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Christmas Party Backfire

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When you're annoyed with some friends you'll talk to them or stop interacting with them, but with Valentina, this doesn't seem anywhere close to enough

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Party1 years ago

Chapter 1 - Party

Valentina's POV

'December 15th;

My name is Valentina, I have a very lively social life, but, ironically I am not much of a 'social butterfly' but tonight, I may or may not have snapped, just a bit, basically, I'm tired of my friends, except for like, two or three, so I planned an escape room for them all, with some help from some other friends, of course the concept is simple, if they get out, they survive, if they don't, then wellllll, lets just see how this goes...'

I close the journal and start inviting people.

Livia's POV

I'm laying on my bed, deciding if I want to fuck with a guys emotions today or not when I get a text from Valentina.

Hey Liv, christmas party at my place, 10pm, you'll be there?

Heyyy yesss ofc I'll be there

Kk, see you then xoxo

Well, I guess the boys got saved. About an hour later, I look in my closet and start to get ready.

Aria's POV

I walk into my house, take off my gardening gloves and pick up my phone; 3 missed texts from Valentina; who else? I roll my eyes and smile as I open them,



Christmas party at my place, 10pm, you down?

Ummm, I don't know...

Pleaseeeeeee 🥺, come on, you never come out with us

Fair but uncalled for-

Ig I'll come, just for you though

Yay! Love ya, see you at 10 😁

Okay, I guess I have a Christmas party to get ready for now, ugh, I'm already having second thoughts about this.

Viola's POV

I just got off the phone with Valentina and apparently she's having a Christmas party at 10pm tonight. I didn't need much convincing, the only issue is finding an outfit that isn't too feminine... I grab my binder and let the search commence.

Amiris's POV

I. Am. Bored. I don't really have plans today except Valentina texted me, asking if I wanted to go to some Christmas party she is throwing, but that requires a lot of social interaction and my social battery hardly exists...

Eh, fuck it, I'll go, I'll just have to sleep or watch a show when I get home. I get Valentina to give me the info and start to get everything out in order to get ready for 10pm.

Levi's POV





What do you want, Val???????

Party at my place, 10pm, you there?

Ykw, sure, I'm down

K, see you thennnnn

I pace my room for a while before I go over to my closet and grab my only suit and a red tie to match, now, if I could just find my shoes... Yes! I set them on my bed and go to Aria's room

"Hey, so Val is having a party tonight..."

"Trust me, I know, she convinced me to go, somehow..."

"Damn, well, since we're both going, wanna match outfits?"

"I'm not putting any more effort into my outfit than a sweater and jeans…"

"Alrighttt, um, how about a red sweater so it can match my tie?"

"Sure, I can do that, love you!"

"Love you more…"

"Fineeeee, you only win because I have to get ready, so, out." She pushed me out of her room and closed the door in my face.

Damn, how long does it take girls to get ready… it's 6:30…

Una's POV

Una, Christmas party at Valentina's, you coming?

Idk Livia, probably not…

Come onnnnn, you never come out with me anymore…

Liv, I don't do parties, you know this

Really Una? It's not like you have anything else planned

Ugh, fine, but if you leave me to go make new

friends again, this is the last party I'm going to with you

Yea yea, see you there <3333

Can't believe I let her that happen, I rummage through my closet and find a fuzzy, one shouldered sweater dress and some black heels to match. I throw them on my bed and I walk over to my bathroom to jump into the shower and wash my hair. I already know it'll take way too long for it to air dry and I'll eventually have to blow dry it, which I despise doing, but it's fine, I don't really have a choice in the matter. I get out my makeup, then I do some stuff that I was procrastinating on until I reluctantly blow dry my hair. I get dressed then sit down in front of my vanity and eventually start with the typical makeup routine of foundation, concealer, and blush then the fun part; I eventually decide to do a typical cat eye and look over my palette for way too long before picking out a white eyeshadow. Just before I put it on, I get yet another text from Livia.

