We called them dream demons they become like that after losing themself. After an extended period of time here you develop [personification] coupled with a loss of self ie going mad. I didn't like how she said personification but I was curious "please continue". Many died for us to figure out these things listen closely.
How the road was created that we don't know but what we do know it you have to fix it the road is a safe zone well inside of it is. In some sort of irony you spawn inside the city. The city works as a safe zone the monsters outside don't attack as long as you stay inside. The rule was don't go into the desert thats suicide. In a sentimental tone she said if only I was able to develop more I would finally been free.
But how did you end up being chased and how do I do [personification].
My husband was stuck in a cage made before [it] happened. It wasn't concerning to them with leaving my husband in the cage and as I saw him everyday he would speak less. Till I woke up one day to find him free but he wasn't free. He freed himself found his hands mangled. He was lost his colour to do it. And this happened while I was running from him he deformed and clawed at.
You need to focus! What I'm about to do she breathed air into my face it was dusty breath it in she said. without many options I obliged. It kept going on for a while and before I noticed the beautiful dark room I once saw was melting cracking. Our time is up pass on the knowledge and power I gave u. How? What power?
:)huhhhh ohk so just focus on your emotions this places power works like a dream u need emotion and will to drive it. hate works but hate doesn't last forever. Uhm.
Use the dust as power as if It was a lucid dream. Don't fight it but also hold onto it and personify that thought. Dominate but don't overlord Igave you was the battery. My battery It run on good vibes acceptance and change for the better a stop in the clog is its main downfall. Because I gave my life to you u will be able to use my power as well as your own.
eyes* She fades to dust that travels into me. It takes over traversing to the worm being repeatedly cut I look at my/her hand her power within me the wind dancing comforting. -A power best used to preserve and promote life will be used to end it. -Back away'.
I clasp my hands together. The winds danced into dough floating growing until it rivaled the worm. A hand formed from it her hand, hand goes up it goes up then I bring my hand down, it rains blood
After a long pause to catch our breath for everyone including me to come to terms with the situation and to relax. The nightcreature...no...husband outside the walls a sad creature dragging its broken cut up and somehow in a worse state than before body. Drawing itself in our direction I spot much smaller worms the size of humans. They could one day be as big as the one that terrorized us. They came as fast as they left the body of it's dying brethrens corpeses taddled on the dream creatures path the setting.
They died slowly and painfully once they took a bite. One bit him and took a leg off. He doesn't belong all he will do is damage. I clasp my hands tightly then opening my palm revealing a sphere sending it over. Ending the poor husband's misery. Asher didn't have to die like that. Tears flow.
I jump into the city and draw a line in the sand do not to pass this point or this WILL happen again. After everyone else got down we came up with an that 60% died. Move. Move. A group of people come to me with a body the body of the green haired boy. What do we do with him they asked.
What is wrong with him I asked. He pulled at his chest. His veins glowed red all his body gave off unusual heat. He was struggling we couldn't he clenched his teeth and fainted what do we do with him.
Where am I? Ugh. Ugh!!!ARGHHHHH!!! MY HEADD!!! his eyes rool back and he dropped unmoving his hair became red we didn't know what to make of it but I assumed it wasn't natural. What this meant for the future I didn't know