The night of 26th. I twisted and turned in my bed, unable to go to sleep. I tried not to think about tomorrow to no avail. Tomorrow I'd leave in the afternoon, perhaps before so I can reach there by six and then attend the ball by eight. I repeated this in my head over and over again. Sighing, I got up to grab a glass of warm water. The floor was cold beneath my feet. The night was too chilly for October. I shivered my way to the kitchen. Just then I saw a moving shadow outside the window. I gasped, nearly letting go of the glass in my hand. My heart beat picked up pace. I titled my head to get a view of the thing outside. I didn't see anything. "Luna?" I called, hopeful it was her playing some mindless prank. No answer. Having no courage to go check, I went to sleep.
In the morning I woke up with barely any sleep. I looked at the mirror to see how pathetic my swollen eyes looked.
"Put some ice on that thing," The first thing Layla said entering the house, lazily pointing at my eye. I frowned but did as she told.
The rest of the morning Luna and Layla spent on my makeover and in no time, it was time to go. My heart raced with enthusiasm as I hugged them both before entering the caravan. This stop was on the outskirts of the town, so the news of me going didn't spread like fire. I didn't really want my aunt and uncle knowing.
"Take care, okay? I love you," Layla hugged me tight.
"Hope it's not a scam," Luna laughed nervously, then hugged me too.
I nodded one last time as the door closed. "𝘛í𝘳 𝘯𝘢 𝘯-𝘦𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘢𝘤𝘩," I told the old driver the address to which his eyes nearly popped out of the sockets. "I mean the outskirts only, I have some trade business there." I switched to English. Maybe he didn't recognize my accent. Silence. "Do you understand?"
The man slowly nodded.
The journey seemed to go on forever. Half asleep, I sensed the presence of another body next to me. I jutted up, squinting at the person. The sun was less intense now, meaning that the destination was closer. "Did I wake you up?" A girl spoke to me. She didn't sound Irish so I moved back to get a good view of her.
"Uh, no. It's fine. My destination is near anyway," I replied, smoothing out my hair with my fingers.
"I'm Nisha," She extended her arm forward.
She looked younger than me and was alone in the caravan so I couldn't help but ask, "Where are you headed to? Don't you have a family?" I hoped I didn't sound rude.
Nisha smiled. "Actually I am headed to see my family. I work in a small village near Adare. It's a small food factory. I got five days of holidays." Her excitement made me smile too. "What about you?"
"Huh? Oh. I have some trade business I need to take care while my uncle is out of town. Now that I'm eighteen I need to help him," I looked away not knowing what else to say. Her clothes were grimed and torn. Her stomach grumbled and she laughed. I reached into my bag and gave her a sandwich I had made for myself.
"Thank you," She mumbled before gobbling it quickly, while telling me more about her town. In about fifteen minutes, the caravan stopped and I got down.
"Bye Asra. See you again, hopefully. Do visit me in the factory okay?"
I nodded before hurrying off. After a few minutes of walking I saw a small inn. I entered it so I could fix my hair and clothes. The inn was crowded with people, mostly men who sat near shelfs playing cards and drinking beer. The interior was lit with warm coloured rope lights on the rim of the tables and walls. Most of the furniture was a dark woody colour finely polished and cleaned. I approached one of the bartenders behind a fancy shelf.
"𝘏𝘢𝘪𝘨𝘩, may I know the directions for The Land of Eisiach?" I uttered.
The old bartender stared at me for a long time before he let out a chuckle. "And what is your business there young lady?"
"I, well.." My voice trailed off.
"You currently are in The Land of Eisiach," A young boy came near the other bartender, faking a fancy accent. "You'll receive directions according to your work."
He had dark brown hair, half of them neatly gelled on his scalp and some messily on his forehead. He had a tall and sharp frame, buff yet slim. The gold lights shadowed his face in an uneasy way.
I stared at him for a long time. He really thought he was cool. Ew.
I turned to the old man again and took out the invitation from my bag. Before I could say anything, the guy snatched it from my hand. I was already losing my patience.
"Woah, what are you? A professional thief? Or a sorcerer?"
That received a hard slap from me. The noise slowly died down. Seats shifted uncomfortably and I saw the guy gesture a 'calm down' hand towards the crowd, removing it from his face and show casing his deep red cheek. I snatched the invite from his hand and walked out the inn. One thing I hated more that rotten pomegranates was cheeky dudes.
The sun was nearly setting. I looked at a street clock and it was six thirty. This place was colder than my town. Walking around I saw stalls of hot chocolate and sweets. The air caramelized on my tongue. The whole place was brightly lit with the royal family's pictures and lights and balloons. A huge town center showcased the almost engaged couple on the wall. Mesmerized I moved closer. The prince had dark grey hair, neatly gelled. His facial features screamed perfection, with a sharp face shape and his innocent looking features contrary to his grim expression. His princess however was a beauty from another world. Her black hair was straightened and her green eyes looked more expensive than emeralds themselves. I stood there long enough to retain their faces in my heart.
Even the stall owners looked more elite than me. I felt like a misfit. But the dress Luna and Layla had prepared for me would for sure make me slightly blendable in the ball. I slid into one of the guest rooms located in a dark corner. It looked shabby and old compared to the rest of the places here. With only a few coins, I was able to stay there and prepare for the ball.
It was seven forty-five and I had spent all my time and effort looking pretty and exploring the magical place with it's mouth watering food points and inhumane looking beauties. This place was majestic enough, but when I first caught sight of the palace, I nearly screamed.
I shakily made my way to the palace. My legs were already tired from all the exploring I had done and now the anxiety was getting to me. What if this was actually just a mistake and I get thrown out of the ball? Even worse, they lock me in a dungeon and call my parents.
"Hey you look a little sick. Please make way for others. Take a seat here," A young looking guard held my arm and made me sit on the side of the mahogany bridge leading to the royal gardens. "Huge and ravishing," I said panting.
"Who? Me?" The guard asked, nonchalant. He handed me a bottle of water.
"The palace," I replied quickly. "Thanks, I almost fainted.'
"No problem," A minute of silence. "Your invite?" He extended his hand forward.
I handed it to him. With a frown on his face, he asked, "You don't belong to the 𝘦𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘢𝘤𝘩 right? What kingdom are you from?"
"Is it valid?" I asked.
"The invite,"
"Yeah pretty much. Why-"
I grabbed it from his hand. "Then why make me wait? I'll see you again. Thanks again." Before waiting for an answer, I hurried off.