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Rainy days | Eren x Reader

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

You run through the heavy rain, wishing you hadn't worn your nicest clothes to go on some stupid date with a guy that you didn't even know. Your friends setting you up with guys was a regular occurrence, but it never ended well, and somehow, they still managed to convince you to go the next time they find some guy off of what you can only describe as a knock of Tinder app.

Trying to find the nearest bus stop seemed like mission impossible. In this rain, you could barely see 2 feet in front of you and it doesn't help that wearing your glasses is useless. You quit running, being anxious that you might slip and embarrass yourself in front of crowds of nobody. you keep searching until a hint of green flashes before your eyes. You sigh in relief and start slowly jogging to the bus stop.

As you neared the stand, a tall guy came into view. you slowed down your pace, not wanting to get close to the guy. 'what kind of lunatic is still out in the rain' You thought to yourself. The brunette guy was completely dry, it was shocking. On the other hand, you were completely soaked and looked ridiculous.

You made eye contact before quickly turning your head embarrassed about the way you look. The guy seemed to be amused by your awkwardness, he starts heading toward you. You spun around before realizing that that was nowhere to go unless you want to go back out into the pouring rain. You grew anxious as he got closer and closer.

" Here " you hear a deep voice say behind you. You inch around slowly, looking up at the green-eyed man standing before you.

" Huh " you questioned not understanding what the guy meant.

" You're shivering, take my jacket " He offered

" What, no it's ok, thanks for the offer " You politely declined, being too nervous to accept the gesture.

Now that you get a closer look at the guy, he's really attractive. He has emerald green eyes that seems as if they glow in the moonlight. He has a sharp nose that compliments his jawline. He has rosy cheeks and a face full of color. He has messy long brown hair but is dressed nicely. He was wearing a blue jumper with a white t-shirt underneath. He wore beige trousers with a matching backpack.

" I insist that you take it, you'll get sick otherwise " He persisted.

Before you could reply, he shoves it into your hand and you spot the bright headlights of the bus. You stick your arm out signaling the driver to pull into the stop.

Stepping onto the bus was calming. You can't wait to get home and just have a hot shower and sleep. You walk to the back of the bus, it's your favorite place to sit. Not a lot of people come to sit and the back which means less social interaction for you to do. However, the boy from outside follows you and sits right next to you. " What the hell," you thought, " the bus is virtually empty, why does he have to sit right next to me?".

The air feels tense, it's really quiet sitting next to this mystery man. You want to start a conversation but it feels way too awkward. You guess he feels the same way because he starts to talk.

" Do you feel warmer now? " he begins, "I have quite a few layers on so I didn't need the jacket "

" I do, thank you " you reply, not meeting his gaze, still feeling a bit nervous. He giggles

" You seem anxious " he stated the obvious, " You don't have to be "

Not knowing how to reply it went silent again. You felt disappointed that the conversation ended, you thought he was nice to talk to.

" So, what were you doing out in the rain? " you say, trying to keep the conversation going.

" I like walking in the rain, it's relaxing " he replied

" It's nice until you get sick " you both giggle at your comment.

A comfortable silence fell between you two before he broke it. He seemed to like talking a lot.

" So why were you out at this time? " he asked. You questioned if you should answer but figured it was only fair since you asked him first.

" I went on a date " you answered blandly, not wanting to remember the events of that awful date.

" You don't sound very happy about that. " He noticed. "He's very observant. " You thought

" it didn't exactly go very well " You answered with a slight annoyance in your tone. Guessed he picked that up because all he said was

" I'm sorry about that " before silence consumed the bus once again, the only sound being heard was the engine.

After a while, your stop finally arrives and you sigh in relief knowing you can finally lay in bed. " Here," you say, handing him his jacket back.

" Keep it," he replies with a smile on his lips.

" What? no way, please take it, it's your jacket " You replied quickly

" Exactly, it's my jacket so I'm saying keep it " he insisted.

Reluctantly you accepted before waving goodbye to the mysterious man and walking off the bus. You say thank you to the bus driver and turn to look at the stranger once again. He smiles and waves at you as the bus drives away.

You quickly jog away from the bus stop towards your apartment, wanting to get inside as soon as possible. You reach to get your keys out of your bag, then open the door before stepping inside, taking off your shoes, leaning on the door once it's closed, and taking a huge deep breath in before heavily breathing out.

" Fuck " is all you have the energy to say before collapsing onto the couch. You decide to check the jacket in case he left anything important in there. Probably should've done that before you left him but it's okay because you find nothing but a piece of paper folded in half. You begin to unfold it but before you get the chance to finish,


You get up slowly and head to the door, wondering who would be ringing it at this time of the night. " Yo " is all your flatmate Connie has to say as you open the door. " Hey " you reply, stepping to the side and leaving room for Connie to walk in. You decide that it's probably best for the both of you if there's no conversation, so you shut the door, grab the jacket and the paper, and head to your room. You throw the jacket onto your bed as well as yourself, you snuggle into your blanket and unfold the paper.

' EREN - ** *** ***** '

You laugh and smile to yourself "Eren" is all you say before drifting off into a state of unconsciousness.
