the area is flattened and no buildings could be found.

She then travelled to Marlov to investigate, the nearest city in the great library of Qua'ar.

"I wish to know what happened to the great library, I visited there and I found nothing." Veil asked an elder in the Adventurer association.

"Young lady, that library is no more, it was destroyed by an unknown force hundreds of years ago." The elder stroke his beard while remembering the events passed down a long time ago.

Azazel was decorating her courtyard, until a massive gate appeared above her library.


The barrier isolating her actual library from the outside world was instantly broken, she then immediately absorbed all the mana and information from her World Crystal.

In turn, she would not be temporary able to cast mana skills, this is the effect of reabsorbing the massive information of her mind in and out of the World Crystal.

However, she did so to protect all the information that could be stolen, she must not let it fall into the hands of the evil.

Soon after she attempted to call for the other Pentagram, a voice spoke behind her.

"A futile resistance, Archangel, this shall be where you get buried." The Dark Clown laughed maniacally.


Azazel was slightly surprised to see the rumored Dark Clown remnant to show its face here.

This is the ant that has been disturbing the harmony of the worlds and realms.

"What? You will still not submit quietly? Even Gods have already been replaced because of me!" Dark Clown evilly grinned seeing that Azazel is assuming a combat position.

Azazel unsheathed her Holy Sword Excalibur and gripped it with both of her hands.

The Excalibur is the strongest among the known Holy Swords, as it is a sword that can cut through anything, both wood and steel, would be equal to a thin sheet of wool when facing the blade of the Excalibur.

Within a higher Archangel's hands, this sword is capable of destroying worlds, however, Azazel does not use it for such purposes.

It is clear that the Dark Clown intends to make Azazel their puppet.

Unbeknownst to Azazel, the Dark Clown has already developed their forces into an unimaginable strength capable of defeating Gods.

One of the Dark Clown's men, for example, has defeated Darthoxis, the previous God of War in a 1v1 battle.

The man is named as Urziel, originated from a small city where no Adventurers are present.

After receiving the Dark Clowns blessings, Urziel gained a power to combat a God and become triumphant.

One of the reasons for Darthoxis' migration of Shurana into the world of the humans is to trust the humans to grow strong enough to repel the Dark Clown's army.

He is not capable of growing stronger anymore, his goal in his arrival is to make the humans wary of him and boost their forces.

Azazel then dashed to take the first strike but constantly missed her mark by a hair's breadth.

The Dark Clown would always dodge the instant her weapon is about to hit, clearly toying with her.

Azazel then suddenly smiled and said: "You are confident that you erased all traces of that human girl in the world, but she will come and destroy you herself!"

The Dark Clown is not showing any reaction and just fell into silence, they just fired massive amounts of destructive wave, which affected only the library.

They could not bring themselves to kill Azazel, attracting the attention of the said human girl, which is in fact, Veil.

The reason the Dark Clown is afraid of Veil is that Veil was the one who absorbed the Dark Clown's World Crystal.

That World Crystal is one of the Dark Clown's possessions, holding a fraction of their entire power.

If a Dark Clown's blessing is able to grow a powerless kid into an existence rivaling a God is only 50% of their current power, then the World Crystals would each have more than that.

This goes to say that Veil is stronger than Gods, she just has not discovered it; this fact is something Azazel discovered only when she met Veil before sending her into the Underworld.

The Underworld is only one of the solutions Azazel made up before Veil could discover her potential to ruin the world through her anger of the Dark Clown.

Azazel did not want to plunge the world into destruction; she made Veil work her own way up to grow strong.

She does not reveal the full extent of Veil's powers.

When she saw that the library is destroyed, she cleaned up the rubbles and restored the surroundings as if nothing happened.

Seeing that the terrain is decent, she left and disappeared.


On the information shared by the elder, it only told the story of how the library is destroyed by a Dark Clown; the full details are all question marks to Veil as of the moment.

She would only find out everything when she meets up with Azazel again.

"Thank you elder, but do you perhaps know where the higher Archangel resides now?" Veil asked another question.

