Chereads / The Sixth Overlord: The Dark Conquest of Dragonwolf / Jon Whitewolf/Overlord Vimor Targaryen

Jon Whitewolf/Overlord Vimor Targaryen

Jon Whitewolf nee Snow, born Vimor Targaryen of House Targaryen and Stark. The White Wolf of the North, The Night King, The Icefyre Lord, the Tyrant of Frozen Keep, the Dark Lord-Beyond-the-Wall, Scourge of Free-Folks, Son of Ice and Fire, Father of Dragon is the current holder of the Overlord mantle and the Founder of New Valyria/Dragonwolf Empire. A powerful, ruthless, and powerful warlord-king driven by ambition to create an empire from the blood of his enemies and the fire of his passion. He's a natural-born warrior whose skill with weapons and raw physical prowess was unmatched, a gifted strategist and tactician, a skilled student of magic, and a cunning master manipulator. He is a passionate and primal man filled with lust for control and dominance in his sex life. He's the founder and the leader of his private mercenary company "The White Wolf Mercenaries" and a merchant prince.