[6/18/19, 1st POV] Snakes a lot of snakes. I had heard of this place, it's called Snake Highway. We'll despite it's name there are some animals the others said they'd seen before.
"So ... Any ideas?" I asked.
"Ideas for where to go or how to get there?" Asked the dolphin.
"Both." I stated.
The bear was just looking around, a little blindly I'd say. Then ,"Alright I've used my eyes & seen where we need to go. We mostly follow the snakes. Now let's go!" Br>
So then all five of us headed towards that way. They had told me many things that appeared in my section of the jungle. We swung from a "vine" to get to lower ground. Then there were steps that led to lower ground.
When we had reached where the highway stars we waited. "So umm ... Tiger ... What's the deal with the snakes?" Asked Magical Bear.
"Funny, you asked. You see I haven't actually been here."
[6/19/19, 1st POV] We decide it was probably best to [6/20/19] ask a snake for help slash instructions.
"I'm ... Excuse me snake... I'm can we ask you a question?"
"Honey you just did. But seriously what is it you want to know?" She responded.
"Firstly how do you navigate this highway.?" I asked.
"Simple you just ,woah what's going on?" She asked as there some kind of ruckus in front of us. "Let's see." So we went there.
"No it can't be ... " I said. There was a high hole with a narrow land leading to the other side. On the other side there was a lot of similar things from before.
"We'll Magical Bear looks like our adventure continues." Said Gerald.
Using my eyes I saw how far the poachers fort was. "You're right. Thanks snakes but we need to continue our quest. Team let's move."
"Alrighty then see y'all 'round then." She said.
We made it over the small land & were on the other side. When we all made it across we noticed that there were snakes who didn't look happy.
[6/24/19, 3rd POV ] "Why do those snakes look a bit unhappy?" Asked Gerald.
"I'll guess that the poachers are the reason." Stated Magical Bear. The snakes continued to close in. " Maybe if we don't move they won't attack." That idea sadly didn't work. The snakes jumped at the five of them.
The heroes reacted quickly & begun to shake the snakes. They attacked by swinging and spinning. Despite their efforts the snakes continued to drain the heroes' HP. Magical Bear began to focus energy around the heroes.
Once they got past the snakes, they encountered a creature they always encounter. Tiger slashed through the creature.
The fort was actually farther than expected. After journeying for a while Magical Bear decided to stop them.
"Thanks for saving us back there. Without that we could of lost." Said Warty.
"You're welcome. There is no need for all this thanks.
[7/2/19] The mammals continued to slash though enemies, use Jutsus, swing on vines, eat, collect healing items, items that boost stats, & gain new knowledge. When they were a little ways from the forts entrance Magical Bear stopped them. "I think... Yes .. I remember a story about the deities."
"Then please tell us." Asked Gerald.
[2nd POV] Once a very long time ago there was a large-scale battle going on between two human groups called the Greecs & the Trojans. At the time they were almost the world's best. At first only Ares, deity of war was interested.
As the battle escalated other deities gained interest and even guessed using facts as to who could/would/should win. Years went by & the mortal humans were still fighting but just about every deity had chosen one of the two sides. They fought each other and many relationships were broken:siblings, spouses, friends, and even parent/child relationships.
Only a few deities tried to have peacefulness return. Those plans failed. The large-scale battle might of ended if not for ... [7/3/19] ... if not for Azsetal, deity of wisdom and the good side of war. She gave one of the humans w plan of pure intellect. He them told his team, the Greecs, about the plan. The plan was to build a large animal, have humans hide inside it, pretend to be sorry, & launch an attack from inside Troj.
The plan worked perfectly causing a win for the Greecs & the Trojans tobbe nearly eliminated. The deities who sided with Troj were punished and forgiven. With the Trojans defeated the Greecs soon became the world's best.
[1st POV,] "Thus this one story I now remember that involves the deities." I said, "now story time is now finished. Time to take on those awful poachers." So we moved sling and entered once the doors opened.
Like all the previous times there were cubes, creatures, cube creatures, & stuff from after the previous fort. This time I could hear noises, noises that sounded like snakes. I could tell the others were shaken up so I said, "We have reached this point. Have in the deities & in yourself." That sure helped them and we began to move a lot quicker.
[3rd POV, 7/4/19] Inside the fort were traps. Despite that they mostly didn't work or worked badly. Before any of them knew it they were at the boss doors. They entered w/o a word. Inside was the same human. "You know Magical Bear, we've had about enough of you. Behold Robotic Snake. Bye."
The Robotic Snake moved forward and tried to attack, the heroes avoided it & Magical Bear said, "Tiger time to prove yourself." The tiger nodded and got into position.
After making some movements Tiger used "Fire Art:Tiger Flame Jutsu!" A spew of fire was summoned hitting the snake. Robotic Snake then slithered towards Tiger and bit him. Tiger roared and slashed at the Robot. He had turned purple due the snake being poisonous.
After losing some HP the tiger charged at the snake. Turns out that despite not having any limbs it could still attack physically. Tiger continued to use Jutsus of the fire art.
"Fire Art:Disc of Flame!" A fire disc appeared, Tiger threw it at the Robotic Snake. Unfortunately the snake reflected the disc back at the tiger.