" Oh I've got your nose Rob, brouhaha."
The old duke said as he played with his beloved grandson.
Right now the old duke was playing with his grandson in the castles courtyard. While Roberts parents could spend some time with one another.
The boys birth had taken a great toll on their family. All the healers in the duchy of Kingswood said that the child's condition in the womb was unstable and that giving birth to him would lead to a high likelihood of both the child's and mothers deaths.
However Percival's daughter in law Laura insisted on giving birth to the child, despite the healers and midwifes warnings.
In truth that is exactly what would have happened. If Laura's husband Philip, didn't decide to use their family's most precious heirloom the legendary artifact known as the "Candle of the shooting star".
This artifact allows people with the blood of the Pellinore family to make a petition directly to the Gods once in their lifetime. This petition if deemed to be acceptable by the Gods would be granted much like the legendary wish spell. However in order to grant said petition an equal amount of valuables must be offered as an offering.
So in this case, the lives of Laura and Robert cost the Pellinore family a majority of their rare monster cores, magic scrolls and half of the budget they had allocated for their duchy this year.
In the old dukes mind this was a small price to pay. Normally in similar situations such as this it would take another persons life to grant this wish. While losing a majority of his monster cores was regrettable, losing either of his family members was unacceptable.
In his mind he could always hunt for more monsters any day, scrolls and artifacts could always be made again and coins could always be earned.
But to the old duke whose direct family only consisted of himself, his only son Philip, Laura his daughter in law and their children Peter, Jackson and Olivia. With Robert now included that meant his family could only be counted on two hands. This was very dangerous to noble family's, as their bloodline must be protected in order for them to fulfill the duties expected of them.
But that wasn't how Percival saw things, in his mind family was the most important thing in life. He would rather fight the whole world before going against his own blood.
During the prayer when the offerings were made, much like his son duke Percival too offered his own life if that was needed.
"pa- aga~ a!"
A content looking Robert cooed to his doting grandfather.
"Damn your too cute, ya remind me of a baby version of me ha ha!"
"Don't worry little Rob I'll personally take charge of your upbringing so that you'll end up exactly like me" Said the shameless old man.
A wide grin lay plastered on the old mans face as he continued playing with his grandson. His eyes looking ever so lovingly.
The boy has lustrous violet hair like his mother, emerald green eyes much like his father and grandfather. But most importantly much to his grandpas amusement, the grandpa and grandson had an uncanny resemblance to one another. Whether it be their facial expressions or the way they laughed with their gut, the two were two peas in a pod. And in the two weeks of Roberts life they haven't spent a day apart.
" Hey Gramps, your hogging Rob all to yourself again!"
A young Peter shouted, while running and waving towards the duo.
Peters the oldest out of the four siblings. Is eleven and the most athletic of the bunch so far. The old duke is worried for his grandson, because Peter is their family's official heir. But the boy just wasn't cut out for academics and politics. Instead he excels in the martial arts especially in his swordsmanship.
The boy has the potential to become a great knight in the future, Percival mused. All I can do for him is make sure he's surrounded by trust worthy and competent people like Jackson and Olivia in the future. As the old fox continued to scheme for his family's well being, Peter arrived at his side.
" Gramps let me hold onto Rob for a bit, I promise I'll take responsibility for him"
Peter said with a radiant smile as he made a small salute
" Ha ha ha, you'll take responsibility ey?"
The duke said mischievously.
"When did you learn to speak so properly? If I remember correctly only last month you offended that one viscounts brat so much he challenged you to a duel?"
" Ah you mean Anson? well all's well that ends well gramps besides he's now one of my subordinates"
"Fine you can play with your brother until dusk, then you go give him back your mother ok?"
"Aight gramps leave Rob to me"
Percival said with a little killing intent leaking from his body
"Better take responsibility ok?"
*gulp* "o- ok gramps hehe, no need to be scary jeez"
Percival smiled as he gazed at his grand kids.
In a low voice, he said to the knight standing behind him.
"Gerald, go watch over those two I can tell, they're both troublemakers like me"
Duke Percival's eyes wandered off into the distance as if reliving the days of his youth.
In a gruff but dignified voice the knight responded
"Compared to hunting Hydras babysitting those two lordlings will be a breeze, Ill be off now old friend"
The Knight said with a dignified smile as he silently followed the two laughing brothers.