Are you getting readyyyyy

Yea, ofc, why wouldn't I be

Idk, it's you, I thought you might decide to not come but just tell me you would in order to make me leave you alone... Okay, wow, why does she know so well?

Well I'm not, I'm killing my hair for you so you better appreciate it

Your hair will be fineeee, stop being a princess

Oml, leave me alone before I actually decide not to come

Fineeeee, bye <333

I shake my head, this girl is probably gonna be the reason I go insane. I go on my phone for a while longer before remembering that I actually have to go to this party. I eventually put on my eyeshadow and put on my red lipstick to contrast the eyes, I grab the hair curler and turn it on, trying to convincing myself that the heat damage wouldn't be TOO bad and if it is, I can probably deal with it later, after way too long, I finally have my hair curled and realise that I still have a lot of time before I have to go.

"Shit, is there anything else I have to do... I don't think so..." I decide to say fuck it and grab my car keys to leave early, concluding that I can get a coffee on the way or something else to kill time.

Inga's POV

Ugh, do I actually want to go to this party? Does it matter, I already agreed... ugh, whatever, I better get ready...

I reluctantly get up from my bed and head to the bathroom, grabbing the shampoo and conditioner before throwing off my shirt. Instead of having a full on shower, I decide to just wash my hair since showering is always a whole ordeal. After that's done, I wrap my hair in a towel and try to figure out an outfit; I have a lot of options, so after way too much debate and reasoning, I go with an icy blue dress with long sleeves. Then I get my silver heels from my shoe rack, and put them by the door. I get some of my makeup that seems like it'll work with the look and set it up on my vanity, an eye shadow palette with a silver in it and a royal blue for a lipstick.

Now, I just have to wait for my hair to dry and then I can start getting ready, it shouldn't take too long, I really don't have long hair, it's a bit longer than shoulder length. I spend half an hour doing other things, like cleaning my house and getting stuff done for school (I'm a psychology major) and then start getting dressed, struggling way too much with the dress but finally getting it on, I then move onto my makeup, and after the mandatory step of getting eyeshadow everywhere that isn't my eye, I'm finished with it and apply my lipstick which, of course, now has a silver tint because of the fucking eyeshadow! Whatever, I can deal with this later, for now, I put on my heels and at the last minute run to my room, and look for my black belt... Found it! I put it on and hurry out the door.

Será's POV

"Shoes, check, dress, check, belt…" I feel my waist, "Shit!" I run to my closet to get my belt, making a mental note that I still have to do my makeup. Val invited me to a Christmas party that I initially didn't really want to go to but after talking to a few other friends that were going, mainly my roomate, I decided why not. So I donned my purple pencil dress, which, while not really being a 'christmas colour' it works and I don't have too many dresses, I dug through my boxes for my black boots and I'm trying to find my black belt right now... got it! I sit on my bathroom counter to do my makeup -mainly because I never bothered to buy a vanity but it's also pretty comfortable- and start with my eyeshadow, choosing a yellow for a complimentary colour, then go with a white lipstick to tie it all together even better, I walk to my room to look at myself in the full length mirror and then burst out laughing.

"I look like the non-binary flag... And I kinda love it..." I explain when Lamer looks at me with pure confusion in their expression, I glance up at the flag above my mirror, totally okay with this turn of events. "Are you ready?"

"Shit, give me, like, 30 minutes and we'll head out!" Lamer practically jumps up from the couch, rushing to get ready.

Orian's POV

Christmas Party, 10pm, see you there

I… what, okay, see you, ig

I'm confused but I guess I have plans now? Whatever, I'll just go with it. It's a typical Val invite. I freshen up a bit before getting changed and walking out the door, since she decided to tell me this at 9:30? What the hell, Val…?

Tara's POV

Where did I put it, it should be RIGHT HERE, but it's not. I look through the drawer again, I am sure I put it right under my black t-shirt but it's not here, where could I have...?? I rifle through the drawer one last time, looking for my black turtleneck, and yet again, not being able to find it, whatever, I throw my red turtleneck on my bed instead and grab some leggings, and finally continue getting ready for this stupid party.

