In Segund.
Laura watched him for days. He noticed a presence watching him for days now.
Brandon was no doubt a statuesque man.
A dark glorious beauty of great splendour and height.
He was hellishly handsome with a warm charming brown eyes. He also has a welcoming presence. She noticed that already.
It was still in the dawn of the day.
Brandon noticed a presence. He could recognize a woman's figure even in the shady dawn.
The morning was cold and a bit foggy. He watched quietly, she was quite far
from where he stood. She didn't move.
Brandon wanted to know what she would do next.
"Why is she here,in the forest,by this time. He wondered.
Strange. He had never been in a situation like this. Never.
She is a daring woman. He thought.
Finally, she moved.
He followed her.
Brandon was curious to know who she is and why she is here. Outside, in the cold.
He left the palace without guards.
Quite unusual for a prince. But brandon preferred to be alone, especially in the dawn,is meditation time. Just him in the forest. No guards,no maids,nobody. Just him.
She was moving fast now.
Laura noticed that he was coming after her.
It was bright already.
He could see the wonderful curves of her body.
"Good heavens!
Her hair, loosed and flowing as she ran.
He was catching up no doubt. Brandon ran like a man chased by a starved lion. She stopped and turned to face him.
He also stopped and watched her moved closer to where he stood.
Brandon was in the deepest part of the forest now. But he couldn't care less.
She is beautiful and bright.
A morning beauty.
Her angelic face is striking and captivating. He wanted so badly to hold her in his arms.
The little sounds coming from her leg beads.
She had adorn herself like an Indian princess. Her skirt was revealing and calling.
And the...the perfect swell of her breast.
She had a little covering on her lower body part and her hair took care of her upper body part.
"Come. She said. "Come closer.
He couldn't resist her voice. He couldn't question it.
"Give me something you don't value.
"I value all that I have and all that I wear...but at your request I will give you my royal ring to you. He took it off and gave it to her.
"What else do you want that I give. Brandon felt an uncontrollable urge to please her,to give her what she may request and perhaps if she request for his life,he may be willing to give.
"Go back home". She commanded.
"Forget that you gave me this ring,forget. Her words sank down until his mind. He turned back and headed back to the palace.