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A tired, in debt man by the name of Rhys life is suddenly changed when he given a box from his dead father figure. There in the box laid a note and game he hadn't played since he was young.

Chapter 1 - Prologue: A Beginning To An End

I walked out the door: The so-called "exit". The light shined brightly into my eyes it was painful but felt good. I knelt on the ground of the blankets of white space before me. I sobbed loudly for freedom was now mine. My wishes would be granted.

A loud voice boomed around the room, it was deafening.

"Do my eyes deceive me? A mere mortal steps into the Hireath? Unbelievable and it's not even from this world too."

The being's breath felt close and near but yet all I could see were clean white space before me.

"Tell me mere outsider...what are your wishes and how did you get here...?"

How did I get here though? Could I even remember? My memories are vacant and my thoughts were only filled with thoughts of greed: millions of dollars could be in my possession. The only thing is...what would I use such money for? Was there anything even worth buying?

I stood there with meaningless words stuck on the tip of my tongue. The more I hesitated the more my mind started to clear. I started to remember. I could at the very least answer at least one of his questions now.

"I can't seem to decide right now...but I can tell you how I got here. It might be a long story..."

The voice echoed around the room. It seemed like I can hear it from all around. "We have all the time in the share."

"I believe it all started with my name...."

"Rhys! Rhys! Goddammit Rhys get off that fucking game!"

I was pulled out of my thoughts by my Tía yanking the game controller out of my hands and throwing it against the wall.

"I've been calling your name forever! And for what? For you to be playing this shit?!"

She belligerently grabbed the game case from my bed and read aloud.

"Demonic Mania? Is this seriously what kids are playing nowadays?"

My Tía scoffed as she threw the case on the floor adding to the filth surrounding it. She stared at me with disgust and hatred.

"What an utter excuse for a Moreno...You never fucking learn! I guess I'll just have to keep teaching you and teaching you until you get it..."

She then grabbed me by the hair and dragged me to the kitchen. My scalp burned as I pleaded. "I-I'm sorry! I'm so sorry" I cried out not even knowing what I was apologizing for. I already knew what was coming. She had laid down uncooked rice on the floor. I could just feel the pain from just watching her.

"You know the routine."

I knelt on the ground. I felt every single grain of rice indent my knees; It was painful. I had to stay there for 10 minutes always, but there was a reason I remember this moment better than all the other times.

This time was cut short when my Tío walked in. He grabbed my arm and raised me from the ground. His grip was tight. Pieces of rice seemed to sprinkle as I got up.

My Tío kept me close and behind his back as if he was my sheild. My Tía walks over from the commotion. Her face is one of shock before contorting to anger. Her stomps shake the floorboards.

"What the hell?! You can't be double-crossing me like this all the time! He needs to learn!"

My Tío scoffed as he gripped tighter onto my arm. I could feel his anger and disbelief. It hurt I felt like my arm could just break if he went any tighter. I didn't want to tell him anything because I was scared.

"Are you kidding me, Maria?!" He yelled out enraged. "You call this learning?!" He gestured toward the uncooked rice scattered on the floor before pulling up my shirt to reveal the bruises on my chest.

"Yes, Antonio! How else is he supposed to learn?!" Tía crossed her arm. She had the look of exasperated and distress.

"You listen to me, woman! He did not come here to be treated the same way as he did before!"

My Tío had spoken in a way in which I had never heard him speak before. He was normally quiet and understanding but it seemed like he had had enough. His voice boomed throughout the house.

The next few parts are quite blurry but the next thing I know I'm being dragged out of the house with a backpack in hand. I hadn't packed much but a few clothes and my gaming console.

It was a long and difficult process but my Tío had gained full custody over me. I never saw my Tía again.

A few years would pass since then. My Tío had been drinking since the divorce. He was normally drunk and difficult to talk to. He mumbled to himself quiet often. My Tía may have been abusive but he still loved her.

My Tío saved me, yet he could never be the father figure I needed in life. My Tío was just some drunk guy who saved me but he could never amount to anything more than that. The only true man that I could ever even consider my father was the older man who worked in the video game store a couple of streets down, Mr. Noel.

I could always find myself walking to his gaming store after-school except on Wednesdays and Thursdays which seemed to be the only time he's closed.

"Hey, Rhys! You came right on time! I just finished my work with the new and improved Hireath!"