Quinn's POV

"THERE WE GO!" I finally finished curling my hair and I swear to god, I sometimes want to chop all of it off, but I digress. I grab the dress off of the door handle and throw it on, then grab my brown booties, and rush out the door. Since I was told less than 2 hours before, I swear, I don't think Valentina has the words 'plan' or 'schedule' in her vocabulary most days.

Lamer's POV

"Shit, give me, like, 30 minutes and we'll head out!" I jump up from the couch rushing to get ready.

"Ughh, what do I wear..." I decide to put my long hair into a simple, half up half down ponytail and grab one of my magenta blazers with a white top and pants matching the blazer, my heels being right next to them.

"SERA! I'M READY TO GO!" I shout as I quickly get my makeup done.

"K, cool, I'm driving." They already have the keys in their hand so there's nothing I can do about it and I just give in.

"Fine, but we're getting coffee on the way, I'm too tired to deal with a social event without it..."

"Why the hell would I not stop for coffee, now come on, hurry your ass up before we're actually late and not just your version of late."

Valentina's POV

Slowly but surely, people start arriving and I realise this is actually happening, I have a small moment of anxiety but that goes away pretty much as soon as Livia walked in, her attitude reminds me why I'm doing this in the first place, but, damn, everyone freshened up, for their execution, at least they'll die looking good.

Livia's outfit is the most obvious option in the world, she is wearing a christmas dress, you know, the short red ones with the white fluffy trim, yea, that, she has on black, knee high heels and is wearing a dark red lipstick with green sparkly eyeshadow, it looked good, just basic as hell. And, she is 'fashionably late', as per usual.

As expected, Aria and Levi walk in clinging to each other, I swear, you'd have a better chance of getting struck with lightning twice than to see those two apart, but I digress, Aria is dressed pretty casual, just a red long sleeve shirt with a small Christmas tree on the pocket with jeans and sneakers, and to go with it, she has a light makeup look, I can respect it, except her shirt and Levi's tie are matching, so that's a not so inconspicuous choice, other than the tie, he's just wearing a white suit with dress shoes.

Viola walks in wearing a t-shirt dress with black leggings and heels. I will admit, she has a pretty makeup look on, it is a dark red and white eyeshadow look with black lipstick, the contrast is nice, I think she's the death I'll feel the worst about..

Amaris is also in a casual outfit, just a white t-shirt with a bell in the corner and a red skirt, her makeup matches her skirt, and she is wearing white, thigh-high boots.

Una is wearing a grey, off the shoulder sweater dress, with black heels. Inga is wearing an, admittedly, nice icy blue long sleeved dress and silver heels, meanwhile Será looked like a fucking flag, wearing a purple dress with black booties with her makeup not exactly helping her case.

Orion's outfit is pretty boring, just a black suit, grey tie, and white shoes, basically Levi's outfit without any colour. Granted, the options for men are limited and they'd be laughed out of the room if they wore a dress.

Tara wore a red ribbed turtleneck with black leggings, basically a shitier version of Viola's outfit, with white eyeshadow and lip gloss. Another basic outfit but not Livia basic.

Quinn's outfit is, alright, I guess, just a black and pink dress with brown booties with a blue and red eye look, and pink lips. I don't know, it could've been better but definitely not the worst outfit of the night, if he gets out, I'm gonna recommend not wearing dresses again though, and maybe toning down the eye makeup, it doesn't work for him, especially not all together.

Lamer's outfit is probably one of the best, they walk in with Será, they are wearing a magenta blazer with matching pants and a white shirt and black heels, then for makeup, they have red and black eyeshadow.

It's kinda sad that all of these people are going to die but oh well. I sneak away to my room as soon as I can, to talk to Marianna and Ryland and figure out who I'm getting first.