[12/12/18, 1st POV]The Giant Rock Mob looked around for a [12/14/18] target. My memories told me that it could fire lazers. The red light coming from the center of the head (the top rock) became more red by the second. I noticed a red Dot on me. Quickly I imagined a tree to block the attack. Boom! There was a [12/15/18] huge explosion. Ahhh... I got launched back. My memories told me the Giant Rick Mob isn't the most dangerous rock mob but its close.
Think... umm ... Uh... Ok... No idea what to do. The Giant Rock Mob (I'm a call it grm from now on.) looked around again. I knew if it saw me it would lazer me. Wait... It can move? Of course there are legs and feet. What to do... What to do... What to do?
Idea! I rolled into a ball & continued rolling. Oof, I crashed into his foot-thing. The grm turned it's head. It began to charge it's lazer once more. Uh .. run.... I ran around the grm and began to punch it. Then I ran to to the other side and kicked it's foot.
The grm moved it's foot which caused me to go flying. Dang I should've known that was going to happen. Hmmm... What else can I do. Let's see... Right I'm still in Imagination Land. I can imagine almost anything to aid me in the battle against the grm.
[12/16/181st POV] Think... What would help in a battle against the grm? Of course a weapon or a tool. Now time for some more thinking... Which tool or weapon to imagine? Ah.. the grm hit me with a weal lazer for no apparent reason. Well physical attacks will work too.
[2nd POV]The polar bear began to imagine a launch pad. Now in the air the bear punched the grm's leg. Realizing that didn't do much while falling, the bear [12/17/19/8]once again activated binocular vision. Using this power the bear saw how tall the grm really was. Landing on the ground with an oof the bear once again decided to use a physical attack.
Now the bear imagined a helicopter hat ( while out of sight) to take him up to the grm's back. [12/18/18] Once at the right height the polar bear began to attack with polar bear strength. This created a few cracks and holes in the rock. 'Dang this guy's real tough' thought the bear.
Using the helicopter hat the bear flew upward until the bear reached the grm's shoulder. Lifting it's hands (front paws) The bear prepared to use polar bear [12/19/18] instincts, the instinct to catch seals from air
holes. The bear slammed it's front paws on the grm. 'Yes' thought the bear ' critical hit ' then he used the helicopter hat to fly while the grm was recovering from the hit.
[1st POV, 12/19/18] Using the helicopter hat I landed on his other shoulder. It's my instinct, the instinct to wait for seals at air holes in the ice and pounce. I grunted as I hit the grm. Dang the impact stung, well of course it's rock not a seal.
Helicopter hat away, I thought, whoo I sure dealt a lot of damage and recoil. Landing on the ground I noticed another red dot on me. Great he's [12/21/19] going to laser me again. I began to move , slowly then faster. Somehow the laser was still locked on to me. The dot become more red by the second. Quickly I imagined a dirt wall to protect myself.
Of course a tree didn't stop it so why would dirt, I thought to myself as I got launched. I once again used the helicopter hat to fly, this time so I didn't crash on to the ground. This guy is magical so physical attacks won't be too effective. Well I once again have to think of a weapon or tool to use.
Dang I have to think fast because another red dot appeared on my fur. Wait... Where's my flag? Great I dropped it when I was lasered just now. I ran at bear speed towards it. Right the grm still has me as it's target. When I reached to flag (the grm had bearly missed ) I received the memory of a weapon that just might work. I imagined a club.
[3rd POV, 12/25/19] Breath in breath out... Focus thought the bear. The grm began to move, heading towards the bear with the club. The two started to pick up speed. The grm started to charge it's laser while the bear used the helicopter hat to gain air.
The laser began to track the bear and also becoming more red. However the bear didn't worry as the helicopter hat took him closer to the grm. Alright it's now or never, the bear thought. If I don't distroy it now... The bear's thoughts were interrupted as he landed on the head of the grm.
The bear raised it's club & prepared to hit the grm. Using all it's might the bear lowered the club. After hitting the grm the bear jumped up and body slammed. Sadly at that moment the grm hit the bear w/ his arm thing. Ah... Said the bear as it fell. The beta saw the grm was going to fall and crush it.
It's the end, the bear thought,and I did so well. Dang... Well.... Maybe just maybe ... Huh? A steel coffin surrounded the bear & before that a blue lazer hit the grm. The bear wasn't sure what just happened but things began to look good.