His smile was blinding as he pulled out the gaming case from under the counter. Noel was the creator of the game I loved. I was the only person that knew of this game besides Noel himself.

I met Noel when I had gotten a new gaming console from my Tío as a late birthday gift. I immediately wanted to try many games. I rented mostly all of them from Noel. It had gotten to the point at which I had grown tired of what felt like repeats of the same things over and over again. Hell, I even played the otome games after I got bored.

I believe Noel had noticed my boredom and suggested that I try out the game that he made. Noel had taken many classes on how to make games during high school but he didn't have the money to get to college sadly. Holy shit when I played it for the first time it was...amazing. The game took place in a kingdom called Selcouth. It had felt different from everything else I played. I remember playing it over and over again until I had the script embedded into the channels of my brain.

My favorite character in the game wasn't even the main character, Orion. It was a supporting character by the name of Arlo. He was just captivating and perfectly written. Even though he died near the beginning he still held a special place in my heart.

I was excited to know that Mr. Noel had made a new and improved Hireath although I knew the original would always be my favorite.

"Awesome! Does it still have Arlo and all the same characters?"

Noel chuckled as he gave a nod. "Of course it does! Don't worry I'd never remove any of the characters. The story is almost the exact same. I just updated the graphics."

He then leaned in close. "But here is a secret that you'd like. There is a way you can save Arlo."

My face was probably gleaming with joy. I raced back home as soon as possible. My Tío was knocked out on the couch alcohol bottles scattered around him.

Even though I wanted to play the game immediately I decided I couldn't just leave my Tío liked this. I helped him up to his bed and laid him down. His words slurred as he thanked me. He tried to give me some life advice but passed out halfway through.

I wasted no time and picked up the empty bottles. I cleaned up a little more and headed off to my room to play the game.

I had spent over 4 hours trying to save Arlo but nothing seemed to work. I got frustrated and decided to just continue playing through the entire game without Arlo. Mr. Noel was right, the game's quality was much better than before. The storyline may have changed a little but it was for the better. Arlo had gained more dialogue and more character.

I had gone to the shop the next day after playing the whole game. It was a weekend anyways. "Oh Rhys you're back! How was it?" He smiled sweetly.

"It was good but it's too hard to save Arlo." I sighed. I knew Mr. Noel would want the cold hard truth and not some sugar-coated words.

Noel gave a nod. "I guess I'll have to work on that. Say why don't you come to my house for dinner? It's been a while since I've had company."

How could I say no to some who was like a father to me?


I had snuck out of my house. I was afraid of waking up my Tío. He didn't like me away at night. I regret that moment for the rest of my life. I think about it often. I think of how I shouldn't have gone that night.

I had a lovely time at Noel's house. He showed me around and even let me see how he makes the games.

It was the best dinner as well. Mr. Noel was a great cook. I watched movies with him and played over a dozen video games while I was there. Even though I had such a good time I had to return home.

I waved and said my goodbyes as I walked out the door. If only I had known that that was the last time I'd ever see Noel.

When I returned home I found my Tío laying on the couch. I knew I had to be quiet. I did this sneaking routine a thousand times before but this time was different. It felt different at least. I didn't hear the snores I was so used to hearing no in fact I didn't hear anything at all.

I rushed over to him and checked his pulse. I didn't feel a thing. He was cold. I could feel my breath quickening and I tried to resuscitate him by doing cpr. He wasn't responding.

In a panic, I called the ambulance but it was too late. My Tío was dead and he had been dead for hours. If I had been home I could've saved him. I know I could've.

I never got to see Mr. Noel after the night. I had to go through countless foster homes. I ran away each time. Years pass and by the time I reached that certain age, I was no longer in the system.

I spent 2 whole years wandering the streets homeless and going in and out shelters before finally getting a job. I was able to live in a shabby apartment and afford some food to pass me by.

I wont lie and say I enjoyed my situation that I was grateful for a house or food. My life was still pathetic. I had major debt. I felt like shit every day. I wasnt living. In my eyes I was already dead. I honestly felt like I had no place in the world besides just mindlessly doing my crappy job.

I couldn't do anything. There was no way I'd ever wake up one morning and suddenly decide I wanted to change my life because there was nothing I could do.

I was stuck. I didn't have any hope of winning the lottery and getting out of this shitty life. I did do one thing. I worked out. It was the only slim of joy I had in life. I no longer had video games because I sold all of them. I didn't dare sell my old console though. It was old and shitty but it was the only thing I had that was left of my old life. Some nights I'd sit on the couch with empty alcohol bottles scattered beside me and I'd think is that all there is to my life? Will I be like my Tio and die with no one by me?

