Chereads / EcoMiner: Renegade [ENG] / Chapter 1 - Outbreak

EcoMiner: Renegade [ENG]

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Chapter 1 - Outbreak

The story begins within the depths of Baron Praxis' prison. Roter, our protagonist, undergoes the harrowing experience of being subjected to dark eco injections. The room is filled with ominous machinery.

Machine: "Dark eco injection cycle complete. Biological readings remain low and unchanged."

Praxis: "Hmpf. Once again, nothing! I was told this one would be different."

Erol: "Surprisingly, he seems immune to your experiments, Baron Praxis. The Dark Warrior program has failed."

Praxis: "Ah! I've pumped him full of dark eco to the point of death!"

Erol: "What now? The Metal Head armies are launching stronger attacks. Without a new weapon, my men won't be able to hold them off for long."

Praxis: "I won't be the one who succumbs to those vile creatures! Proceed with the end plan and eliminate this nuisance tonight!"

Erol: "As you wish. I'll return later..."

Roter lies still for a while until the power of the dark eco awakens within him, causing him to break free from his restraints. He rises to his feet, swiftly disables both guards, and continues towards the exit.

On his way out, he encounters more guards, but they pose no challenge for him. After a long journey, he finally escapes.

Outside, he comes across an old man and a child.

Kor: "Greetings, stranger. I am Kor. How may I assist you?"

Roter: "You seem like a reasonably intelligent man. I need information! Where the hell am I?"

Kor: "Well, my angry young friend, you are an 'honored' guest of 'His Majesty' Baron Praxis, the ruler of the 'beautiful' Haven City."

Roter: "I was just a 'guest' in the Baron's prison."

Kor: "Whether in a cell or within a city... we are both imprisoned by walls. He holds us all captive. Speak of the devil. Make your escape swiftly!"

Soldier: "By order of His Eminence, the great protector of Haven City, Baron Praxis, anyone in this district suspected of harboring underground refugees is under arrest. Surrender and perish!"

Kor: "Ahh! Protect us from these guards, and I will take you to someone who can help!"

Roter dispatches one soldier after another, but in the midst of battle, the rage of the dark eco consumes him, turning him into a relentless force. After defeating all the soldiers, he regains control.

Kor: "Impressive."

Roter: "Something's not right with me. That guy... I can't control it."

Kor: "You showed great bravery. This child is of great importance.

A new soldier approaches, flying in.

Soldier: "You are in a restricted zone. Please move along!"

Kor: "Thank you again, but I must take the boy to safety. An underground war against Baron Praxis is raging. The leader of the underground, known as 'The Shadow,' could use fighters like you! Go to the slums and search for the dead-end alley by the city wall. Ask for Torn. He can assist you."

Roter proceeded along the path that Kor had described. He entered the alleyway and encountered an attractive girl.

Roter: "I'm looking for a guy named Torn. Kor sent me. Uh... are you... Torn?"

Torn: "Strangers make me nervous. So, you want to join the fight for the city, huh? Well, being on the wrong side could be very... unhealthy."

Roter: "I want to join The Shadow."

Torn: "Ha. Ha. Ha. Forget it. If you really want to get involved, why don't you go camping and roast marshmallows? Hey, unless you have the guts for a real tough job? The Baron's flag atop the tower ruins. Bring it to me, and maybe we can talk."

Roter embarked on his journey to the city ruins, armed with the directions provided by Torn.

Tess: "Torn... isn't the flag protected by the 5th Elite Soldier of the Krimzon Guard?"

Torn: "Yes, that's exactly why it's a 'tough' job.

Roter fought his way relentlessly through the enemy troops and finally reached his destination—the flag. However, before he could seize it, he sensed a new presence approaching. It was the notorious 5th Elite Soldier.

The Elite Soldier struck Roter with unexpected force, knocking him away from the flag. Roter attempted to rise again and asked:

Roter: "And who might you be?"

No. 5: "I am the personal protector of the flag, appointed by our Majesty, Baron Praxis."

Roter: "Sorry, but my mission is to take this flag."

No. 5: "You won't leave here alive with that flag."

Roter: "Oh, really?"

The Elite Soldier charged towards Roter, attempting to strike. Roter instinctively blocked, but for inexplicable reasons, the blow broke through his defense and inflicted severe damage.

Roter: "What... the hell?"

No. 5: "You didn't expect that, did you? Simple blocks won't work against me! My strikes are amplified by Eco-power."

The Elite Soldier launched another attack, and this time Roter tried to dodge. He managed to evade it, but the next blow landed heavily.

No. 5: "You're far too slow."

Roter: "Why... are your attacks so devastating?"

No. 5: "Hahaha, surprised? My Eco-power is explosive. With each strike, the explosive energy seeps into your joints and detonates. It causes excruciating pain. However, I wonder why it hasn't brought you down yet. You've taken two direct hits. Most would have crumpled after the first. Even after two strikes, you don't seem weakened."

Roter: "That's because... I'm also an Eco-power user!"

Roter's hand became enveloped in flames.

No. 5: "What?!"

Roter: "Flame... Punch!"

Roter delivered a fiery punch, sending the Elite Soldier crashing to the ground. The soldier was defeated. Roter took the flag and brought it to Torn.

As Roter turned to leave, the soldier was seen rising to his feet, clenching his fist.

Torn had witnessed the entire battle and was present.

Torn: "Well, I suppose you're in."

