Finally, after 15 months, from May-23 I gradually translated this Fanfic ONE PIECE - I'M WHITEBEARD, now it's COMPLETE.
It's a long journey, a long process, but I'm glad it finished, WE finished it.
A lot of criticism, a lot of errors, and a lot of dramatic ups and downs during the process, but now it's all done. I'm, MoonEater, want to say my deep gratitude for my loyal readers, who have supported me all the way till now. I'm very very grateful to you all. THANK YOU!
The ending, the story, probably not as perfect as it expected, but it is what it is. And for the ending, i kinda understand what's Whitebeard thinking, just like what LOKI said :
"Destroy thing is easy,
burning something to the Ground is easy,
But fixing what's broken is hard, HOPE is Hard."
So that's the conclusion of Whitebeard story, THANK YOU ALL!