Chereads / I don't belong here. / Chapter 1 - Harper Coot

I don't belong here.

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Chapter 1 - Harper Coot

Harper Coot was an odd individual to say the least, after the freak accident that caused the death of his parents he changed. Gone was the kind and cheerful attitude of the boy and instead replaced with a dark and edgy personality. However the only thing that never changed was his dream, to become an astronaut and explore the unknown.

He was only a child when humans finally colonized Mars, yet can remember it clear as day: "America has finally colonized Mars! Our great hero Ludwick Botchitz Has finally opened Mars up to the public, he will forever remain a hero!" was the message posted on the billboard outside Harpers house when he was only a toddler, but that changed his life. After his parents death Harper began training to bring his dream to fruition, the only problem is that because he focused so much on training that he began to fail his classes. After finishing barely finishing collage with grades just above the D range Harper enrolled in the military which he excelled at simply due to sheer determination and constant cramming he made it. Harper Coot age 22 was accepted into the space program.


The Space program was difficult and the training was rigorous, yet that never deterred Harper as he had a dream to fulfill and he wasn't planning on stopping now, not when he was so close to his goal. And then finally the day came when Harper finally achieved the first part of his dream.

"Harper Coot you are needed in room D74!" announced a man in a black leather jacket. Harper was confused, did he do something wrong? All he did was work out and go to training, but decided not to question it because then he really would be in trouble for 'defying the orders of your superior'. "Alright, I'm coming just let me put on my uniform." Harper carefully put the weight he was lifting back on the rack and picked up his uniform, it consisted of a white jumpsuit with a white helmet that attached to the neck piece of the jumpsuit. Harper proceeded to walk behind the man down a long hallway and into a room labeled [D74].

Harper stood at ease Infront of a long table which at the end was a man shrouded in shadow as apparently last week the lightbulb ran out and no one had any spares. "Sit down Harper." The man muttered, yet it felt like he shouted it due to the echoes from the empty room. Harper without thinking sat down on a chair. "Says here on your document that your dream had always been an astronaut, is that correct?" Harper could only nod, he could barely breath in front of the man. "Well today's your lucky day Coot, because you have been hand chosen to go on a new mission to Kepler 452B with four other people."

Harper sat there in shock, it took him a second to register what the man said (Wait... I'm GOING TO SPACE!!) Harper internally cried his dream was finally coming true, all that hard work would not have been for nothing as he was hand chosen to be apart of this mission. "Now that you know your assignment Coot go to the 7th building and go to the 10th floor you will be told where go go from there. You are dismissed!" Harper stood up and saluted to the man "Thank you General, Sir!" and exited the room.


Harper found his way through the complex where he was located to the other side of it to get to the place he was supposed to go himself in a room with four other people sitting in dollar store plastic chairs, being 6 foot 7 and being extremally muscular led the other four members near him to think he was their commander despite in reality him having the same rank as everyone else and being younger. They were quickly briefed on the mission "You will be using our new hyperspace technology that can quickly send you 3 lightyears ahead but can only be maintained for 10 minutes and then have a cool down of over a month that is of course, unless you want to ship to rip apart and you all to die in horrible ways." said a woman standing in the front of the room "Next you have the newly developed space suits made by the Fenris Corp, this new space suit is semi-transparent and you can touch and feel and even eat with it on. It provides full protection to those wearing it and could even produce oxygen for you to breath, it is light weight and comfortable, and if you really want to you can even go to the bathroom in space and anything that is not your body can easily pass through. You don't need to eat or drink because using some sort of biotechnology it provides you with those things. Any questions"

One guy raised his hand "Uh yeah who's the hulk?" as he pointed to Harper. the woman answered "That is your junior comrade and crewmate, his name is Harper Coot and he is also the same rank as you if that's what your wondering." a girl who looked similar to the guy shouted out "Same rank as us?! And what do you mean junior!" another girl stood up, "I think it would be good if we introduce ourselves so we know who we are working with. I'll start, my name is Miranda Mcdor I am a technician and your crewmate." Next the guy stood up "The names CJ Iki the girl that looks like me is my twin Liza Iki nice to meet you." another man stood up " My name is Kevin Bunt but you can call me Kev." finally Harper stood up " My name is Harper Coot, I look forward to working with the rest of you."

the woman coughed "Alright now that, that's settled go into the room behind me and put on the suits, your leaving immediately after." CJ sat down "oh ok... WAIT WHAT! WHY DO WE GOT TO LEAVE IMEDIATELY AFTER!" the woman responded "blame Harper for being half across the complex lifting weights he should have been here two hours ago"

"But ma'am shouldn't we-"

"Shut up and listen to orders!" shouted the woman while pointing to an ominous looking door "Behind this door is where your suits are, you will grab your suits but you are to not, and I repeat you are to not put on these suits." the wall behind the woman suddenly flashed as a video began to play.

The video flashed to a scientist with an emblem of a circle with 2 white dots in the center of the circle, the unmistakable logo of the Fenris Corp, the scientist then began speaking.

"During testing of the Bio-Suit an anomaly occured, due to the suits primary function of being used in space, we unfortunatly did not test for how the suit would operate on earth or a planet with an atmosphere. During test Z-8 codenamed: Fusion, a 19 year old "volunteer" Chris Mipic, who was charged for 2nd degree murder and 3 cases of armed robbery, stepped into the testing chamber and was instructed to put on the suit, which he complied without any issue. Around fifteen minutes after putting the suit on Chris began to complain about how it felt as if his 'skin was being fused with the suit but didn't feel any pain' after thirty minutes his heart rate shot up and he began to claw at his skin while crying in pain. My superior instantly shut down the experiment and administered military grade sleeping gas, it was later found out that his body and the suit had become one and could not be separated. Learing this we conducted multiple tests labled Z-9, Z-10 and Z-11 each dealing with the suits new 'Fusion' and seemed to also fuse with the wearer when harm comes to the wearer, extreme heat and sexual stimuli. After binding the suits abilities are forever stuck with the wearer as new organs are made and others are replaced with those new organs, these subjects can no longer be considered homo sapiens and have evolved into what we call 'Homo Caelum' which is latin for sky or heaven."

The video ended and the door openned, "Now that you have watched the video continue into the room with the suits."

Miranda looked like she had seen a ghost, Liza and Cj simply whispered to each other.

"Holy Shit..." Kev said breathlessly. But Harper got more excited (Hell yeah I can have super powers.) The group all stood up and slowly walked into the room. As the door slowly slammed behind them.