Day five was quite easy. On the fifth day of the ceremony, it was customary to hold a meeting with the influential people of the world. That included the ministers and Governors of states. In this meeting, the king was not to go in with the soon to be queen.
It was a meeting between her and the people, he was not to interfere until he was allowed to enter. The soon to be queen would go on to answer questions thrown her way and explain to them how she was going to impact the world.
The fact that I was going to be alone with strange faces and be questioned by people I don't know bothered me deeply. I was scared of giving the wrong answers. I was scared of how they'd receive me, a woman from a different world becoming their queen.
But then before stepping into the hall that day, Leonis had taken my hand and he placed a kiss into my palm and said to me, "Don't worry, no one will dare foolishly question the woman I've chosen."