Every day felt like deja vu. I would go to work, come home, eat, work out, and sleep. Then one day

I woke up to a letter taped to my door. I thought it was going to be a threat from some loan shark but to my surprise, it was an invitation to a funeral: Mr Noel's funeral.

I won't lie. I had forgotten he had existed. The sudden letter had sent me into a spiral of nostalgia: everything from when I was younger seemed to hit me like a train.

I believe I had fallen to the floor and started to sob my eyes out when I finally remembered what this man had done for me when I was little. I decided to take a week off of work to attend the funeral.

When the time for the funeral came I had bought myself a black suit. It was expensive but there was no way I was attending with sweats on. There were barely any people there. It only seemed like 10 people had shown up.

I looked like a homeless guy who just wondered in. I had a shaggy haircut and a stubble that I had yet to shave off. Everyone else looked nicer than I did. I felt like I should've tried to look nicer for the funeral but with the funds I have this was the nicest I've looked in a while.

It was short but emotional. At the end of everything I was given a box. The person that had given me the box was a girl about my age if not a little older. She had tears streaming down her cheeks but she gave a small smile and introduced herself.

"Hello, you must be Rhys, right? I'm Yasmine...I was David's granddaughter." She sniffles as she wiped off the excess tears from her cheeks.

I had forgotten his name was David and not just Mr. Noel. I nodded my head agreeing with her question. I was then confused. How did she know my name?

"Ah yes...uhm sorry to ask but how did you know my name?"

Her face saddened for a second before looking away. She hesitated before answering.

"My grandfather talked about you often. You were the only one who seemed interested in the game he was making."

It clicked in my mind that she was talking about Hireath. I hadn't played the game in so long. I remembered how good it was. I remembered it being a light in my dark childhood.

"It was a good game I won't lie. If I'm being honest. Your grandfather was a very important person in my life. He was the only person I was actually willing to call my father..."

Her eyes seemed to light up at my words. She gave a warm smile that looked similar to Mr.Noel's. It made me tear up. She then extended her hand to me.

"It was good meeting you Rhys...until we meet again."

I shook her hand and left with the box. I didn't know when but I wanted to see her again. I wish I had asked her what Mr. Noel said about me. What I didn't know is that I would never see her again after this.

When I returned home to my shabby apartment. I quickly grabbed a kitchen knife and sliced the box open. Inside laid a game case, a gaming console, and a note. I picked up the game console inspecting it closely. In bold letters it read: Hireath.

I unknowingly smiled at the game case before putting it down and picking up the letter.

The note read as followed.

"Dear, Rhys.

When you get this letter it means I am gone.

You might very well have forgotten about me but I didn't forget about you. The boy who cared about my game and gave me actual feedback instead of just saying it was good.

I have spent years working on this game since you have been gone. From updating the quality to spicing up the storyline just a little. Everything remains almost the same. I did change one thing. You can now save Arlo a little easier.

I hope you enjoy this game as it is the last thing I ever made.

Sincerely, David Noel."

Tears streamed down my cheeks once more. I clenched the letter tightly to my chest. The name Arlo was one that I hadn't heard in forever.

I knew that I had time to spare so I quickly set up the gaming console. I inserted the disk and waited paitently for it to boot up. I didnt bother to read the warnings because I had seen them all before.

The intro music began. It asked for my name. It was strange because normally I would play the protagonist who was named Orion. I ignored it and thought it was just a new detail he decided to add.

I hit okay and the next thing I know everything went black.

When I awoke I found myself in the middle of a strange forest, naked and confused. There stood a blonde-haired boy with magenta eyes.

I started to panic and quickly covered myself with whatever I could find...which was mostly leaves so it didn't cover much.

"Uh, what the hell?! Where am I? Holy shit am I going to die?! W-wait did I die?? Why am I naked?! Who are you?!"

The guy began to grow irritated. He took off his cloak and threw it at me. I was even more dumbfounded. Why was this guy wearing a cloak?

The guy was now shirtless and only wearing pants. Although they weren't exactly normal jean pants. They kinda looked like sweatpants but brown and leather-ish.

"Enough! Quit Panicking! My name is Arlo and you are in the kingdom of Selcouth."