Just as Enoch said earlier, after waiting for more than half an hour, we saw a gray Toyota pickup parking beside the house. A beautiful lady came out of the car and walk to us in a ten inches long boot that got to her knees, wearing a shot black skirt and a white spaghetti top, covered with a Yellow long jacket.

One look and you'll know she's a hot cake from how she chewed her gam and how her crimson hair was scattered. "What are you doing at my gate, what do you want." She asked impolitely when she saw as standing at the gate, without even greeting.

I had to look at the faces of the others and back to hers to be sure she was really talking to us, and infact, both Enoch and Gideon had the same surprised look on their faces just like me.

"Are you all dump or you are just stupid? Get out of my gate if you have nothing to say, am really tiered and need to rest my ass." She said when nobody answered her earlier question.

We were still silence for some seconds before I reacted. I took my barge from my pocket and showed it to her saying, "We are from the police service, and we'll need to talk to you for a while madam..."

" And you think I care? Get out of my way I need to go in and rest." The girl in Ladies body said harshly again.

I was mad at this point, I had no time for this shit she was showing me. I noticed Gideon wanted to talk, but of course, Enoch won't let him. Maybe he wanted to see how I'll handle the lady, so I decided to change my tactics.

"You know what, there are other police officers who are going to be here tomorrow morning. And they're not going to be calm like we are. We came ahead to see how we can help you, because I know you have nothing to do with the case.

But with this attitude of yours, you'll be mistaken as an accomplice, but if you help us, you might even be rewarded, so it's your choice." After that long speech I gave her, I saw just a little change on her face, so I had no hope she'll let us in.

" What can I do for you, and what case are you talking about? I didn't do anything, so why would the police come here?" She said calmly this time, but I noticed the fear she was hiding in her voice and I used it in my advantage.

" Oh! so you don't know anything? Someone just killed a person and left the body right there on the street, so if you don't know anything about it, can you help us identify the killer." I knew I was being sarcastic while saying that, but I had to.

"But how can I help you when I know nothing?" The lady asked.

"Can we go in first, so we can sit and talk calmly. Enoch suggested, when he saw I was getting inpatient, and the lady agreed.

She offered us seat and snacks when we were in her apartment, and Enoch took the head to narrate to her what happened and what she can do to help, from where I was almost rapped to how the man's body was on her street.

She agreed to show us the footage of the CCTV, but with a condition that only Enoch will come with her to the strong room. It didn't sit well with me so, I insisted on joining them, using the excuse that I was the only one who can identify the killer, which she had no choice but to accept.

At the strong room, I was giving a seat in the front while the lady and Enoch took the one at the back. From the screen of the computer, I could see how she was throwing herself at Enoch, doing anything for him to notice her, like a trophy she needed to claime no matter what.

I decided to get a copy of the footage after watching for a while without seeing anything important, because I couldn't concentrate, and she gave it to me without question.

I noticed how Enoch was being so cosy with her, playing along in her game, which really upset me without reason. "I thought you said you were tiered and needed to rest, aren't you anymore, or you can still work after a day long work."

I knew what I said really got to her, because she stopped what she was doing at once, but decided to keep her cool, not like I care what she does, I have what I wanted.

"Thanks for your kindness, we'll be on our way, have a good day," I said and started walking out without saying anything to Enoch or waiting for him.

"let go, we are done here." I said to Gideon when I got to the living room and continue walking out of the house. I thought he'll follow me but no, he stayed and wait for Enoch before coming out of the house with him.

I couldn't understand why he respects Enoch so much when all he does is to order him around, and doesn't even regard him as friend. Maybe there's something I should no, because it looks like they are hiding a huge secret.

I got to the car we came with in a hurry because, I needed to use the laptop I saw in the car to watch the footage, but I powered it on and it was locked with a password. But why not, it belongs to a security personnel for petty sake.

"Enter your name, it will open for you" I heard Enoch's voice, which startled me.

"What! my name? But how? Which one?" I wonder why his password is my name.

"The one your parents gave you, try it out it will open for you am sure of that" Enoch said, smiling mischievously.

I entered my first name "Abigail" even though I thought he was just joking with me, but there, it open. I had no words to explain how surprised I was. I kept looking at him thinking of why he used my name as his password, maybe it was a special name for him.

"Why did you use my name as your password?" I asked when he sat beside me at the back seat, so we could watch the footage together.

"It's just a coincidence, you have the same name but that's not yours." He replied with a smirk, and all I could say was "ohh" showing my disappointment.

We watched the footage for a while and still couldn't find anything, but then wait, the car that hit the man, it's familiar. I pulsed the video and yes, I was right, it's the same car, I've been in it severally, so how can I not know, and the number plate is still the same.

At first I thought the number plate was incomplete, because it was not showing well, but when I watched it again in slow motion, I noticed it's the same car he used to pick me up, whenever we had to go out, and if I can identify the car, then I can also identify the lady who was talking to the man but then hit him when he was just about to leave.

"Mr Damtis, see this, I think I no the owner of this car." I said to Enoch tapping on the screen of the laptop.

"What? How? Who do you think owns it, and how sure are you that the car in the video is the same as the one you are talking about" Enoch said, not believing what I said.

" I know it's the same car, you see it plate, it's not incomplete as we thought, it a shot form of a name, I've seen and used this car before, so I think I can also identify the lady in the video. " I said but he kept looking at me.

" If am right, this lady is the same person who sent the guy to me, and when the police were after him a day before yesterday, he run to her to hide himself.

And maybe the lady got scared that he'll be captured soon and her name will be out, so she hit him intentionally when he was leaving after talking to her, just as the footage is showing." I said so confidently.

" So who is the owner of the car and who could this lady be? Why do you suspect them anyway, tell me?" Enoch asked, still unsure what to believe.