1.Detective Joe Herman - A Private Detective linked up with the Global Government, sent to solve a serial muder case in Ronguard. He is Popularly known as Detective J.
2. Assisstant Detective Xian Lin - Joined as an Assisstant to Detective J, just because she saw him on TV and got inspired by his speech. She helps Detective J out in the serial muder case.
3. Inspector Hank Jordan - Inspector of the Global Government, posted in Ronguard, helps Detective J out in the Executive Authorities.
4. Advocate Lasya Reddy - An Acquaintance of Detective J, helps him with the Judicial matters.
5. Inspector Hyung-Song - Inspector of the West United Asia, helps Detective out in his previous cases in United Asia.
6. Drug Diaglo - Drug seller & Mafia Boss in Ronguard.
7. Joy Hamberton - Minister of Ronguard.
8. Dubey Khan - Chairman of Bay Pharmaceuticals and Mafia Boss in Ronguard.
9. Kristey Julieberg - Ex-Minister of Ronguard(Current Minister's Opposition).
10. Gordon Bane - Mafia head of Arms Under Dubey Khan.
11. Ramber Cristae - The Victim of the Case in West United Asia.
12. Soujiro Tenori - A friend of Detective J.