Someone once said: one man's misfortune makes another man happy. Marcia and the detective, ready to cross the door of freedom watched helplessly, the sacrifice of the assistant. The MCs all threw themselves on her, and the last image that Luc had of this person, whose life he had destroyed, was a sad smile soon covered with hands. In a last dash, the 2 men crossed the door.
They collapsed on a hard tile and when they opened their eyes again, afraid to see the MCs falling on them, they found themselves in a small library. In front of them, where the luminous door should be, a wall, a perfectly normal wall. They got up looking at the ground, fits clenched.
The detective whispered.
"Really really??"
He finally collapsed on the ground, mad with rage.
"WHY??! WHY???!!! You hated me! I destroyed your life!... Why are you sacrificing yourself for me???"