-Time skip of 10 minutes, on the way back-

Torn shows that the water is gone:

Torn: "The Baron has cut off the water supply to the Slums. He's ready to sacrifice innocent lives just to destroy the Underground. Shouldn't surprise me. I saw his malevolence back when I was in the Krimzon Guard. That's why I quit."

Roter: "You were a Krimzon Guard? Heh... Well, that explains your twisted sense of humor."

Torn: "My buddy in the Guard says the valve to turn the water back on is located outside the city at the pumping station."

Roter: "Outside the city? And what about the security walls?"

Torn: "Look for the big sewer pipe in the north wall. It'll take you out of the city to the pumping station. Find the main valve and open it. If you survive, the Slums will owe you one. If not, we might just have a heartfelt moment of silence in your honor."

Time skip of 10 minutes, on the way back - Roter set off towards the pumping station. On his way, he thrashed numerous Metal Heads. He turned the valve, and water started flowing again. He returned to Torn.

Torn: "Water's flowing again in the Slums. Would love to see the Baron's face when he finds out! Heads will roll!"

Roter: "Yeah, he must be losing sleep over this 'dump' of a city! I've completed the mission, so when do I finally get to meet the Shadow?!"

Torn: "You'll meet him when I say so! But before I even consider it, you still have to take care of an ammunition dump we've identified in the fortress. Lots of Krimzon Guards... constant patrols. But the fortress is vulnerable, and the Underground NEEDS you to blow up that ammunition. Leave nothing behind, and we'll deal the Baron a major blow."

Roter: "I like the sound of that. I want the Baron to know that I'm hurting him."

Roter made his way to the prison, this time taking the rooftop route. He hoped to access the ammunition dump through the ventilation system. However, someone awaited him on the roof. It was Nr 5.

Roter: "What are you doing here?"

Nr 5: "Well, did you miss me?"

Roter: "Why are you here?"

Nr 5: "I'm here to finish you off, Roter. Surprised? I managed to obtain your data. I know everything about you now. You won't defeat me again because I am Nr 5, one of Baron Praxis' Elite Soldiers!"

Roter: "Oh, great... I'll just have to take you down once more. You won't stand in the way of my mission."

Nr 5: "I won't let you blow up the ammunition dump." Roter: "How do you know...?"

Nr 5: "I overheard you. We've known about Torn's hideout for a long time. He's just a small fish, so we don't have to do anything about it. What really interests us is 'The Shadow.' Once we have him, nothing will stand in the way of our final plan."

Roter: "Final plan?"

Nr 5: "That's none of your business, kid. I won't allow you to be a problem for the Baron!"

Both of them rush towards each other, and their fists collide. There's a loud impact. However, Roter loses this clash due to Nr 5's explosive Eco.

Roter is in immense pain and falls to his knees. Nr 5 readies himself for another attack. Roter can barely move... He tries to dodge, but the blow hits him directly. He is sent flying off the roof and crashes onto the ground.

Waiting below were Krimzon Guards, ready to capture him. Roter loses consciousness. In his dream, he speaks with his brother.

Brother: "Roter, Roter! Wake up!"

Roter: "Wh-what... you?"

Brother: "You're in the middle of a fight, man! You promised me you'd never lose another battle! What would our mother say?!"

Roter: "Our... mother? Right... I made that promise to her when she..." Roter wakes up with fire in his eyes. He knocks the soldiers aside and looks up at Nr 5. The real fight begins now.

Nr 5: "Why are you...? How can this be?! You should have been dead already!"

Roter: "I possess the power of Fire Eco, an original Eco source. That's why my fighting spirit burns!" Nr 5: "What?! An Eco source? Those haven't existed for centuries! Don't play games with me! Just you wait!"

Nr 5 charges at Roter, aiming to strike him. Roter counters with his Flaming Fist, and the impact is even more intense than before. This time, Roter wins the clash, but he spits blood due to the explosion within his body.

Nr 5: "How can this be?! It's utterly impossible!"

Roter: "Your pathetic fake Eco is a joke! Flame... Kick!"

Roter kicks Nr 5 in the air, hitting him in the stomach. Nr 5 lies on the ground, barely alive.

Nr 5: "No... no... this can't be..."

Roter kicks Nr 5 off the roof. The soldiers couldn't catch him, but they take him away after the fall.

Roter: "Damn, that drained all of my Eco energy... rarely do I have to get serious, even after all these years."

From a distance, someone observes the battle, deeply impressed by Roter's abilities. Roter enters the shaft leading to the ammunition dump and finds a security pass. With it, he can pass through the checkpoints in the city. He hears voices coming from the adjacent shaft... Roter listens in and sees soldiers with Metal Heads.

Soldier: "The latest Eco shipment is in those barrels. The Baron wants you to take them and disappear!" Roter: "Metal Heads in the city? Why are the guards supplying them with Eco?" Roter stands up, sets everything ablaze, and jumps out just before it explodes. Then, he heads back to Torn.

Roter: "After blowing up the depot, something strange caught my attention. The Baron's guards were supplying barrels filled with Eco to a few Metal Heads!"

Torn: "Really? The Shadow will definitely be interested in this. Listen, one of our 'suppliers' is waiting for his payment—a sack of Eco ore. Grab the Zoomer outside and fly to the Hip-Hop Saloon in the South District. Ask for Krew there. And don't let the Baron's scout patrols get in your way. Oh, and while you're at it, try to gather some information from Krew. He knows things in this city and might have insight into the Baron's plans."

Roter took off and managed to reach the Hip-Hop Saloon just in time. As he arrived, he headed straight to the bar.