Chereads / Dancing into Love / Chapter 21 - Twenty-one

Chapter 21 - Twenty-one

Coffee warms my throat, I sit at the table drinking. Corey's community service starts tomorrow. I am glad he is here with me today.

"You should think about getting your stuff. While I'm off today, I can help," he tells me.

"I know, I will."

"Do you want to use my phone to call your mom and let her know you'll be at the house?" He asks, holding out his phone.

I nod. Hopefully, she doesn't call the police on us, or worse, Adam.

I slowly dial her cell phone number. I really dread talking to her, I don't have much to say.

"Hello?" She answers the phone awkwardly.

"Hey Mom, it's me, Sadie." I twirl my hair around my finger, trying to distract myself from the stressful conversation.

Are you calling me to tell me you're coming back home?" She asks.

"No, the opposite, I wanted to see if I could grab my stuff?"

"Wait, you can't be serious?" She says.

"You're the one who kicked me out, remember?"

"That's not actually what I said Sadie," she snaps.

"Whatever I don't want to argue, I just want permission to go into your house to grab my things."

"Whatever," she huffs on the phone.

"Corey is coming to help."

"Is that who you're staying with?" She asks.


"You need to be careful Sadie, he doesn't seem to be father material if you know what I'm saying." She tells me.

"You automatically assume I'm sleeping with him?" I yell.

Corey looks at me with humor on his face. He blows me a kiss. I roll my eyes.

"I'm just warning you, I don't want to see you as a single mother." She tells me.

"I'll be there soon to get my stuff." I hung up the phone.

"I am going to take a shower before we go," Corey tells me.

I nod. "Okay.

"You can join me," he smiles.

"I would love that."

I follow Corey to the restroom. You can tell only a man lives here, because there was no decoration in the bathroom. Even the shower curtain was plain white.

I watch as Corey removes his clothes. He is very muscular all over. He looks like he could almost be an MMA fighter or something.

"Are you going to wear your clothes in the shower?" Corey laughs.

I feel my face turn red. I have never taken a shower before with anyone.

I slowly remove Corey's sweater and his boxers I was wearing. Corey steps in the shower first. He holds out his hand for me. I grab it and climb in.

"I take my shower pretty hot, is it too hot for you?" He asks.

"No, it's good."

The water feels nice rushing over my body, I feel Corey's hand touching all over me as he stands behind me. He kisses my neck. I want him more with every touch. Reaching my hand behind me, I rub over his Penis.

Amazing is the only way I can describe sex in the shower. Corey said we can use the pull-out method. Hopefully, that will be enough birth control until he picks up condoms today.

"Here try these on," Corey tells me, passing me a pair of sweatpants. We were getting dressed in his room.

I put them on and they were a little baggy, but I just rolled them up. I put on another one of Corey's baggy sweaters. If anyone knows me and they saw me like this, they would think I let myself go literally.

I run my fingers through my hair. Yuk, I need my hair care products!

We both walk out of the room and head towards the front door. I really hope everything goes smoothly, and I can just get my stuff and go. Once outside, the sun warms my hair. I take a breath of fresh air. I walk over to Cory's truck and climb in the passenger side. I really miss my car after I thought I hated it so much.


In moments, I find myself parked in front of the familiar gate for my house. I lived here for so long, but why do I feel like I'm breaking in? I guess it's the first time I've ever felt like an outsider, like I didn't belong. It was a very frustrating feeling.

I type in the passcode and the gates open. Corey pulls in and parks in the driveway.

Getting out of his truck, I began to feel nervous. In moments, I am at the front door entering the house passcode. Opening the door, I feel happy to see my normal surroundings.

Corey and I both walk through the door. "We will go down to the basement and get boxes first."

He nods, watching him look around I know he feels uncomfortable too.

Once in the basement, I had Corey carry up my childhood boxes of toys and clothing. I didn't tell him it was for Jen. I really don't have time for an argument. I want to quickly gather my stuff and get out of here. While Corey was loading those boxes in the car, I hustle upstairs to start packing my things.

I pack my perfume, hairspray, and make-up first. Then I opened my dresser doors and pack my pajamas and my everyday clothes, most things in my closet are my ballet outfits, which I'll no longer need.

"Sadie, are you almost ready?" I hear Corey call.

"Yes, I am coming," I yell.

Rushing down to grab Corey, I knew I was going to need help with these boxes.

"Will you help me with the boxes in my room?"

He nods and follows me through the hallway into my room.

Just those six boxes. Corey stacks all six boxes on top of each other and carries them out at once. Talk about being strong.

Looking around, I take in all the memories. Will this be the last time I'm here? The thought made me sad. This is the only home I remember.

Soon I find myself walking out the front door. Oh goodness. My eyes see my mom pull into the driveway. I knew deep down inside this wasn't going to be easy. Mom Parks the car, and that's when I see Adam with her.

I look away and walk toward the passenger side of Corey's truck. He is standing by the driver's side, and he looks just as confused and awkward as I do.

"Wait Sadie, we're only here to talk," I hear my mom say.

"I have nothing to say."

I open Corey's door. Adam was so quick in moments, I feel his hand on my arm.

"Take your hand off of her." I hear Corey yell.

I look at Corey, he is beyond livid.

"And what are you going to do about it?" Adam smirks.

Corey walks over to us. "You don't want to see, pretty boy," he barks.

I yank my arm away. Touching Corey's hand, I see his attention directed to me. "He's not worth it."

"I know, baby," he says, squeezing my hand.

Adam rolls his eyes. "See this is ridiculous, you are an unbelievable woman, you're smart and talented, you deserve better than this trash," he says, pointing at Corey.

"Corey is not trash." I feel my face turn red.

"Whatever you can commit crimes together," he turns to walk away.

"I meant What I said about him not being father material," my mom pipes up.

"You don't even know me, I am a damn good father to Jen," Corey says.

"You are, don't listen to them, they're stupid."

"And I'll tell you this right now, my sister is the only reason why I didn't kick the living hell out of you," Corey gives Adam a glance before getting in the car.

He slams the door. He was obviously very angry. I feel so ashamed of how my mom is treating him. I open the door and took my seat.

"Sadie, maybe this won't work. You should stay here with your mother," Corey tells me.

"What?" I feel tears falling from my eyes.

I feel my whole body shake. I feel like I am having an anxiety attack.

I feel Corey's hand on my leg. "Calm down."

"You can't say things like that to me, that you don't want to be with me."

"That's not what I said, I just don't want you to pick between me and your mom and that douchebag." He says.

"I want to be with you."

Corey finally pulls out of the driveway. I look out the window. I feel so broken. Maybe Corey doesn't like me as much as I thought.