Chereads / The Dark Lord's Myriad of Death / Chapter 12 - Into The Unknown (3)

Chapter 12 - Into The Unknown (3)

Amidst the chaotic clash of elements, the atmosphere crackled with tension and energy. The echoes of thunder and the sheer destructive power of the raging forces ruptured the air, creating an intense symphony of raw power. Lightning danced through the forest, illuminating the darkness with its blinding brilliance, while flames leaped and writhed, consuming everything in their path.

Within the confined space where these elements collided, the air trembled with a palpable sense of fear and awe. The roaring tempests reverberated through the surroundings, shaking the very foundations of the area.

The sheer force of the battle created a pressure that could be felt, a weight that hung in the air, reminding all witnesses of the immense power at play.

As the lightning clashed with the flames, the unleashed might of these opposing elements created a spectacle of both beauty and terror.

The crackling energy and swirling inferno intertwined, painting the scene with a mesmerizing display of colors and shapes. Sparks flew and embers danced, creating a mesmerizing ballet of destruction.

I had to act. I needed to find a way to turn the tide of this battle. With a burst of determination, I quickly surveyed the area, seeking any advantage I could find. Spotting fallen trees and charred rocks, an idea sparked within me.

Without hesitation, I meticulously placed traps among the debris, strategically positioning them to surprise and trap my adversary. While not as potent as my uncle's traps, which were of larger quantity, I hoped they would still produce similar effects.

With my preparations complete, the smoke from the chaotic battle began to dissipate, revealing the aftermath of the destructive clash. Fallen trees were charred, and the rocks that had been resting on the ground were burning.

As the smoke cleared, I anxiously scanned the area for any sign of the old lady. To my surprise, there were no signs of her presence. It was as if she hadn't appeared in the first place.

My plan had failed. Panic and despair gripped me as I realized the dire situation I was in. Exhausted and weakened, I struggled to find the strength to make my escape. I pushed my body to its limits, but the weariness weighed me down.

I stumbled and staggered, my legs threatening to give way beneath me. Desperation filled my mind as I pleaded with myself to keep moving. There were still unanswered questions that demanded answers, and I couldn't let it end like this.

But my body could take no more. With a final burst of effort, I collapsed onto the ground, the rocks and sticks a mere inch away from my face. The words of defeat and resignation lingered on my lips as I braced myself for the inevitable.

I fell hard on the ground, where rocks and sticks were visible just an inch away from me. This must be what they call a "wonderful quote" in books: "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." I had pushed myself to the limits of what I could do, and now I was facing the consequences.

Then, amidst the stillness, I heard it. Light footsteps, growing louder and heavier with each passing moment. A cold wind swept through the forest, carrying with it an air of anticipation.

My eyes widened as I looked ahead, and a new wave of fear and anxiety washed over me. A presence that shouldn't be there stood before me. It was the scarecrow-like creature with its unnaturally thin limbs and sharp, claw-like hands poised for attack.

"Hello," his voice oozed with a creepy undertone, sending shivers down my spine.

"You... Keeper... erm... Who are you?" I asked in a stammering voice, unable to get my wits straight.

"Styx... I am named Styx... By your father... William Stele..."

My father... I lost thought of everything; the ephemeral voice that came to me was suddenly stuck in my mind. The voice of the distorted keeper echoed through my mind as it mentioned my father.

"You know my father?!? How is he? How about my mother? Are they doing fine? Are things alright?" My voice became raspy and desperate as I hoped to learn something about them.

"I do not know, Enzouo... I was given a command... Protect... I follow," his shrill voice echoed around me.


I stayed silent while he seemingly surveyed the area I was in. Now that I notice it, he was wearing a mask with a scary expression laid upon it, a pumpkin-like color with engravings on it.

I will assume that it is a he. Well, it sounds like he anyways, and Styx sounds like a boy's name.

He was looking around the area and stopped at a spot behind. I think what he saw was the old woman with another creepy demeanor.

Before I could delve further into the conversation, a commotion broke out nearby. The old lady had returned, and she was not in a pleasant mood.

"Dangerous Old Lady..." he said while he lifted his hands to his side, seemingly preparing to attack.

"Who are you calling an Old..." But before she could finish, she swiftly dodged long claws that were aiming at her face.

"You probably lived in the war before the Warlocks came—" He wasn't given a chance to finish either as long threads began to shoot out from the fingers of the old lady, prompting him to dodge out of the way.

It was a new method of attack that she chose, one that she didn't execute against me. It seems that she wasn't taking me seriously while we were fighting. Her long gnarly hands spewed out threads that seemed to be hard as steel as they destructively eliminated their surroundings.

Their verbal sparring continued, each trying to get the upper hand in their banter. But the time for words had passed. The old lady unleashed her new method of attack, sending long threads shooting from her fingers with destructive force.

The battle escalated as Styx evaded her attacks, his speed, and agility on full display. The clash of their powers filled the air, but the fight began to lose its momentum.

"I AM NOT THAT OLD, YOU—KEEPER!" It seems she was very angry at being called old as she attacked the area with threads and air pressure from her claws with berserk-like speed and strength.

"Try me, hag—" Styx couldn't finish either; every time they tried to trash-talk one another, they got interrupted as they fought in a series of fast-paced actions that I wasn't able to follow.

Both of their strengths were equal, with both having different methods of attacking. No one seemed to be overwhelmed by the other.

As their fight intensified, I found myself caught between the excitement of witnessing such a spectacle and the fear of being caught in the crossfire. I needed to find an opportunity to escape, to distance myself from this madness.

For Styx, it was his speed and power that made his presence known, shifting from one wind to another in lightning-quick accuracy, landing on the charred and destroyed trees all around.

Meanwhile, for the maybe-not-old lady, it was her destructive power that came with her threads and claws that ripped through the air and could sever any part of Styx if they ever made contact with him.

Every attack was executed with precision and lightning speed, creating afterimages in this chaos of a fight. Both fighters were strong and amazing; if one were to space out in this battle, it would end in an instant.

"Surrender, old lady. I could easily win this war of attrition between us, so just give up." With a confident smile, Styx taunted her, using his high ground as a psychological weapon.

"Oh screw you, get off there and face me directly... hell, why are you even intervening in this battle between the kid?" she replied, feeling annoyed and ticked off.

"This kid is my responsibility, old woman. Go and find other young kids to prey on—WATCH THE MASK." Styx continued to mock her as he flew around the woods, dodging every thread and attack she executed.

"" The threads multiplied as she increased the pressure and intensity of her attacks.

Styx replied by increasing his pace as well. It was a never-ending battle between speed and space. She couldn't hit Styx, and he couldn't get near her as well. This went on for a long and possibly even longer if it weren't for one of them surrendering.

"Stop it, you moronic keeper. I came here for a contract. I follow the wish to make a contract."

She proclaimed as she ceased all harmful actions and placed her hands between her body. As soon as everything stopped, the next thing that happened was Styx standing beside her with his long sharp claws next to her neck.

"A contract you say?!?" Styx asked with passion.

"Of course, you dumb idiot. Now take your hands near me before I get some of your stupidity." She retorted with a strange passion of hostility toward him.

"Enzouo, I do not think it is wise to make a contract with a foul-mouthed old lady." He openly suggested.

I stood up and slowly approached them to where they were bickering. They were obnoxious, trying to one-up the other. When Styx asked this question, there was only one answer that I could possibly give him as of now...

"What is a contract, and how do you make one?" I curiously asked them.

Both of them stopped and stared at me with disbelief and replied in an interesting voice.



They both exclaimed in unison, their voices laced with a mixture of annoyance and surprise.