"Unfortunately, I do not know that information, young lady. But you should not give up whatever your mission is; you should make contact with another Pentagram Archangel to ask of great Azazel's whereabouts." The elder explained.

"I have a last question for you, elder. May I then ask you where I could find the other Pentagram Archangels?" Veil smiled.

"Go to the East side of the World, on a city called Lusprain, try to win in the Battle Arena there, it was said that the winner would be able to gain the recognition of an Archangel. That is the extent of my knowledge; I could only tell you that much, young lady." The elder turned around and left.

Veil then went into the airport and rode an airship flying towards the continent of Eblistan, among the 10 continents in the whole Terra, Eblistan is the biggest one.

Arnelia, Blacnard, Quaspaith, Nadril, Ufrait, Scal Pale, Stoeles, Apria, Purar, Eblistan is the order from smallest continent to biggest.

Eblistan is a continent full of cities that are fanatics of fighting, however, these fighters are not lawless.

In fact, they only fight in dungeons, while defending cities, and their most favorite, in the Battle Arena.

The flight only lasted for 10 hours; they only crossed 3 continents before reaching Eblistan.

Veil then immediately signed up for the next Battle Arena, which will start in 10 minutes or so.

One of the staffs then explained the rules in complete detail.

It is a tournament style Battle Arena, where participants must work their way up through 1v1 battles until they reach the top.

Only till they reach the top could they challenge one of the Twelve Seats, the twelve strongest fighters of the arena.

These twelve fighters are the recent ones to be granted such positions, as asked by the Pentagram Archangel leading this arena.

If all twelve of them defended their spots within 10 challengers, they will be granted an audience with the said Pentagram Archangel, who only a select few have met.

This is a perfect opportunity for Veil to meet another Pentagram Archangel, if she fails here, she might not get another chance in this lifetime.

While waiting, Veil bought herself some refreshments before the bell was sounded.

One of the guards then opened the entrance to the waiting room, which also serves as an armory if a participant does not bring their own weapon or equipment.

The burly men and lithe women entered one by one, and Veil is the last one to enter.

Inside the waiting room, there is a spot for training, heavy equipment to stretch and train one's body are available.

Veil approached one of the mats to lie down on the floor and do some stretching; however, she was blocked by a tall bald man and three women.

Veil did not speak, she just looked straight into the eyes of the bald man.


Every single cell in his body screamed danger; his entire body shuddered from extreme unexplainable cold wave rooting from his own heart as if the God of Death is knocking on his door.

The man then walked past Veil as if he did not care, this is to save his face from the women around him.

Veil then proceeded to stretch on the mat on the floor and when she feels her body warmed up, she sat down in a relaxed posture to meditate.

Sensing the individual strands of mana flowing in the room she then differentiated the types from each other until she sees the mana gain colors of their own.

Slowly, she stretched out a finger, seemingly to grab one of the mana strands.

She slightly bent the mana with a physical touch, the bent mana then swirled on her finger until it gets absorbed.

With this, she quietly absorbed the excess mana in the room, until she cannot perceive them anymore.

She felt soothed by the mana she absorbed, this is different from just purely using that mana, this mana she absorbed using Nerula's Ancient Mana Technique is now her own mana pooling her existing one.

This works fundamentally similar to Elliot circulating his own mana with his Holy Sword, but the difference is that Veil's growth is exponentially bigger and faster.

Absorbing atmospheric mana is different from absorbing mana from sources such as World Crystals and related artifacts.

The latter is much easier for as long as the person absorbing the source knows basic mana control; however, absorbing atmospheric mana requires deeper understanding to mana, such example of that is the Ancient Mana Technique.

All in all, there are 64 participants accepted this time around, for the noontime battle.

Through various battles, the 64 will be cut into 32 for the next round, then 16, then 8, and the final 4 which will be broadcasted by recording crystals and magic mirrors into the different parts of the continent.

The other battles will also be broadcasted but the target stage will shuffle every few seconds, which is why the semifinals and finals are the most important and most anticipated broadcasts.

Veil steeled her resolve as she climbed up her respective fighting stage when she heard another bell rang; she then smirked when she saw the identity of her opponent.

Her opponent is the tall bald man she encountered in the waiting room earlier.